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Political Cartoons What exactly are they all about?

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Presentation on theme: "Political Cartoons What exactly are they all about?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Cartoons What exactly are they all about?

2 What is the point of a political cartoon? How come they aren’t really “funny”??

3 The point is: to PERSUADE the reader to feel something or to do something.

4 What it takes to create a political cartoon…. Symbolism: Simple objects or symbols to stand for larger concepts or ideas. Exaggeration: Overdone or exaggerated characteristics of people or things in order to make a point. Labeling: Objects or people are labeled to make it clear what they stand for.

5 What is takes to create a political cartoon…. Analogy: A comparison between two unlike things that share some characteristics. Cartoonists compare a complex issue or situation with a more familiar one. Irony: the difference between the way things are and the way things should be or the way things are expected to be.

6 As you look at political cartoons, keep in mind… What issue is this political cartoon about? What is the cartoonist’s opinion on this issue? Other opinions that there could be about this issue? Did you find this cartoon to be persuasive?

7 Using the hand-out provided, let’s practice analyzing the techniques used in a couple of cartoons….




11 Your assignment…. Create your own political cartoon regarding the Russian Revolution. Really any idea within the topic is fair game. It should be something that was covered in class or in your textbook. The main idea of the cartoon should be clear and remember the main of ideas of persuasion we just discussed. This needs to be hand drawn and may or may not be in color. This assignment will be due Monday, Nov. 15th.

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