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Religion and the Media – Freedom of Speech (social networks) Philosophy & Ethics

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Presentation on theme: "Religion and the Media – Freedom of Speech (social networks) Philosophy & Ethics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion and the Media – Freedom of Speech (social networks) Philosophy & Ethics RE@Patchway

2 Learning Outcomes  Grades E-D – To be able to give a basic explanation of freedom of speech and one example of the consequences - include a basic personal response  Grades C-B – To be able to give a sound explanation of freedom of speech, with consequences and a Christian response – include a sound personal response  Grade A-A* - To be able to give a good explanation of freedom of speech, with examples of consequences and different Christian responses – include a good personal response

3 A Learning starting point  Arguments for Freedom of Speech  Having the ability to express how you feel  To be able to criticise others who may be in the wrong  Freedom to speak our thoughts should be a fundamental human right  Arguments against Freedom of Speech  Some people’s feelings might be hurt  People can use freedom of speech to bully  Free speech can cause problems, fights or wars

4 A vote on freedom of speech  Vote on the following option –  We should have complete and total freedom of speech and be allowed to say what we want, when we want, no matter who it offends  We should have freedom of speech but some things should not be said such as racist or homophobic comments  It should be totally illegal to offend or upset anyone by saying what you want

5 Internet social media  We can now talk to each other where ever we are  Can we say what we want using Facebook or Twitter?

6 Man Admits Making Racist Muamba Tweets  Liam Stacey claims he was drunk, but he's copped 56 days for his comments The judge said in his view there was "no alternative to an immediate prison sentence". Stacey broke down as he was led to a holding cell.

7 Internet Trolls  An "Internet troll" is a person who posts outrageous message to bait people to answer.  They delight in sowing discord on the forums. A troll is someone who is purposely provoking and pulling people into flaming discussion.  Flaming discussions usually end with name calling and a flame war.

8 An example of Internet trolls  A teenage cancer victim whose bravery inspired Prince William has become the latest target of internet trolls  Sick comments have been posted on the memorial website of Amanda Slann, who died of leukaemia at the age of 17 in February.  The culprit has been reported to police but it is thought he may be using a fake name to avoid detection.  The offensive material was posted on a Facebook page named 'RIP Amanda Slann', set up to allow loved ones to write tributes.

9 An example of Internet Trolls  There were jokes about desecrating her grave and a photo of two cancer patients with the caption: 'We are having great fun. Life sucks for Amanda.‘

10 Another example of Internet trolls  The parents of a Kent teenager who died two years ago say her memory has been "destroyed' by abusive online messages  An internet "troll" posted offensive comments on Charlotte Porter's Facebook memorial site a year after death of the 17-year-old from Maidstone.  Sean Duffy, who was jailed in 2011 for posting other malicious messages, later admitted targeting the Porter family.  Charlotte died in 2010 from deep vein thrombosis and a tribute website was attacked a year after her death.  Her mother Beverly said: "Things like 'come and join me here in hell in my swanky new pad'. It just carried on and on and on."

11 Another example of Internet trolls  Ch Insp Jon Bumpus said: "In September 2011, following an investigation by another police force, a man called Sean Duffy was sentenced to an 18-week prison term for posting malicious messages on an internet forum and admitted targeting the Porter family.“

12 Learning check  Would you change your vote now?

13 The new England football manager  The headlines of The Sun newspaper the day after the appointment of Roy Hodgson – Mr Hodgson has a speech impediment – he can’t say his Rs Is this a funny use of freedom of speech or is this offensive and rude and should not be allowed?

14 Learning check  Would you change your vote now?

15 Important knowledge  There can be two different Christian responses to the discussion of freedom of speech  Using the information sheet, complete the following sentences….  “On the one hand, some Christians would support freedom of speech because……  “On the other hand, some Christians believe freedom of speech should not come before people’s feelings because….”

16 What would a Christian say? – one point of view  Some Christians would argue that freedom of speech is important because it can help confront evil in the world.  Jesus taught that it is important to challenge a lack of social justice and freedom of speech is important in doing so  Jesus often spoke out in his lifetime to criticise people he believed were in the wrong such as the Roman Empire

17 What would a Christian say? – second point of view  While other Christians would argue that you should speak responsibly. Remember James’ teachings when he warns early Christians of the dangers of abusing the gift of speech?  “likewise the tongue is a small part of the body…..the tongue is also a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body” – What does he mean?  Some Christians say that free speech is not helpful, as it does not take into account that respect of others is more important than to say what you like

18 Learning check  Would you change your vote now?

19 Learning Outcomes  Grades E-D – To be able to give a basic explanation of freedom of speech and one example of the consequences - include a basic personal response  Grades C-B – To be able to give a sound explanation of freedom of speech, with consequences and a Christian response – include a sound personal response  Grade A-A* - To be able to give a good explanation of freedom of speech, with examples of consequences and different Christian responses – include a good personal response

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