STATUS URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN VIETNAM Written by: Nguyen Minh Duc Dinh Chinh Loi Official from Ministry of Construction- VietNam Hanoi, 5/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "STATUS URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN VIETNAM Written by: Nguyen Minh Duc Dinh Chinh Loi Official from Ministry of Construction- VietNam Hanoi, 5/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 STATUS URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION IN VIETNAM Written by: Nguyen Minh Duc Dinh Chinh Loi Official from Ministry of Construction- VietNam Hanoi, 5/2010

2 OVERVIEW OF URBAN AREAS IN VIETNAM Total population is about 86 million; Urban inhabitants are about 26 million; Rate of urbanization is 30%; There are 63 provinces/cities; Vietnam has 754 urban areas, including: + 2 special urban areas; + 9 urban areas of grade I, + 12 urban areas of grade II, + 45 urban areas of grade III, + 39 urban areas of grade IV; and + 647 urban areas of grade V.

3 ORIENTATION OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT Year19952000200320062009 Estimated 20152025 Number of uban areas 5506496567297528701000 Urban population (Million) 14.919.520.922.8263552 Urbanization rate (%) 20.7524.725.827.229.63850

4 POSITION AND FUNCTION OF VIETNAM MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION The Ministry of Construction is an agency of the Government performing the function of state management of: Construction; Architecture, planning construction of urban technical infrastructure, industrial parks, economic zones, the high technology, developing urban housing and offices; Business property; Building materials; State management over public services in the fields of State management of the Ministry in accordance with the law.

5 ORGANIZATION CHART OF MOC Minister Vice Ministers Bureau of Ministry Assessment Board Housing Board Construction Dep. International Cooporation Dep Statistic & Plan Dep. Construction Material Dep. Sience and Technology Dep Planning & Achitect Dep. Legislation Dep Personal Organization Dep Economy & Finance Dep Design Survey Dep Urban Infrastructure Dep Party and Union Construction Inspection Dep

6 GENERAL STATUS Of URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL IN VIETNAM Urban water supply More than 440 urban areas have central water supply systems; Total designed capacity is 5.9 million m3/day; Total exploited capacity is 4.5 million m3/day (account for 77% of total designed capacity); The rate of urban water supply service coverage at 73%; The water consumption is 90 liters/person/day; The rate of average national water loss is 30%. At present, the rate of households installing water meters is 96%, and this rate was only 60% in 1998.

7 Urban drainage All urban areas of grade IV and higher grade have constructed drainage systems, mainly are general sluice systems. The rate of connection is about 60%. The per capita length of drainage line is 1.2 - 1.4 m/person. Total capacity of built wastewater treatment stations is at 300.000 m3/day. At present, 6 of 66 urban centers of grade III and higher grade have wastewater treatment stations, 12 urban centers are deploying projects of drainage systems and wastewater treatment, and 11 other urban centers are inviting bids for executing works or technical design of drainage and wastewater treatment systems.

8 Urban solid waste Total solid waste amount of urban areas and industrial parks is about 8.8 million tones/year. In which, domestic solid waste is 6.9 million tones/year (accounts for 79%), industrial solid waste is 1.6 million tones/year (accounts for 18%) and health solid waste is 0.3 million tones/year (accounts for 3%). Solid waste of all most of urban areas is not sorted at source. Sorting solid waste at source was only deployed in some pilot projects in Hanoi (funded by JICA), Da Nang City, Ho Chi Minh City, Rach Gia City, Cao Lanh City and Long An Province.

9 The national average rate of solid waste collection is 85%. The rate of recovering reused and recycled materials from solid waste is about 20-30%. The solid waste treatment technology is mainly disposal method (landfill). The solid waste disposed in sanitary landfills accounts for 60%. Besides solid waste disposal technology, the method of producing compost from solid waste has been being invested in some big urban centers. The amount of solid waste treated in compost producing factories is about 6%. Urban solid waste





14 MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION GOVERNMENT Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment - -Vietnam Environment administration - -Department of Water Resource Management Ministry of Construction - -Department of Infrastructure Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development - -General Irrigation and Water Management Office - -National Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Ministry of Health - -Administration of Preventive medicine Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment Provincial Department of Construction Provincial Department of Agriculture and rural development - -Provincial Centre for Rural Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation Provincial Department of Health - -Center for preventive medicine Related ministries: - -Ministry of Industry and Trade - -Ministry of Transport

15 CHALLENGES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT IN VIETNAM Management organization is not united. Legal systems on Environment is not yet sychronous and adequate (Law on Environment Protection, Water Resources Managment, and Governmental Decrees). Aministrative Assignment is still overlapped and unclear. Technical infrastructure dose not meet the needs of socio - economic development, especially for pressures of population growth and urbanisation. Resouces of investement capital are limited, it is not encourged and mobilised all financial resources and participation in society. Lack of qualified hunman resources. Service fee is low, it is not enough for costs of works invesment, operation and mangment. Awareness of local authority and comunnities is inadequate.

16 THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE UP TO2025, WITH A VISION TO 2050 1. Objectives a/ General objectives to 2025 Integrated management of solid waste in order to improve environmental quality, to assure community health; The solid waste is sorted at source, collected, reused, recycled and thoroughly treated; to minimize amount of disposed solid waste; To raise community awareness about integrated management of solid waste.

17 THE STRATEGY OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT b/ Specific targets to 2015 85% of urban domestic solid waste is collected and treated, 60% of which will be recycled, reused, recovered energy or used for organic fertilizer production. 50% of construction solid waste in urban areas is collected and treated, 30% of which will be recovered for reuse or recycling. 30% of septic tank mud in urban centers of grade II or higher grade and and 10% of the mud in remaining urban centers are collected and treated. To reduce by 40% the quantity of plastic bags used in supermarkets and trade centers from that of 2010.

18 50% of urban centers have solid waste recycling works which sort waste at households. 80% of non-hazardous industrial solid waste is collected and treated, 70% of which will be recovered for reuse and recycling. 60% of hazardous solid waste from industrial parks is treated. 85% of non-hazardous and 70% of hazardous medical solid waste are collected and treated. 40% of solid waste in rural residential areas and 50% of solid waste in craft villages are collected and treated. THE STRATEGY OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

19 2. Tasks To prevent and reduce arising solid waste; To promote the sorting of solid waste at source; To increase solid waste collection and transportation; To increase the reuse and recycling of solid waste; To complete mechanisms and policies on solid waste treatment; To apply advanced technologies for solid waste treatment; To recover the environment of solid waste treatment areas. THE STRATEGY OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

20 3. Solutions To complete legal documents, mechanisms and policies on solid waste management; To plan solid waste management; To establish a national database and the database monitoring system of solid waste; To develop resources for the Strategy implementation: finance, human resources, etc.; To promote scientific research to carry out effectively the integrated management of solid waste; To raise awareness through propaganda and education; To deploy International cooperation on technology, building capacity and finance. THE STRATEGY OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT

21 PRIORITY ISSUES To promote elaborating and adjusting master plans on inter-provincial and inter-regional solid waste management. To elaborate and implement the investment program of solid waste treatment factories which applied domestic research technology. To choose some provinces for implementing pilot projects, to get experiences from the projects and deploying widely the results. To implement sorting solid waste at source. To encourage investment methods, such as: BOT, BT, BOO, etc.

22 Thank you for your attention! Ministry of Construction – VietNam No. 37 Le Dai Hanh, Hanoi, Vietnam

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