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COTE D’IVOIRE Family I already arrived to Cote D’ivoire.

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Presentation on theme: "COTE D’IVOIRE Family I already arrived to Cote D’ivoire."— Presentation transcript:

1 COTE D’IVOIRE Family I already arrived to Cote D’ivoire.

2 CULTURAL MUSEUM Some instruments in cote D’ivoire Sculptures in Cote D’ivoire Some diamonds from the museum.

3 Hello! When I arrived to Cote D’ivoire I really didn’t understand what people and kids were saying because I forgot that they don’t speak English, they speak different languages. Someone told me that the kids that go to school speak French, but that there is different languages in each ethnic group. Anyway, other then that it’s awesome over here. I also went to a restaurant over here. It smelled so good that I wanted to eat everything there. Later that day I went to a famous church. It was called la Basilique de Notre Dame de la Paix. After that I went to a cultural museum that was called The museum of civilization. I saw so many things, like some instruments that they use, some statues or sculptures, and some rare diamonds.


5 Hello again! I was just at a mechanic because my car broke down and I saw that they had a lot of petroleum products which is oil that is found underground. Also I saw them have a lot of machinery for different things. After they told me to go home because it was going to take a lot of time. Furthermore, When I was on my way home I found a garage sale that was down the street. I saw a picture of two countries that were in a war. I was 100% sure that it was when Cote D’ivoire gained independence from the French. There was a lady that told me that it took a 3 day civil war for them to gain independence.


7 Hello there! I’ve learned a lot about the geography just by looking out the window. The eastern part of the coast is flat and sandy. Beyond that its tropical forest. The western part of the coast is extremely rocky. Along that there are lagoons and sandy beaches, rainforest and farms but the deforestation is making the land not good for growing crops. It’s sad. As I was looking at a map of Cote D'ivoire I could see the surrounding countries. Liberia and Guinea are on the west side of Cote D'ivoire, Mali and Burkina on the north side and Ghana on the east. The biggest bodies of water I could see on a map were the Atlantic Ocean on the south side and the Gulf of Guinea between the east and south of Cote D’ivoire. The temperature here is really hot and humid at around 79°f in the south and in the north its dry and there is barely rain fall. The people who live here are affected by the geography when they farm. They don’t have good soil so living in cities makes a better life for them. That’s it for now. I will stay in touch.


9 Hello they’re again. I took a good look at the health issues in Cote D’ivoire and it doesn’t look that good. The water and sewage facilities are causing health problems for the people who live here. The poor sanitation and nutrition here is making a bigger death rate for smaller kids and elderly. Mosquitos and parasites are one of the things that cause the diseases here to develop. The conditions here were good till the late 1900s when the government and burden medics need help with the rapid growing population. They don’t have in of equipment here to support all the people which is making medical help expensive. I’m glad that I’m healthy. That’s all for now, I will stay in touch.


11 Hello they’re again. I can’t believe I forgot to tell you the most important thing. The current events!!! The last updated news was on February 19, 2013. The Ivory Coast (Cote D’ivoire) ex-president Laurent Gbagbo was at ICC court. He is in the international criminal court to see if he will be having charges of crime against humanity. He appears to be the first to be on a Hague-based court as head of the state. He has 4 charges including murder and rape. Lawyers argued that he is already under investigation in his own country. The judges declared that the case is inadmissible. I was shocked when I heard about this In the newspaper and I had to tell you. Well bye for now. See you at home!!!

12 As African animals travel in the hot and humid land, they continue their journey.

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