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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement""— Presentation transcript:


2 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Agriculture and Rural Affairs Steering Group (ARAC) 2010 Information for October Council Katherine Sealy ARAC Chairman

3 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" 2010/11 Defra Grant ARAC Forum – Proposed discussion groups: Promoting British Agriculture CEJA and farming in Europe Olympics 2012 Regional Link Days – Proposed days: CFE and Visit to NFU London Farm Business Development Competition Change of time and venue Additional category for agricultural college students Tenancy Training events – dates in January

4 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" CAP Reform Letter sent to European Commissioner highlighting: - retaining the Single Farm Payment to help support young farmers -support for training initiatives and recognition of best practice for young farmers and new entrants -Young farmers are keen to see subsidised loans for new entrants in future CAP reform-invitation received to meet with the Commissioner Further discussion groups planned with NFU and Natural England NFU’s Tom Hind to give a further CAP presentation at February steering group

5 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Affordable Rural Housing September meeting with NFU, National Housing Federation and English Rural Housing Association Agreed points on future housing policy Requested meeting with Defra Minister National media coverage July – BBC breakfast news, national and regional publications and media

6 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" CEJA Visit to CEJA in June Paper submitted to Board of Management for consideration to explore re-joining European Commissioner wants to work closer with Young Farmers

7 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Soil event and training Catchment Sensitive Farming – pilot soil events and training in the South West (in association with Environment Agency) Linking up with Campaign for the Farmed Environment Future joint-work to be explored

8 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" NFU Meetings 20 September – review of YFC membership category and YFC/NFU relationship 29 September – NFYFC/NFU office holders and staff 16 November – Great Milk Debate – 2 YFC members representing young farmers 15/16 February – NFU Conference, 76 YFC places Next generation breakfast meeting – alarm calls have been booked as attendance is obligatory!

9 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" British Wool Marketing Board Opportunities for competitions, training, visits and future joint-initiatives Future meetings and work development planned after Council

10 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Consultations Commission for Rural Communities ‘Call for Evidence’ Department for Communities and Local Government Somerset County Farm Estate and future county farm reviews bTB

11 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Natural England Meeting held in September Initial proposals include: -Page on NFYFC website -Input to CAP discussions -Material for young YFC members -Future competitions

12 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Elections Chairman: Milly Wastie Vice Chairman: Helen Reeve NFU representative: Milly Wastie CLA representatives: Hannah Skigley James Muglestone TRIG: Louise Elliott Rural: Katherine Sealy

13 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Prince of Wales’ Summer School Please also see report on NFYFC website: news/article.3423

14 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" ARAC Manifesto Currently available on NFYFC website under ARAC steering group section Additions include Health and Safety in the promotion of agriculture and skills and training

15 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF YOUNG FARMERS' CLUBS "Fun, Learning, and Achievement" Additional information Future collaborative work with AHDB Invitation from European Commissioner to meet with him in London on 8 December to discuss CAP reform Invitation circulated to input to the Regulation Task Force at next TRIG meeting

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