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We Are Not Captive… … But We Are Captivating! America’s #1 Anti-Obamacare Agency!

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Presentation on theme: "We Are Not Captive… … But We Are Captivating! America’s #1 Anti-Obamacare Agency!"— Presentation transcript:

1 We Are Not Captive… … But We Are Captivating! America’s #1 Anti-Obamacare Agency!

2  A team of independent insurance agents selling nationwide!  28 years of experience in the insurance industry  Pioneers in selling insurance online since 2002  Member of Better Business Bureau with an A+ Rating  America’s #1 anti-Obamacare Health Insurance Agency!!  Produced over $120 Million AV in the last four years  Had our best year ever in 2015 with over $40 Million AV produced Who is USA Benefits Group?

3 Why Should YOU Consider USABG?  YOU own your block of business  YOU are vested for life from day 1  YOU earn advance commissions  YOU benefit from our years of experience  YOU benefit from our industry connections  YOU benefit from our focus on technology

4  Sell online without ever leaving your home or office  State-of-the-art website provides everything you need to be successful  Most extensive training program in the insurance industry  Receive ongoing support & recognition in a team atmosphere  Multiple contests, bonuses and incentive trips! Why do our agents love being here?

5 Health Division Portfolio of Health Carriers

6 Critical Illness Plans Supplemental Accident STM Bridge Plan Dental Plans Health Division Products

7 Health Division Marketing Plan  Our target market is self-employed individuals and their families, small- business owners and their employees  These people are struggling with their health insurance due to the many problems associated with the ACA (“Obamacare”)  We offer alternatives to “Obamacare” that have several advantages such as  More Affordable Premiums  Better Coverage  Better PPO networks  Higher Commissions  We refer to these alternatives as “Private Insurance” and they include  STM Bridge Plans  Defined Benefit Plans  Sharing Ministry Plans

8  A Short Term Medical Plan is a major medical plan with a termination date  Exempt from Health Care Reform  Commissions are 2-4 times higher than ACA  Very affordable premiums  Plans are 50% -75% less expensive than ACA  Risk to clients is mitigated because ACA requires companies to cover everyone regardless of their pre-existing conditions What is an STM “Bridge Plan?” A high-quality Short Term Medical (STM) Plan underwritten by one of our highly-rated carriers

9  We will show you how to significantly increase your income by adding ancillary products to the health plan  Average First Year Commissions The Total Protection Plan Health Plan + Critical Illness + Accident Plan $350 STM Major Med=$539 $50 Critical Illness=$440 $50 Critical Illness=$440 $59 Accident Plan=$215 $509 Monthly Premium=$1,634

10 “Level-Funded” Small Group Plans A simple, affordable alternative to traditional small-group health plans  The company pays for all claims up to a certain threshold  If claims exceed the estimated amount they are covered by a stop-loss policy  If claims come in below the estimated amount the company gets back the difference  The company and it’s employees have access to a web-portal that handles all aspects of the program

11  Selling life insurance has never been easier or more profitable! ◦ Sell the top 50 life carriers ◦ State-of-the-art web portal ◦ Easy short application ◦ Service work done for you! ◦ Easy one-time universal contract Life Division

12  Take advantage of the lucrative senior market where 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 every day! ◦ Contracts with the top senior carriers ◦ We will train you to sell  Medicare Supplements  Final Expense Plans  Senior Ancillary Products Senior Division

13 EARN * These are suggested marketing investments necessary to be successful. Your lead costs can be reduced through various lead credits and cash bonuses. INVEST $250 to $350+ Per Week in Leads* $10,000 to $16,000+ Per Month WORK $250 to $350+ per week 40 Hours Per Week Simple Marketing Plan

14 $50 per policy HII Health Plans $25 per policy CUL & FLIC Mutual of Omaha United American $10 per policy Health Plans $5 per policy Ancillary Products $10 per policy Health Plans $5 per policy Ancillary Products Marketing Credits

15 Additional Marketing Assistance  50 FREE Starter Leads  When you complete initial contracting and New Agent Training  50 FREE “B Leads”  When you make your first sale  Win $100 Lead Credits  On the Weekly Sales Call  Earn 25 FREE “B Leads”  When you “hit the boards”  (Average of 2-3 Aps)  $50 Dining Voucher (Only $5 each)  Used to generate referrals

16  Several years ago we analyzed our business  Over 90% of our sales came from “Signature Agents”  Over 90% of “Signature Agents” had Web-Enabled Tools  This combination is the key to success! What Does It Take To Be Successful?

17  Contract with USABG Required Carriers  Complete 8-Part USABG New Agent Training  Attend Weekly Sales Meeting Online ◦ Every Monday at 11:00 a.m. EST  Produce a minimum of $40,000 AV or 10,000 Points per quarter (8-12 Aps)  Uphold USABG high ethical standards “Signature Agent” Expectations

18  VIP access to USABG back office including Quoting Tool  Personalized USABG website with embedded links  Eligible for USABG contests, bonuses & recognition  Access to all USABG training programs  Access to all USABG marketing materials  FREE Group E&O Insurance (Errors & Omissions)  Continuing Education Reimbursement  Access to discounted preferred lead programs  $50 Dining Voucher for only $5  Discounted Web-Tools Packages  All benefits included for $35 monthly admin fee* * Admin fee is waived with the purchase of any iBoomerang web tools “Signature Agent” Benefits

19 Gas Car Maintenance Dry Cleaning Eating Out No Shows Lost Windshield Time Total Monthly Cost $800 - $1,200 Selling Online! Total Monthly Cost Around $110/per month Welcome to the 21 st Century!

20 Gold Package Normally $139.95/month “Signature Agent” Price Only $109.95/month AND we waive the $35 admin fee! You Need Professional Tools For Success! Email Marketing+ Text Marketing Web Conferencing Shortcut URL Contact Management & AutoResponder Calendar & Appointment Scheduler Personalized Website

21  When you produce $80,000 AV or 20,000 points (20-24 Aps) in a quarter you will qualify to be promoted to Career Agent.  Once you have achieved success with your personal sales you will be eligible for a Management Opportunity.  Managers can plug themselves into the USABG recruiting system which makes it easy to build a successful team. Agent Advancement Program

22  We Provide: ◦ Contracts with Top Companies ◦ World-Class Training ◦ State-of-the–Art Website ◦ Web-Enabled Tools ◦ Ongoing Support ◦ Incentives & Recognition  For Your Success! ◦ Write 3-6 Sales Per Week ◦ Earn $75K to $150K+ Per Ye ar The Bottom Line:

23 Go to Click on Careers Choose Enroll to Sign up for the Winning Team! Select David Collins as your manager Enter USABG305 as commission code Join the Winning Team at USABG!

24 Start Earning Money TODAY! Any questions? Please speak directly to your recruiting manage David Collins 405-616-7714/

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