IOOS National Glider DAC: Demonstration and Update April, 7th 2016 | Becky Baltes and Luke Campbell.

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Presentation on theme: "IOOS National Glider DAC: Demonstration and Update April, 7th 2016 | Becky Baltes and Luke Campbell."— Presentation transcript:

1 IOOS National Glider DAC: Demonstration and Update April, 7th 2016 | Becky Baltes and Luke Campbell

2 Outline IOOS Glider DAC History/Background Resources and Tools Data distribution Future plans 2

3 Regional Associations provide most of our glider observations and most of our US presence 2013: Established a National Glider Data Assembly Center (NGDAC or Glider DAC) 2014: Released a Glider Network White Paper 2015: Established an IOOC Glider Task team to advance both initiatives 2016: Launched IOOS: Glider History 3 3

4 Summary of Glider Days for 2008-2014 4 Year Glider-days of data collected annually by glider operators. (Glider- day = 1 glider in the water collecting data for 1 day) Glider-days completed outside of the EEZ Glider-days supported by IOOS PO 20084007890349 200947391132337 201049441329990 201157401663772 201262921793715 201376473538990 201441543071224 2008 – 2014 Totals 37563106525377 * Glider Days provided with support from Federal Agencies including NSF, ONR, NOAA, EPA, state and local governments and private foundations. 4

5 Glider DAC Resources 5 National standards to ease exchange of data from regional glider operators Real-time distribution to non- federal and federal partners Archiving Share your data 5

6 Tools and Demo (Luke) Wiki Compliance Checker Thredds/ERDDAP Catalogs Status Page Glider data viewer Archive capacity 6

7 Glider DAC Resources – Github Wiki 7 Start here! Tool describes how to create file format All the reference material is here. If you see something, say something ( or put issue on github) Test with Compliance Checker 7

8 Glider DAC Resources- Registration/Status 8 Get U/N and P/W Login and register deployments Upload compliance checked data Check data status Access visualization tools 8

9 Glider DAC Reach – GTS, Archive, Access 9 Data goes to GTS for use in models Public access Archiving just finalized Data meeting standards are archived. Requirement for Certification for RA operators 9

10 Future Metrics 10

11 Future Evaluation Tools for Operators 11

12 Future Evaluation Tools for Operators 12

13 Upcoming & Potential Glider DAC Activities Finalizing new Glider DAC QARTOD Manual and developing procedures to perform some QA of glider data at the DAC Additional variables under consideration for the DAC: Chl, DO, CDOM, backscatter, others? Develop process for receiving delayed mode data Other ideas? 13

14 Links of Interest Glider DAC Homepage: http://gliders.ioos.us Glider DAC Wiki: Glider DAC Status: Compliance Checker: NCEI Archive for glider data: IOOS Catalog: IOOS Glider Network Whitepaper: _whitepaper_final.pdf _whitepaper_final.pdf 14

15 Questions?

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