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SENnet Monitoring Visit Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa (INDIRE), Italy.

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Presentation on theme: "SENnet Monitoring Visit Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa (INDIRE), Italy."— Presentation transcript:

1 SENnet Monitoring Visit Istituto Nazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e Ricerca Educativa (INDIRE), Italy

2 1: Highlights of SENnet 1/2 The main outcomes from the SENnet project that are considered as very useful for our organisation and that would not have happened otherwise are: –The implementation of the SEN vocabularies since these will be used in our digital content repository; –The implementation of the professional development modules that we can use in our e-learning platform; –The learning visits and the research reports (Thematic reports and Innovation reports) have been feeding our knowledge and research activities; –The video documentation of classroom pratices; –The implementation of a collection of SEN resources that we could refer to in our digital content repository.

3 1: Highlights of SENnet 2/2 Some of the mentioned outputs: Dissemination material Training modules Italian video case studies

4 2: Activity 1/3 Role: WP2 and WP5 leader Tasks: T2.1 Thematic studies (D2.1-3) 2012: Mainstreaming Students with Special Needs: the role of ICT 2013: Universal Design and learning disorders 2014: Tablets and inclusion T2.2 Annual report on innovation (D2.4-6) 2012: mainstreaming special needs 2013: digital games 2014: innovation T5.1: QA plan (D4.1) T5.2: Report on quality (D4.2)

5 2: Activity 2/3 Implementation Deliverables – Management reports D1.1, D1.2: content contribution – Thematic reports and case studies D2.1-3: coordination + content contribution – Innovation reports D2.4-6: coordination + content contribution – Digital content reports D3.1, D3.2, D3.3: content contribution – Online CPD modules D4.1: modules piloting in inhouse platform for the CPD of teachers – QA plan and report D5.1, D5.2: implementation, tools construction, questionnaires administration and data analysis – SENnet activity reports D6.1-3: - – Website and community D6.4, D6.5: promotion of the website and of the community (FB group), contribution to online webinars – Exploitation and sustainability plan D7.1: content contribution – Annual seminar reports D7.2: content contribution Other outputs: –dissemination in national and international conferences, workshops and fairs, articles on newsletter and journals

6 2: Activity 3/3 Variation − Some of the deliverables as for WP2 and WP5 were planned as if the project lasted 2 years. The deviation was communicated and explained to the project officer. −The contributions to D. 2.2 and 2.5 do not present the situation of all the partners. −Budget deviation: we asked for moving some budget from the staff costs to the travel category since we there was a mismatch in the personnel daily rate (we under spent in staff costs category)

7 3: Sustainability plans Plans after 30 November 2014: - Use of the SENnet modules for INDIRE CPD courses. - Promotion of the Facebook SENnet group. - Promotion of the video case studies as a very useful material for teachers. - Promotion of the LRE section dedicated to SEN resources. - Promotion of the website content for research. - Participation to the SEN working group.

8 4: Budget Key points: Original budget: total: 84,863 €, 63,647 € (grant total), 66,704 € (staff), 12,607 € (travel) How spending was monitored (timesheets, supporting documents) Actual spending at 31/05/2013 (staff: 22,346.60 €, travel: 8,099.58 €, indirect costs: 2,131.17, total 32,577.35 €) Personnel changes since the proposal, why the change –Silvia Panzavolta was included as part of the team after her maternity leave

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