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Do-First: Turn in Quiz and Complete the 3 do first questions on your handout: 5 Minutes: Make it Happen What are the two gentlemen doing? Whose permission.

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Presentation on theme: "Do-First: Turn in Quiz and Complete the 3 do first questions on your handout: 5 Minutes: Make it Happen What are the two gentlemen doing? Whose permission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-First: Turn in Quiz and Complete the 3 do first questions on your handout: 5 Minutes: Make it Happen What are the two gentlemen doing? Whose permission are they asking for? What do you think would happen if Mongolia came to the United States and took all of the oil in Texas?

2 Objectives and Key Points SWBAT identify basic goals and characteristics of imperialism. SWBAT identify goals of imperialism by analyzing primary and secondary sources. Imperialism leads to colonization and empire building.

3 Why The idea and process of imperialism helps us understand many cause and effect relationships throughout history.

4 The only 22 countries Britain has not invaded

5 What is this imperialism you speak of? Imperialism is a policy of extending control or reach or authority over different regions of the world with intent to exploit/take resources and impose its own laws and viewpoints on that society. Strong taking over the weak! LEADS TO THE FOLLOWING! – Competition between countries to obtain raw resources and spread their view! – Colonization! – Empire Building! – Leads to the “Scramble for Africa”

6 Talk CFU #1 Turn and Talk: 30 seconds: What are two things Imperialism Leads to? – Competition between countries to obtain raw resources and spread their view! – Colonization! – Empire Building! – Leads to the “Scramble for Africa”

7 Goals of Imperialism






13 Table Talk CFU #2 & #3 What are three broad categorical goals for imperialism? – Exploratory – Mercantilism – Political – Ideological – Religious – Economic Describe the major goals of Religious imperialism. – Convert Natives to Christian Religions – Convince Natives their religion is evil/wrong – Change beliefs of next generation

14 Guided Practice What success looks like! What goal of imperialism is this quote referencing? _____________________________________________________ Support your analysis with concrete specific terminology from that goal. _____________________________________________________

15 On your Own! Analyze each of the practice examples. Determine which goal of imperialism each source is referencing. (Economic, Religious, Exploratory) Then support your analysis with concrete specific terminology from that goal.

16 Start Day 2 Scramble for Africa

17 Do-First: Take out Imperialism Packs Start With This Open your imperialism pack to page 5 and answer the 4 questions. SWBAT – Explain the partition of Africa by examining the “Scramble for Africa” Exploratory

18 Scramble for Africa Key Terms Ideology Industrial Revolution Partition: The act of dividing something into parts; carving; splitting up

19 Background Economic crisis in Europe during 1870s Competition between countries increases Leads to “scramble” for Africa

20 “SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA” Occurred 1881-1914 European nations established empires around the world- including Africa

21 WHY DID EUROPE WANT AFRICAN COLONIES? Power/Strategic Advantage Egypt, Morocco, South Africa (Cape Colony) Exploiting Resources Minerals/natural resources in South Africa, Zimbabwe Settling African territories (permanently) Angola, Kenya, Zimbabwe (Rhodesia), South Africa Natives moved to less-productive land Religious conversion

22 The Berlin Conference Economic Crisis Increased competition for resources War between European Countries Europeans fear War

23 The Berlin Conference Otto Von Bismarck Results – Europeans sign the Berlin Act of 1885 Goals – Prevent war – Divide up continent between the European Powers Who didn’t sign the Berlin Act or have a say at the conference?

24 BERLIN CONFERENCE established rules for territorial acquisitions Countries - dominated by France, Germany, United Kingdom and Portugal -U.S., Denmark, Spain, Italy, Russia, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Turkey were present -NO African leaders were present Reasons for conference - Confusion among colonialist nations regarding borders

25 BERLIN CONFERENCE Results - Africa was divided between European countries - Ethiopia and Liberia were independent - wreaked havoc on Africa by dividing cultures and bringing together enemies - can still see effects today through the political fragmentation and ethnic violence

26 With a partner


28 WAS THERE RESISTANCE? YES! Ashanti vs. British in Ghana (1874) Zulus vs. British in South Africa (1870s-1880s) Mandinkas vs. France in Guinea (1880s-1890s) Fulanis vs. British & Frence In Nigeria (1890s) Hehes vs. Germany in Tanganyika (1890s) Ethiopians vs. Italians (1896) Europeans won due to: Superior technology Modern weapons Internal divisions of African peoples/states Sometimes negotiations (British)

29 When its all said and done. Africa gets divided by the European Powers Which two nations seem to have grabbed the most territory?

30 SUMMARY Europeans ruled most of Africa for over 70 years Legacy of exploitation, denigration of native customs/institutions Often made existing tribal rivalries much worse (Rwanda) Made some limited improvements to infrastructure, education in later periods Only for certain people Only for certain purposes

31 AFRICA Imperialism in Africa Video

32 POSITIVES EFFECTS OF EUROPEAN COLONIZATION Europe  Colonies provided strategic, milit, & econ advantages  Minerals & other nat resources  Industrial Rev in Europe  Many Africans converted to Christianity  Cheap labor  Trade relationships Africa  Some improvement in transportation & communication infrastructure, health facilities, housing, educ.  Africans learned some things about market economics  Africans educated abroad returned to help their countries

33 NEUTRAL EFFECTS OF EUROPEAN COLONIZATION Europe  Some Africans got French citizenship $ spent to est. basics of society like gov’t & judicial Africa  Missionaries  Some Africans got French citizenship  Trade routes bt Europe & Africa

34 NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF EUROPEAN COLONIZATION Europe  Had to fight rebellions  Colonial rule in many places (Congo) was morally repugnant Africa  Had to fight colonial pwrs  European settlers took good land  Hard labor for low wages  Lost control of nat. resources  Leaders removed from pwr  Not prepared for independence  Europeans ÷d Africa w/ no regard for cultures/groups  Legitimacy of traditional African practices was undermined

35 INDEPENDENCE- UNDERLYING FORCES Africans resented European presence Africans desire for self- rule was fueled by the inequities of colonization (exploitation) WWI and WWII showed Africans that Europeans were fallible WWI and WWII provided Africans w/ exposure to a wider world- fought for colonizers Wars drained colonial powers Growing NATIONALISM

36 RESULTING PROBLEMS Political violence and ethnic conflict impacted economies European nations did not prepare African countries for independence Lack of infrastructure hurt the economies

37 Own your own Read this and answer the questions on page

38 Traditional Vs. Colonial Borders

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