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JOBTALKS Your Network Development Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D Contents used in this presentation are adapted from.

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Presentation on theme: "JOBTALKS Your Network Development Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D Contents used in this presentation are adapted from."— Presentation transcript:

1 JOBTALKS Your Network Development Indiana University Kelley School of Business C. Randall Powell, Ph.D Contents used in this presentation are adapted from Career Planning Strategies and used with the permission of the author.

2 Job Search Strategies Job Search Strategies Databases Partners Technology

3 TARGETS GOALS OBJECTIVES Decide exactly what you want to do. Decide exactly where you want to do it. Approach specific people. Research the organization. JOB SEARCH PRESCRIPTION

4 THE JOB SEARCH time consuming expensive continuous system occurs over and over throughout life

5 “Got anything that attracts employers?”

6 FOUR ESSENTIAL STEPS IN THE JOB SEARCH 1. Introductory contact with employer. 2. Introductory interview. 3. Follow-up interview. 4. The job offer.

7 HIDDEN JOB MARKET Specialized channels Old boy system Grapevines 80% OF JOBS ARE NEVER LISTED!

8 “Since you advertised for the position, I assume you’re as desperate as I am…”

9 JOB SEARCH SUCCESS More than luck

10 Basic Employment Strategy GET KNOWN By PEOPLE WHO COUNT

11 CONTACT NETWORK opens hidden job market

12 SEARCH STRATEGY Don't job hunt get hunted Become part of hidden manpower pool get recruited

13 WHAT REALLY COUNTS IN SELECTION? 1. Past performance 2. Ability 3. Attitude 4. What people say about you

14 1. Successful people they know 2. People they know and like 3. People friends know and recommend EMPLOYER HIRING PREFERENCES

15 Friends Teachers Family Work colleagues YOUR CONTACT NETWORK PARTNERS

16 The Job Network development contact interlocking Everyone Touched

17 PERSONAL CONTACTS Don't underestimate the importance of who you know Human nature to exchange information about… people and jobs Let others know your situation "Born lucky” "Right place at right time"

18 Power Of Contact Networks Link between 2 people generates a geometric expanding network 10 x 10 = 100 100 x 100 = 10,000 RULE OF SEVEN

19 Contact Network Development Direct contact Telephone Web Sites Printed materials

20 DEVELOPING NEW PERSONAL CONTACTS Membership in professional societies Attending conventions & conferences Civic and social organizations Religious groups College student/alumni groups

21 DEVELOPING CONTACTS THROUGH PUBLICATIONS want ads Web directories telephone books Career Centers Search firms professional associations

22 DIRECTORIES AS A CONTACT SOURCE Directory of directories Encyclopedia of associations Directory of national trade and professional associations Foundation directory Web Versions

23 Directories Names of top executives and officers 3 Thomas' Register 3 Million Dollar Directory 3 Standard and Poor's 3 Web Sites Contact in an indirect manner…….. social settings & volunteer activities

24 “Under ‘Big’, could you check all the wheels, shots, wigs, and cheeses?”

25 MAINTENANCE OF CONTACT NETWORKS use extends beyond job search Customers/Friends/Acquaintances Your hidden market keep network current Occasional notes/lunches/activities send messages/newsletters

26 If you would like to learn more, Career Planning Strategies textbook will supply additional information on this topic.

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