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Today we are looking at: Pacifism You will be able to: Explain what a pacifist is. Explain why they are opposed to war. Give an example of a pacifist.

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Presentation on theme: "Today we are looking at: Pacifism You will be able to: Explain what a pacifist is. Explain why they are opposed to war. Give an example of a pacifist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today we are looking at: Pacifism You will be able to: Explain what a pacifist is. Explain why they are opposed to war. Give an example of a pacifist. Explain what a pacifist humanist is. Examine a view independent of religion. Explain what liberal democracy is.

2  After looking at causes and costs of war will now be looking the question: ‘Is war morally justifiable?’ Today we will be looking at the pacifist view. “There is no way to peace, Peace is the way.” – Mahatma Ghandi

3 Pacifism  Is the rejection of war in all circumstances.  Violence leads to more violence; which leads to more death and suffering.  The money and resources used for war should be used better used to improve peoples’ lives.  An alternative to violent solutions..

4  Pacifists say that agreements can be reached through discussion, compromise and negotiation.  They believe that agreements reached this way often last longer than agreements reached by force.

5 The Berlin Wall  Eastern Germany lost too many skilled workers this way and on August 13 th 1961 the border between East and West Berlin was closed.  Shortly after the wall was built.  The Berlin wall was a concrete wall was built by the German Democratic Republic that completely enclosed the city of West Berlin separating it from Eastern Germany – including East Berlin.  Post 1948 life in the West was much better than the East – the West had received financial help from the US while the East were under a communist regime.  In 1952 East citizens could flee to East Berlin then to West Berlin where they could stay or flee to West Germany.

6 Pacifist protests  Non-violent protests can be effective.  In the case of the Berlin wall peaceful protests helped lead up to the fall of the wall in 1989.  Jesus, Ghandi and Martin Luther King were 3 who achieved so much through non- violent protests.

7 Is it cowardice?  It can be argued that pacifists are more courageous than those who support violence.  During the First and Second World Wars some pacifists were sent to prison for not taking up arms.  ‘Conscientious objectors’ were often traeted badly by jail warders and other prisoners.

8  Today pacifists can join the armed forces as non-combatants with duties that support the forces but do not involve fighting.  Roles can include:

9 Pacifist humanist  Humanists have a set of non-religious beliefs – they put their faith in human beings.  Pacifist humanists believe that war is wrong and disputes should be settled peacefully using the UN.  Human nature is essentially good; no one wants war. – Common sense will prevent war.

10 A view independent of religion  Violence is wrong and leads to more violence.  The greatest suffering is often inflicted on the poor and innocent non-combatants – not those who initiate or support the war.  Wars consume a huge amount of money which can be used to improve lives.  There are alternatives – peaceful ways.

11 Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament  CND campaign the use of nuclear weapons.  It is an organisation which includes many religious individuals but is not a religious organisation.  Also opposes the construction and use of nuclear power stations.

12 ‘Pacifism is no longer a realistic stance’  Disagree - Violence only breeds more violence. History shows how one war often leads to other wars. Non-violence is the only way to solve disputes and to create justice, fairness & equality. Negotiation& diplomacy including reps from the UN provide an alternative to war. Ghandi provided a good example of how non- violent action can resolve a conflict. Modern wars run the risk of escalation and use of WMD which create terrible consequence for people and the planet.

13 Agree - Nations have to defend themselves from terrible people such as Hitler. Can pacifists really stand by and watch people suffer and die? War is sometimes necessary for the greater good. It is sometimes necessary for people to threaten others with WMDs to stop the same WMD from being used on other innocent people.

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