Columbus State Community College Department of Nursing.

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Presentation on theme: "Columbus State Community College Department of Nursing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Columbus State Community College Department of Nursing

2  Our goal is to provide some basic information to help you prepare for autumn semester 2016.

3 Registration will begin on April 18 th. You will register for a section of NURS 1871 that includes: Lecture, Seminar, Lab and Clinical (traditional) Lab and clinical (blended) Blended section will be labeled at B01, B02 etc. Traditional section will be labeled at 001, 002, etc. You can only register for the track you chose to enter the program. We understand that all of the times may not be you first choice BUT you must register for a time that fits best (not perfect) for your schedule. We cannot accommodate the personal schedules of 176 students

4  If you took NURC 1102 you do not need to take NURC 1104  If you did not take NURC 1102, you will need to register for NURS 1104.  NURC 1104 (nursing skills) will be offered on Thursday and Friday. Please pay attention when registering for NURC 1104 what your schedule is for NURS 1871. (You can’t be in two places at the same time )

5 Clinical will be 1 day, 4 hours in length each week: ◦ Tuesday 7am-11 or 3pm-7,or Wednesday 7am-11 or 3pm-7 ◦ There are some sections with TBA. If you are able to be flexible in your schedule this is helpful. You will still be in one of these 4 time slots. Lab will be 2 hours in length each week: ◦ Lab will be Wednesday 8-10, 10-12, 12-2 or 2-4. Seminar will be 2 hours in length each week: ◦ Seminar will be Monday 10-12, 12-2 or 2-4 Lecture will be 2 hours in length each week: ◦ Lecture for everyone will be Monday 8-10am

6 Clinical will be 1 day, 4 hours in length each week: ◦ Clinical will be Friday or Saturday 7am-11. ◦ There are some sections with TBA. If you are able to be flexible in your schedule this is helpful. You will still be in one of these 2 time slots Lab will be 2 hours in length each week: ◦ Lab will be Friday 2-4 or 4-6. Lecture and Seminar are both On-Line activities with assignments that will have weekly due dates.

7 NURS 1871 faculty will provide information to autumn 2016, NURS 1871 students via the CSCC nursing website. Please check the website weekly for any course information. If we need to speak with a student individually we will contact you via your CSCC email. Please also check this weekly. Faculty for NURS 1871 are: Patricia Brown RN, MS, Tammy Montgomery RN, MS, Jill Ritchey RN, MS (emails are available on the departmental homepage)

8  Approximately one month prior to the first day of class we will post the NURS 1871 course syllabus and calendar.  We will also contact (via email) students who were flexible and chose the TBA clinical times as soon as we have confirmed sites.

9 The first day of class for EVERYONE will be Monday August 29 th. This is course orientation and is mandatory. Missing this orientation will require you to drop the course. Please plan for parking and traffic delays.  Traditional students will report to class at their assigned time of 8am. The room will be posted on your Cougarweb schedule. You will attend seminar as assigned that day also.  Blended students will have a one time on campus orientation on MONDAY AUGUST 29 th from 4-8pm. This is course orientation and is mandatory. Missing this orientation will require you to drop the course. Please plan for parking and traffic delays.  Both groups will sign onto your online learning environment. Please bring your ipad, tablet or lap top to make this process easier. Phones will not work.  We will have some computers available.

10  Enjoy the summer.  Contact your advisor regarding any issues related to admission problems  Contact the course faculty with any issues related to the NURS 1871 (please remember we cannot accommodate personal schedules)  Thank you for choosing CSCC Nursing Program to begin you nursing career. We look forward to an exciting semester beginning August 29 th, 2016.

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