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Oct 27. Lab from Friday What was needed in order for students to go through the entire water cycle? What were some of the issues?

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Presentation on theme: "Oct 27. Lab from Friday What was needed in order for students to go through the entire water cycle? What were some of the issues?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oct 27

2 Lab from Friday What was needed in order for students to go through the entire water cycle? What were some of the issues?

3 Important aspects of the reading.

4 What is needed for clouds to form?

5 Other ways clouds can form. Fronts Demonstration Draw what you think will happen. What happened?

6 Types of Fronts Cold Front whlpr/cold_front_precip.rxml?hret=/guides/m tr/cld/dvlp/frnt.rxml whlpr/cold_front_precip.rxml?hret=/guides/m tr/cld/dvlp/frnt.rxml animations/05_cnWfronts.html animations/05_cnWfronts.html

7 Cold Front Where do the clouds and precip form? What type of clouds form? How is it drawn on a weather map? Cold Air Warmer air

8 Types of Fronts Warm front whlpr/warm_front_precip.rxml?hret=/guides/ mtr/cld/dvlp/frnt.rxml&prv=1 whlpr/warm_front_precip.rxml?hret=/guides/ mtr/cld/dvlp/frnt.rxml&prv=1 animations/05_cnWfronts.html animations/05_cnWfronts.html

9 Warm Front Where do the clouds and precip form? What types of clouds form? How is it drawn on a weather map?

10 How are clouds formed?

11 Fronts vs Evaporation What are the main differences between how clouds form with evaporation and with fronts? What are the similarities?

12 Why does the cold air go under the warm air? The cold air is more dense than the warm air. – This is why cold air wants to sink and warm air wants to rise.

13 Warm Front Cool airWarm air

14 Warm front with clouds and precip

15 Warm front clouds in order seen Cirrus clouds – Made of ice – Cirro = curl of hair Cirrostratus and Alto stratus – Smooth, cover the entire sky – Thin, still made of ice – 12-24 hours before a rain or snow storm

16 Warm front clouds in order seen Stratus clouds – Cover most of the sky – Water vapor droplets – Low level Nimbostratus clouds – Low level – Nimbo = Rain

17 Precipitation with warm front Light but long duration at warm front

18 After warm front Clearing of clouds Some puffy cumulus

19 Cold front diagram Cold air Warm Air

20 Cold Front with clouds

21 Cold front clouds in order seen Cumulus clouds – Thick – Full of water droplets Cumulus clouds build Cumulonimbus clouds – Thunderstorm clouds – Contain hail, rain – Lightning, tornadoes – Have an anvil shape

22 Cold front precipitation Intense but short duration at cold front

23 After Cold Front Cumulus clouds Clearing of clouds


25 What is a front The area where 2 different air masses meet. WARM


27 Why do we have different types of clouds?

28 How do we get clouds By ConvectionBy LiftingBy Frontal Activity

29 Look at graduated cylinder up front Why is the ice where it is?

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