Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo – I walk.

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Presentation on theme: "Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo – I walk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo – I walk

2 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Plural Ambulamus - We walk

3 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Imperfect Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulabam – I was walking

4 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Imperfect Tense -3 rd Person -Singular Ambulabat – He walks

5 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Future Tense -3 rd Person -Singular Ambulabit – He will walk

6 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Future Tense -3 rd Person -Plural Ambulabunt – They will walk

7 Conjugate the verb- Rideo, ridēre -as: -Present Tense -3 rd Person -Singular Ridet – He smiles

8 Conjugate the verb- Rideo, ridēre -as: -Imperfect Tense -3rd Person -Singular Ridebat – He was laughing

9 Conjugate the verb- Rideo, ridēre -as: -Future Tense -2 nd Person -Plural Ridebitis- you all will laugh

10 Conjugate the verb- Rideo, ridēre -as: -Imperfect Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ridebam – I was laughing

11 Conjugate the verb- Dormio, dormire -as: -Present Tense -3 rd Person -Singular Dormit – He sleeps

12 Conjugate the verb- Dormio, dormire -as: -Present Tense -3 rd Person -Plural Dormiunt – They sleep

13 Conjugate the verb- Dormio, dormire -as: -Imperfect Tense -3 rd Person -Plural Dormiebant – They were sleeping

14 Conjugate the verb- Dormio, dormire -as: -Future Tense -3 rd Person -Plural Dormient – They will sleep

15 Conjugate the verb- Dormio, dormire -as: -Imperfect Tense -2 nd Person -Plural Dormiebatis – Yall were sleeping

16 Conjugate the verb- Dormio, dormire -as: -Future Tense -2 nd Person -Plural Dormietis – Yall will sleep

17 Conjugate the verb- Sumo, sumere -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Plural Sumimus- We take

18 Conjugate the verb- Sumo, sumere -as: -Present Tense -2 nd Person -Singular Sumis – you take

19 Conjugate the verb- Sumo, sumere -as: -Imperfect Tense -2 nd Person -Singular Sumebas – you were taking

20 Conjugate the verb- Sumo, sumere -as: -Future Tense -2 nd Person -Singular Sumes – You will take

21 Conjugate the verb- Ago, agere -as: -Future Tense -1 st Person -Plural Agamus – We will act

22 Conjugate the verb- Ago, agere -as: -Present Tense -3 rd Person -Singular Agit – He acts

23 Conjugate the verb- Ago, agere -as: -Present Tense -3rd Person -Plural Agunt – They act

24 Conjugate the verb- Ago, agere -as: -Future Tense -3 rd Person -Plural Agent – They will act

25 Conjugate the verb- Do, dare -as: -Future Tense -3rd Person -Singular Dabat – He was giving

26 Conjugate the verb- Do, dare -as: -Imperfect Tense -1 st Person -Singular Dabam – I was giving

27 Conjugate the verb- Do, dare -as: -Present Tense -3 rd Person -Singular Dant – They give

28 Conjugate the verb- Do, dare -as: -Imperfect Tense -2 nd Person -Singular Dabas – You were giving

29 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo

30 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo

31 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo

32 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo

33 Conjugate the verb- Ambulo, ambulare -as: -Present Tense -1 st Person -Singular Ambulo

34 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Sumo, sumere

35 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Dormio, dormire

36 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Rideo, ridēre

37 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Pono, ponere

38 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Fero, ferre

39 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Verbero, verberare

40 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Ago, agere

41 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Claudo, claudere

42 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Advenio, advenire

43 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Exeo, exire

44 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Tergeo, tergēre

45 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Eo, ire

46 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Exeo, exire

47 Give the conjugation of the given verb (and the translation if you know it): Veho, vehere

48 What case does… Ante …take? (translation?)

49 What case does… Prope …take? (translation?)

50 What case does… Ab …take? (translation?)

51 What case does… A …take? (translation?)

52 What case does… Ex …take? (translation?)

53 What case does… Apud …take? (translation?)

54 What case does… Ad …take? (translation?)

55 What case does… Cum …take? (translation?)

56 What case does… Cirum …take? (translation?)

57 What case does… Post …take? (translation?)

58 What case does the prepostion… E …take? (translation?)

59 What case does… Per …take? (translation?)

60 What case does… In …take? (translation?)

61 Translate the substantive adjective Fessus

62 Translate the substantive adjective Is habet multa

63 Translate the substantive adjective Is habet multa

64 Translate the substantive adjective Sed id quod Medus cantat a Lydia non auditur

65 Translate the substantive adjective Laeta venit oppidum

66 Dominum iratum timet. Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

67 Non via longa est Romam. Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

68 Verba Medi a Lydia laeta audiuntur. Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

69 Verba Medi a Lydia laeta audiuntur. Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

70 Verba Medi a Lydia laeta audiuntur. Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

71 Iulius in villa est et ab Aemilia liberisque laetis salutatur Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

72 Iulius in villa est et ab Aemilia liberisque laetis salutatur Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

73 Lydia Romae habitat Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

74 Cornelius Tusculi est Give the gender, number, and case of the highlighted noun. (Translate…)

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