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Argumentative Appeals and how they are used. LOGOS, ETHOS, AND PATHOS.

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Presentation on theme: "Argumentative Appeals and how they are used. LOGOS, ETHOS, AND PATHOS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Argumentative Appeals and how they are used. LOGOS, ETHOS, AND PATHOS

2 LOGOS (LOGICAL APPEAL) A strategy in which a writer uses facts, evidence, and reason to make audience members accept a claim.

3 ETHOS (ETHICAL APPEAL) A strategy in which a writer creates a self-image/group-image of credibility and authority to gain the audiences trust in order to persuade them about a claim.

4 PATHOS (EMOTIONAL APPEAL) A strategy in which a writer tries to generate specific emotions (such as fear, envy, anger, or pity) to convince an audience to accept a claim.

5 WHAT APPEAL IS USED? “The third reason why consumers don’t read manuals is that many consumers are men, and we men would no more read a manual than we would ask directions, because this would be an admission that the person who wrote the manual has a bigger grasp of technology than we do. We men would rather hook up our new DVD player in such a way that it ignites the DVD’s and shoots them across the room-like small flaming UFOs-than admit that the manual writer possesses a more manly technological manhood than we do.” -Dave Barry

6 WHAT APPEAL IS USED? The following is from Jonathan Swift’s Satire A Modest Proposal, in which the author suggests that in order to control poverty, couples could sell their children as food. “I profess, in sincerity of heart, that I have not the least personal interest in endeavoring to promote this necessary work, having no other motive than the public good of my country, by advancing our trade, providing for infants, relieving the poor, and giving some pleasure to the rich. I have no children by which I can propose to get a single penny; the youngest being nine years old, and my wife past child-bearing.”

7 WHAT APPEAL IS USED? We don’t have a “gasoline price problem.” We have an addiction problem. We are addicted to dirty fossil fuels, and this addiction is driving a whole set of toxic trends that are harming our nation in different ways…. When a person is addicted to crack cocaine, his problem is not that the price of crack is going up. His problem is what that crack addiction is doing to his whole body. The cure is not cheaper crack, which would only perpetuate the addiction and all the problems it is creating. The cure is to break the addiction. Ditto for us. Our cure is not cheaper gasoline, but a clean energy system. And the key to building that is to keep the price of gasoline and coal--our crack--higher, not lower, so consumers are moved to break their addiction to these dirty fuels and inventors are moved to create clean alternatives.

8 SOCRATIC SEMINAR #1- FATE As a class, go through the Seminar handout. Keep in mind the appeals and use them to complete the handout’s final section.

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