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Beginning around 1850, European nations took control of much of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This policy of a powerful nation dominating the politics,

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2 Beginning around 1850, European nations took control of much of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. This policy of a powerful nation dominating the politics, economy, and society of another nation is known as imperialism.

3 European imperialism went hand in hand with industrialization European nations sought raw materials and new markets for industry and used new forms of transportation and weaponry to seize foreign lands.

4 New markets- most European nations were capitalist. They needed markets in which to sell their goods. Raw materials- means of production Nationalism- To gain power, European nations compete for colonies, particularly in areas that permit control of trade routes Conversion & Missionary impulse- missionaries and many Christian leaders in Europe believed they would do good by spreading their Christian teachings throughout the globe. Racism- the belief by Europeans that they were superior than everyone else.

5 A theory in which Charles Darwin’s ideas about evolution and natural selection were applied to human society. Those who were fittest for survival enjoyed wealth and success and were considered superior to others. Non- Europeans were considered to be on a lower scale of cultural and physical development because they had not made the scientific and technological progress that Europeans had.

6 European leaders often justified their imperialism partly through the theory of Social Darwinism Social Darwinists believed that wealth, technology, success, and strength make some groups superior to other, thus giving Europeans the right to invade some non- European lands.

7 Better weapons Railroads Telegram cables Steamships Quinine to protect from malaria

8 Many languages Many cultures Ethnic rivalries Lower levels of technology

9 Took place from 1884- 1885 14 European countries met to divide Africa Great Britain and France took most of it The remainder was divided among Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain and Portugal, with only 3.4% left independent Netherlands had no African colony

10 random distribution of African ethnic and linguistic groups among European nations Transformed Africans’ way of life


12 CAUSES IMPERIALISM EFFECTS Colonization : Stronger nations, in this case in Europe, control distant lands and people- in the 1800s, areas of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Colonial economics : Europeans control trade in the colonies and set up local economies that are dependent on the Europeans. Christianization : Christianity spreads to Africa, India and Asia

13 Zulus Boers (Dutch) British

14 A war between the Dutch (Boers) and English First modern “total” war Boers used guerrilla tactics against the British

15 Created a self- governing Union of South African controlled by the British

16 The U.S. acquired the Asian island nation of the Philippines in 1898 and used it mainly for sugar crops The Philippines achieved independence in 1946

17 Describe the bourgeoisie phase of the F.R. Why did the F.R. turn in an increasingly radical direction after 1789? What factors can explain the Terror? How was it a response to the issues plaguing France at that time? Why did other European rulers find the F.R. so threatening? In what way did Napoleon continue the F.R. and in what ways did he break with it? Why was Napoleon able to gain control over so much of Europe’s territory? To what extent was the old order restored by the Congress of Vienna? What was the long term significance of Napoleon for Europe?

18 What was the role of Metternich in European affairs after the F.R? How did urban and rural life change during the Industrial Revolution? How did reformers try to address the social problems created by industrialization and urbanization? What were the goals of imperialism? How are imperialism and industrialization connected? What regions were colonized? By whom? What were the long term- short term effects. Describe imperialism from the perspectives of the colonizer and colonized.

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