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US HISTORY REMEDIATION LESSON TOPIC: Expansionism BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.4.2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What were the motivations for U.S. expansion into foreign.

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Presentation on theme: "US HISTORY REMEDIATION LESSON TOPIC: Expansionism BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.4.2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What were the motivations for U.S. expansion into foreign."— Presentation transcript:

1 US HISTORY REMEDIATION LESSON TOPIC: Expansionism BENCHMARK: SS.912.A.4.2 ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What were the motivations for U.S. expansion into foreign territories in the early 20 th Century?

2 BELLRINGER QUESTIONS (5 MINUTES) 1. The U.S. acquisition of which of the following territories limited Spain’s influence in the Western Hemisphere? A. Samoa B. Hawaii C. Puerto Rico D. the Virgin Islands 2. As the United States industrialized, many Americans concluded that the nation needed new overseas markets to: A. compete with Latin American nations. B. keep its economy strong. C. protect its overseas investments. D. provide inexpensive labor. Continue to Question 3 →

3 3. In addition to economic motives, many Americans supported overseas expansion because they believed that: A. American military might should be unrivaled in the world. B. European imperialism threatened to harm less- developed nations in Asia and Africa. C. the nation was destined to expand overseas and spread its civilization to others. D. the United States had much to learn from less- developed nations.

4 FLOW OF OUR LESSON “I DO” Task 1-Cartoon Analysis Task 2-Content Review ‘WE DO” Task 1- Group Cartoon Analysis Task 2-Speak-Share Out Task 3-Review Bell Questions “YOU DO”- Answer Essential Question

5 CONTENT APPLICATION Cartoon Analysis “I Do” Symbolism Uncle Sam “Ages & Stages” The Hat Hands Exaggeration Weight Gain Facial Expressions Analogy Growth & Development Labeling Timeline Shirt Sleeves- Countries

6 “I DO” Content Review: United States Motivations for Territorial Expansion 1. Economic Interest (Economic) Raw Materials & Goods Protected market from tariffs 2. Coaling Stations (Economic) Strategic location of territories allowed for easy refueling of cargo and naval ships Ease of transport

7 “I DO” Content Review: United States Motivations for Territorial Expansion: 3. Importance of Military Power (Political) Develop the Navy to Increase Wealth and Power Placement of Naval Stations

8 “I DO” Content Review: United States Motivations for Territorial Expansion: 4. “White Man’s Burden” (Social) Many Americans believed in the superiority of “Anglo-Saxons”, that deserved to rule over others Survival of the Fittest Humanitarian Concerns Christianity “Moral Obligation” Competition with European Powers The New “Manifest Destiny”

9 “WE DO” In Groups/Pairs, Review your assigned political cartoon and identify the following elements that exist: Symbolism- Cartoonists use simple objects, or symbols, to stand for larger concepts or ideas. After you identify the symbols in a cartoon, think about what the cartoonist intends each symbol to stand for. Exaggeration- Sometimes cartoonists overdo, or exaggerate, the physical characteristics of people or things in order to make a point. Then, try to decide what point the cartoonist was trying to make through exaggeration.

10 “WE DO” - Continued Analogy - An analogy is a comparison between two unlike things that share some characteristics. By comparing a complex issue or situation with a more familiar one, cartoonists can help their readers see it in a different light. Labeling - Cartoonists often label objects or people to make it clear exactly what they stand for. Irony- the difference between the ways things are and the way things should be, or the way things are expected to be. Cartoonists often use irony to express their opinion on an issue.

11 “We Do”- Speak Out/Share Out Prepare for Share Out Complete the G.O. to discuss the political Cartoon/image Identify and Agree as a group which motivation it demonstrates for US Expansionism Whole Group Political Cartoons Image 1 Motivation it symbolizes? Image 2 Motivation it symbolizes? Image 3 Motivation it symbolizes?

12 LETS REVIEW THE BELLRINGER 1. The U.S. acquisition of which of the following territories limited Spain’s influence in the Western Hemisphere? A. Samoa B. Hawaii C. Puerto Rico D. the Virgin Islands 2. As the United States industrialized, many Americans concluded that the nation needed new overseas markets to: A. compete with Latin American nations. B. keep its economy strong. C. protect its overseas investments. D. provide inexpensive labor. Continue to Question 3 →

13 3. In addition to economic motives, many Americans supported overseas expansion because they believed that: A. American military might should be unrivaled in the world. B. European imperialism threatened to harm less- developed nations in Asia and Africa. C. the nation was destined to expand overseas and spread its civilization to others. D. the United States had much to learn from less- developed nations.

14 “You Do” - ESSENTIAL QUESTION-EXIT SLIP What were the motivations for U.S. expansion into foreign territories in the early 20 th Century?


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