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Day 3: Body Systems: skeletal system & muscular system

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1 Day 3: Body Systems: skeletal system & muscular system
Game Plan: Kick-Off: Review from Fitness Concepts Notes: Skeletal System Notes: Muscular System Play-Doh  Video: Extraordinary Muscles (Dystonia Disease)

2 KICK OFF KICK-OFF: Health Review… Use your notes
List the 6 components of fitness. What does FITT stand for? F- I- T- What are the 3 stages of a workout?

3 KICK OFF List the 6 components of fitness.
 Muscular Strength, Muscular endurance, body composition, flexibility, motor skills, cardiorespitory endurance What does FITT stand for? F- FREQUENCY I- INTENSITY T- TIME T- TYPE What are the 3 stages of a workout? Warm-up, conditioning, cool-down

4 Skeletal System Key Points:
What makes up the skeletal system Ossification Functions Shapes Diseases Major Bone Labeling

5 Did you know that… The skeletal system consists of BONES and CONNECTIVE TISSUE.

6 Bones Quick Facts 206 bones in the body…
Made up of living tissues formed into different layers… The outer layer is hard, densely packed and compact. The inner layer is spongy bone, a less dense bone with a network of cavities.

7 Ossification The process by which bone is formed, renewed and repaired. All bones begin in the embryo as cartilage… through ossification, it turns into bone!

8 Connective Tissues Quick Facts
Connective tissues cushion the bones, attach bone to bone, and attach bones to muscles… (Cartilage, ligaments, tendons)

9 A. Cartilage: acts as a cushion
between 2 bones to reduce friction. B. Ligaments: attaches bones to another bone C. Tendons: attaches muscle to the bone

10 Functions of Skeletal System
Support Body Protecting Organs Movement Producing Red and White Blood Cells Storing Minerals (Calcium and Phosphorus)

11 Shapes of Bones Long Short Flat Irregular

12 Osteoporosis A condition in which here is a progressive loss of bone tissue…. PREVENTION: Weight bearing activities, weight lifting, calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus (Doctor Oz and Oprah on Osteoporosis)

13 Ribs Clavicle Cranium Sternum Scapula Humerus Vertebrae Ulna Pelvis
Radius Carpals

14 Femur Fibula Patella Tibia Tarsals

15 Muscular System Key Points:
How they work: types of movements Types of muscles Caring for your muscles Muscular Problems Diseases of muscular system: Muscular Dystrophy, Dystonia Major Muscle Labeling

16 MUSCLE FACTS: There are 640 active muscles in your body and they act in groups. Muscles are bundles of cells and fibers.

17 MUSCLE FACTS: Muscles work in a very simple way. All they do is tighten up - that is, contract - and relax. You have two sets of muscles attached to many of your bones which allow them to move.

18 The Muscular System allows for voluntary and involuntary movements.
Can you think of an involuntary movement???

19 Your heart beating or your digestive track working!

20 3 Types of Muscles Smooth Muscles Skeletal Muscles Cardiac Muscles
which are found on the walls of internal organs which help strengthen the body and connect to bones. is found only in the heart Stomach, small and large intestine Quadriceps, biceps, triceps, etc. Heart

21 How to care for your muscles…
Get regular exercise Eat high protein foods to build muscle Practice good posture to strengthen back muscles Use proper equipment and wear appropriate clothing during activity Warm up properly and stretch before exercising and cool down after to prevent injury.

22 Muscular Problems Bruises
Muscle strains or sprains (muscles are stretched or partially torn) Tendinitis: inflammation of a tendon Hernia: when an organ or tissue protrudes through an area of weak muscle (usually in abdomen) Muscular dystrophy: an inherited disorder in which skeletal muscle fibers are progressively destroyed. Dystonia: a rare disorder that causes the brain to send faulty messages to the muscular system.

23 Short clip on muscular dystrophy

24 Calf muscle 1. GASTROGNEMIUS (action: extends foot… “ballet muscle”)

25 2. QUADRICEPS Action: straightens leg

26 3. HAMSTRINGS Action: curls your leg

27 4. RECTUS ABDOMINIS Action: flexes and extends your core

28 5. Deltoid Action: moves your shoulders

29 6. Biceps Action: flexes your arms

30 7. Triceps (back of arm) Action: extends your arms

31 8. Trapezius Action: shrugs your shoulders “IDK muscle”

32 9. Latissimus dorsi Action: pulls your arms down “Wings” or “tickle muscles”

33 Play-Doh Activity… Create a skeleton including all the bones on your notes…. (cranium to tarsals) ALL 16 BONES… Place it on your blank sheet of paper and label each bone! BE NEAT! Rules: this is a grade… be mature… if you are not capable to use play-doh… you will not get credit.

34 Name




38 Extraordinary Muscles (40.00)
NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling genetic conditions. 31-year old Jason Dunn lives with Dystonia, a rare disorder that causes his brain to send faulty messages to his muscular system. Every waking moment his muscles flex out of his control, twisting his body into unusual positions. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a condition that has caused his muscles to wither away.

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