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Mr. Whitehead’s Review Game. Participation is required!

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Whitehead’s Review Game. Participation is required!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Whitehead’s Review Game

2 Participation is required!

3 Answer the questions about point of view.

4 From The Twenty-One Balloons by William Pene du Bois It is funny that my trip has ended by being such a fast trip around the world. I find myself referred to now as one of the speediest travelers of all times. Speed wasn’t at all what I had in mind when I started out. On the contrary, if all had gone the way I had hoped, I would still be happily floating around in my balloon, drifting anywhere the wind cared to carry me – East, West, North, or South. Read the Passage

5 What is the point of view of the story?: A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person - Limited D. Third Person - Omniscient E. Third Person - Objective Question 1

6 From Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli So he turned and started walking north on Hector, right down the middle of the street, right down the invisible chalk line that divided East End from West End. Cars beeped at him, drivers hollered, but he never flinched. The Cobras kept right along with him on their side of the street. So did a bunch of East Enders on their side. One of them was Mars Bar. Both sides were calling for him to come over. Read the Passage

7 What is the point of view of the story?: A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person - Limited D. Third Person - Omniscient E. Third Person - Objective Question 2

8 From From the Mixed-Up files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, by E. L. Konigsburg Claudia was furious... She refused to look at Jamie again and instead stared at the statue. The sound of footsteps broke the silence and her concentration. Footsteps from the Italian Renaissance were descending upon them! The guard was coming down the steps. There was just too much time before the museum opened on Sundays. They should have been in hiding already. Here they were out in the open with a light on! Read the Passage

9 What is the point of view of the story?: A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person - Limited D. Third Person - Omniscient E. Third Person - Objective Question 3

10 From Number the Stars by Lois Lowry One of the soldiers, the taller one, moved toward her. Annemarie recognized him as the one she and Ellen always called, in whispers, “the Giraffe” because of his height and the long neck that extended from his stiff collar. He and his partner were always on this corner. He prodded the corner of her backpack with the stock of his rifle. Annemarie trembled. “What is in here?” he asked loudly. “Schoolbooks,” she answered truthfully.. Read the Passage

11 What is the point of view of the story?: A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person - Limited D. Third Person - Omniscient E. Third Person - Objective Question 4

12 From I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou For one whole semester the streetcars and I shimmied up and scooted down the sheer hills of San Francisco. I lost some of my need for the Black ghetto’s shielding- sponge quality, as I clanged and cleared my way down Market Street, with its honky-tonk homes from homeless sailors, past the quiet retreat of Golden Gate Park and along closed undwelled-in-looking dwellings of the Sunset District. Read the Passage

13 What is the point of view of the story?: A. First Person B. Second Person C. Third Person - Limited D. Third Person - Omniscient E. Third Person - Objective Question 5

14 Answer the qustions about conflict.

15 In the story The Giver, the protagonist escapes his hometown after discovering that people euthanize the weak and the elderly. The conflict is MOST likely: A. Individual vs Individual. B. Individual vs Self C. Individual vs Nature D. Individual vs Society Question 6

16 In the story A Separate Peace, the protagonist struggles with guilt over causing serious harm to his close friend. The conflict is MOST likely: A. Individual vs Individual. B. Individual vs Self C. Individual vs Nature D. Individual vs Society Question 7

17 In the story The Open Boat, the protagonist and three others fight for survival in a small life boat after their other boat sank. The conflict is MOST likely: A. Individual vs Individual. B. Individual vs Self C. Individual vs Nature D. Individual vs Society Question 8

18 In the story Frankenstein, the protagonist is tormented by the hideous monster that he created and abandoned. The conflict is MOST likely;? A. Individual vs Individual. B. Individual vs Self C. Individual vs Nature D. Individual vs Society Question 9

19 Answer the questions about the passage that you read.

20 Which of these words best describes the overall tone of the passage: A. tender B. angry C. playful D. frightening Question 10

21 Which of these best states a theme of the passage? A. Don’t wait until it’s too late to show love. B. Children end up being like their parents. C. Doctor’s don’t’ have all the answers. D. Humor is helpful in dealing with fear. Question 11

22 Where does this story mostly take place. A. the hospital B. an alien planet C. Ramon’s house D. Ramon’s mother’s house Question 12

23 What do Ramon’s actions by his mother’s bedside reveal about his personality? A. He is impatient with older people. B. He is uncomfortable around sick people. C. He feels a lot of anger toward his siblings. D. He cares deeply about the people close to him. Question 13

24 What is the main conflict in “The Martian Bandit story” A. Ramon’s secret that he can’t read adult books. B. Ramon’s emotions about his mother’s illness. C. Ramon’s mother’s disappointment at the stories her son tells. D. Ramon’s mother’s anger at her husband for making her sick. Question 14

25 Correct the underlined portion of the following sentences:

26 The old man ran to the store, but he forgot his wallet. A. No change. B. store but C. store; but D. store. But

27 Corey, and Christian like to watch Power Rangers. A. No change. B. Corey and Christian C. Cory, Christian D. Cory; and Christian

28 Harry, Hermione, and Mr. Whitehead solved the mystery, because Voldemort had been careless. A. No change. B. mystery. Because C. mystery; because D. mystery because

29 Although T.J. Oshie was granted the restraining order, Courtney could still go to the Blues game. A. No change. B. order. Courtney C. order; Courtney D. order Courtney

30 Mr. Whitehead had good memories when he ate refried beans. A. No change. B. when, he C. when. He D. When; he

31 Bill and Ted needed a time machine so they could go back in time. A. No change. B. machine. So C. machine; so D. machine, so


33 Who is the antagonist in the episode “Nightmare at 20,000 feet”. A. The Marshall B. The Wife C. Fear D. The Gremlin

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