INITIAL TEACHER PREPARATION SEMINAR #1 September 20, 2013 Urban Life 220 8:15 – 11:00am.

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1 INITIAL TEACHER PREPARATION SEMINAR #1 September 20, 2013 Urban Life 220 8:15 – 11:00am

2 GACE CONTENT EXAMINATION Plan to take the GACE near the end of Practicum I. Information available at Check Resources document for instructions with steps to register. Contact Ruchi Bhatnagar in the Dean’s Office if you have problems ( )

3 Study Abroad Complete notice of interest form; submit to Dr. Ariail Must have permission from department before planning to study abroad Faculty will convene soon to discuss options; interested students will be notified before midpoint of semester.

4 What is the edTPA? a nationally available performance assessment of readiness to teach for novices an assessment designed to engage candidates in demonstrating their understanding of teaching and student learning in authentic ways an evidence-based method to evaluate preservice teachers’ readiness to effectively teach their subject matter in diverse classrooms

5 Why the edTPA? In educator preparation, we are committed to provide precise, accurate, exhaustive, and scientific measurement of teacher candidates’ ability to be effective teachers. More information on the edTPA is available at

6 The edTPA Portfolio Authentic artifacts consisting of lesson plans student work samples analyses of student learning reflective commentaries video component representing teaching in action

7 What you will do…. You will complete three tasks specific to your content area: 1. Planning for Instruction and Assessment 2. Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning 3. Assessing Student Learning You should read the handbook for your program THOROUGHLY! Handbooks are available in the Resources document and in your edTPA template.Resources All tasks (What to do, What to Submit) are outlined in your edTPA template.

8 Understanding the edTPA Template Each edTPA template has specific information on the requirements for the portfolio. Sample template: English EducationEnglish Education The Context for Learning assignment is a part of Planning (Task 1) The video assignments are a part of Instructions (Task 2). All text must be entered in the Commentary files inside the brackets. Brackets will expand as you enter the text. Interns only need to complete one edTPA portfolio, even if they have more than one concentration


10 What to doWhat to submitEvaluation Task 1 Planning: Planning for Instruction and Assessment  Select one class as a focus for this assessment.  Provide relevant context information.  Identify a learning segment to plan, teach, and analyze. Select a learning segment of 3–5 lessons (or, if teaching within a large time block, about 3–5 hours of connected instruction).  Identify a central focus. The central focus should support students to develop conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND (mathematical) reasoning and/or problem solving skills.  Write and submit a lesson plan for each lesson in the learning segment.  Select and submit key instructional materials needed to understand what you and the students will be doing.  Respond to commentary prompts prior to teaching the learning segment.  Choose one language function. Identify a learning task where students use that language function. Identify the language that students will be expected to use to engage in the learning task and your instructional supports. Part A: Context for Learning Information Part B: Lesson Plans for Learning Segment Part C: Instructional Materials Part D: Assessments Part E: Planning Commentary Planning Rubrics: Rubric 1: Planning for (Mathematical) Understandings Rubric 2: Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs Rubric 3: Using Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning Rubric 4: Identifying and Supporting Language Demands Rubric 5: Planning Assessments to Monitor and Support Student Learning

11 What to doWhat to submitEvaluation Task 2 Instruction: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning Obtain required permissions for video recording from parents/guardians of your students and other adults appearing in the video. Submit the assessment used to evaluate student performance. Identify lessons to video record. You should be interacting with students to develop their conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, AND (mathematical reasoning and/or problem solving skills. ) Video record your teaching and select 1 or 2 video clips (no more than 15 minutes total). Analyze your teaching and your students’ learning in the video clip(s) by responding to commentary prompts. Part A: Video Clip(s) Part B: Instruction Commentary Instruction Rubrics Rubric 6: Learning Environment Rubric 7: Engaging Students in Learning Rubric 8: Deepening Student Learning Rubric 9: Subject-Specific Pedagogy: Using Representations Rubric 10: Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness

12 Submitting Videos Videos must follow guidelines for content (see instructions under Task 2: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning (about p. 18 in handbooks) Videos must be compressed to 50mb or smaller. Submitting video assignment 1. Attach to the edTPA template. 2. Attach the file to the assignment Test video to be sure it is upright and will open in under 2 minutes. Videos that do not meet these requirements will be returned and may be counted late.

13 Video Trial Assignment This is a non-graded, OPTIONAL assignment. If you do not complete this assignment, your grade will not be negatively affected. However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you take advantage of this opportunity to practice uploading a video that is similar in length and size to the required video(s) for your edTPA assignment. You should refer to the handbook for your program for details about the length and size. Instructions for compressing and uploading the video are available in the Resources document (Resources for Teacher Candidates). You must submit the trial video on or before the due date if you want feedback on your submission. Please note that this assignment is NOT to be attached to your edTPA template. The video file will be attached directly to the assignment.

14 Note: Mozilla Firefox is the preferred browser to use with LiveText. The second choice is Google Chrome. You may experience problems with Internet Explorer. If you encounter an unexplained problem when using LiveText (especially the video assessment feature), try switching to a different browser.

15 What to doWhat to submitEvaluation Task 3 Assessment: Assessing Student Learning Select one assessment from the learning segment that you will use to evaluate your students’ developing knowledge and skills. Submit the assessment used to evaluate student performance. Define and submit the evaluation criteria you will use to analyze student learning. Collect and analyze student work to identify quantitative and qualitative patterns of learning within and across learners in the class. Select 3 work samples to illustrate your analysis that represent the patterns of learning. At least one of the students must be a student with specific learning needs. Summarize the learning of the whole class, and refer to work samples from three focus students to illustrate patterns in student understanding across the class. Submit feedback on the assessment for the three students in written, audio, or video form. Analyze evidence of students’ language use from (1) the video clip(s) from the instruction task, AND/OR (2) the student work samples from the assessment task. Part A: Student Work Samples Part B: Evidence of Feedback Part C: Assessment Commentary Part D: Evaluation Criteria Assessment Rubrics Rubric 11: Analysis of Student Learning Rubric 12: Providing Feedback to Guide Learning Rubric 13: Student Use of Feedback Rubric 14: Analyzing Students’ Language Rubric 15: Using Assessment to Inform Instruction

16 Tips for Working with Video Obtain permission to video ASAP. Follow guidelines for your school AND follow guidelines for Video Confidentiality from Pearson.Video Confidentiality from Pearson Practice video recording; Review video clips to choose your best teaching. Submit the trial video assignment as early as possible for feedback on video process. Select Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome for your browser. Contact Tim Merritt with questions about video processing.

17 Tips for Success on the edTPA Read the handbook for your program thoroughly before beginning edTPA project. Share the welcome video for mentor teachers with him/her if you have a new placement for second part of Practicum I. Make sure that your mentor teacher is fully aware of the edTPA requirements. Always check criteria on rubrics before submitting assignments. Make a planning guide for the semester; Time management is crucial! Check your GSU email account and log into LiveText every day; Be alert to due dates. Keep a daily journal while working on the edTPA; This will help with your commentaries/reflections

18 Coming up... Next seminar is October 18. Bring hard copy of a lesson plan. PAW Week is October 21-25. Look for your session and plan to attend.

19 Questions? You are not alone. It is your responsibility to ask questions, seek advice, collaborate! Good luck!

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