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Presentation on theme: "MICROCONTROLLER BASE FIRE ALARM MADE BY: *Priya Rabadia *Rajdeep Rupapara."— Presentation transcript:


2  An automatic fire alarm is designs to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring environmental changes associated with combustion.  The fire alarm system is classified as either automatically actuated, manually acutated or both.  The main objective of this project is To detect the automatically operated fire and to control the spread of fire or smoke. INTRODUCTION

3  Resistors  Capacitors  Crystal: 11.0592 MHz  Transistors  Diode  Thermistors  Buzzer  Push button switch  Seven segment LED  ICs: 1. 7805 2. AT89C51 3. 4702 SYSTEM OVERVIEW

4 BLOCK DIAGRAM Power supply section Display And o/p section Functioning section Interface section

5 Circuit diagram

6  The above block diagram has mainly 4 blocks. They are as follows:-  Regulated DC power supply  Interface Section.  Functioning Section.  Display Section. Block diagram Explanations

7 1. Regulated D.C power supply: * The regulated D.C. power supply block is the main unit. * It can either be rectifier or D.C. battery. * This power supply is generally 9v D.C. * It is being to all the section. 2.Interface section: * The interface section consist of thermistors and transistors. * The thermistors have unique characteristic that its resistance increases with temperature decrease and vice-versa.

8 3. Functioning section:- * This is the main intermidiate or main functioning section of block diagram. * This block consist of microcontroller AT89C51 in which program is being fatch. 4. Display and output section:- * We can take out put from the seven segment LED. * This LED shows us which section is faulty and the buzzer gives us the warning of faulty section.

9  It is used in hospitals.  Used in schools and colleges.  It is used in industries. Applications

10  Less costly.  Circuit can be easily constructed  Fast response  High level security  Easy to design  Easy to modify  It is reliable Advantages

11  The conclusion of this project conclude that we can make microcontroller base fire alarm which works according to the fire break down in the industrial section. The above circuit can be made academically by taking care in hardware and software design. Conclusion

12 Thank you

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