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Jeopardy Medieval Vocab Renaissance Sacred Music Europe Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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2 Jeopardy Medieval Vocab Renaissance Sacred Music Europe Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Medieval This composer from the Ars Nova era was blind from birth and memorized long passages of philosophy.

4 $100 Medieval Francesco Landini

5 $200 Medieval List two accomplishments that Guido de Arezzo is noted for.

6 $200 Medieval The Guidonian Hand Stems on nuemes 4 lined staff Known as the father of modern notation

7 $300 Medieval Daily Double How were the Popes influential in teaching music during the Ars Antiqua period?

8 $300 Medieval They had the Schola Cantorum teach the monks in different Monastaries the Liturgy and promoted notation. Pope Gregory is the namesake of Gregorian chant.

9 $400 Medieval What are three characteristics of Medieval music?

10 $400 Medieval Melismatic Chant Open 5ths All Sacred music was Latin and vocal Secular Music had instruments Men were the performers

11 $500 Medieval Explain what parallel organum is.

12 $500 Medieval A type of sung chant that consists of two parallel vocal lines that are a 4 th or 5 th apart.

13 $100 Vocab What is unison?

14 $100 Vocab Many voices or instruments sounding on the same note at the same time.

15 $200 Vocab What does homophonic mean?

16 $200 Vocab Notes in a chord that are sounded together to make a sonorous sound.

17 $300 Vocab What does strophic mean?

18 $300 Vocab The same melody repeated again and with different words.

19 $400 Vocab What is polyphony?

20 $400 Vocab Many different lines of music that are Sounded or begun at different times Within a song.

21 $500 Vocab What does SHMRFT stand for?

22 $500 Vocab Sound Harmony Melody Rhythm Form Texture/Text

23 $100 Renaissance What is the name of this instrument?

24 $100 Renaissance Lute

25 $200 Renaissance List three characteristics of Renaissance Music.

26 $200 Renaissance Acapella is dominant form (Golden Age) Fuller sound, broader ranges Imitation Text and music reflecting each other (word painting) Melodies are gentle and consanant

27 $300 Renaissance What is the name of this instrument?

28 $300 Renaissance Hurdy Gurdy

29 $400 Renaissance Who was Pierre Attaingnant and what was his impact on music?

30 $400 Renaissance The printer who used movable type to print music which made it cheaper And more available to the general Public.

31 $500 Renaissance Name three prominent English composers.

32 $500 Renaissance Thomas Tallis Thomas Weelks William Byrd Thomas Morley John Dowland John Wilbye

33 $100 Sacred Music What language was all sacred music first sung in?

34 $100 Sacred Music Latin

35 $200 Sacred Music What was the dominating force of sacred music in the Medieval Period?

36 $200 Sacred Music The Catholic Church

37 $300 Sacred Music Thomas Tallis was one of the first composers to have permission to compose sacred works in his native language. What country was he from?

38 $300 Sacred Music England

39 $400 Sacred Music Palestrina wrote what important Sacred work?

40 $400 Sacred Music The Pope Marcellus Mass

41 $500 Sacred Music What are all 5 movements of the Ordinary of the Mass?

42 $500 Sacred Music Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei

43 $100 Europe What did Martin Luther do in 1517 That changed Europe?

44 $100 Europe Nailed his 95 Thesis (or grievances) To the door of the church.

45 $200 Europe How did Lutheranism change church Music?

46 $200 Europe It could be sung by a congregation It could be sung in German It did not focus on the worship of Mary

47 $300 Europe What was the main form of the Protestant Hymns he wrote the texts to?

48 $300 Europe Homophonic and strophic

49 $400 Europe What makes this music Renaissance music?

50 $400 Europe The stems on the nuemes The extra lines indicate it is a mass Produced book, which didn’t happen Until the 1520’s. There are 5 lines in the staff The decoration on the pages

51 $500 Europe Who was a prominent Venetian Composer and was an organist And composer for St. Mark’s Cathedral

52 $500 Europe Gabrielli

53 Final Jeopardy What did Henry VIII do that changed England’s relationship with the Pope, and How did it change music in that country?

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Henry VIII started the Anglican Church which Severed all ties with Rome and the Papacy. By doing this, his country was slow to adopt polyphony, ultimately able to worship with song in their own language and 2 Common Prayer Books were written for congregational Singing.

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