Creating Strategies to Support and Retain Adult Learners University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ASRR Conference Monday, March 21, 2016 11:00 a.m. – Noon Capitol.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Strategies to Support and Retain Adult Learners University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ASRR Conference Monday, March 21, 2016 11:00 a.m. – Noon Capitol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Strategies to Support and Retain Adult Learners University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh ASRR Conference Monday, March 21, 2016 11:00 a.m. – Noon Capitol Ballroom A Facilited by Lisa G. Peck Associate Director, Academic Advisement Center Western Connecticut State University Danbury, CT

2 What is the “climate” on your campus?  Climate is important as we consider what, if any, improvements you can make to support and retain adult learners  Adult learners need to develop a sense of place, a voice and a valued sense of self.  Does the “climate” on your campus support the challenge adult learners face, fitting in among traditional age students and feeling welcome?  Are key faculty and staff aware of the adult learner “juggling act”?  Which areas do you believe are lacking?

3 Let’s put our heads and ideas together!  Recruitment materials  What vehicles/materials are utilized by your institution to recruit students?  Direct mail  Media (radio, newspaper, billboard, television, email)  Worksite visits  View book  Other  What do you think can be done differently?

4 Orientation to Higher Education  Does your institution hold an adult learner orientation, either in person or online?  When? Dates and times  Where? Central location on campus or online  Which campus staff/administrators/faculty/current students are invited? Why?  What issues are addressed?  How is the orientation structured? Informal panel, round-table, formal presentation?  What feedback have you received?  What can be done to improve the orientation?

5 Making Campus a Welcome Environment for Adult Learners  In addition to orientation…  Do campus photos include adult learners?  Is there an adult learner lounge/corner/gathering place?  Would you consider a blog for adult learners?  Have you considered starting an adult learner student organization, on ground or online?  Is there childcare on campus?  Are there adult specific dorms?  Can you think of anything else?

6 Supporting the Adult Learner  Which support staff, on your campus, would you consider “adult friendly” (staff/faculty who are familiar with adult learner issues)?  Advisors  Tutoring resource personnel  Librarians  Counselors/social workers  Financial aid counselors  Career development staff  Other

7 Rewarding Adult Learners…and Their Supporters  Creating events to which we can invite the supporters of adult learners, not only honors the adult learners, but also the supporters  Why is this important?  Consider establishing a chapter of an adult learner honor society  Alpha Sigma Lambda  Pinnacle

8 Finding Out What is Missing  What are some of the best ways to find out what you can do to improve the “climate” on your campus and find out what is missing?  Surveying students  Focus groups of students and key campus officials  Ask students, directly  What else?

9 What else can our campuses do to support and retain our adult learners?  Ideas?

10 Wrapping It All Up  What can you take back to your campus from this workshop?  Comments…questions?  Thank you for participating in the workshop!

11 If you have any questions after this conference…  Please feel free to contact me at: Lisa G. Peck Associate Director, Academic Advisement Center Western Connecticut State University 43 Lake Avenue Extension Suite 300 Danbury, CT 06810 Email: Phone:203-837-8564

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