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Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will.

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Presentation on theme: "Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will."— Presentation transcript:


2 Usage Guidelines for Jeopardy PowerPoint Game Game Setup Right now, Click File > Save As, and save this template with a different file name. This will keep the template untouched, so you can use it next time! Scroll through the presentation and enter the answers (which are really the questions) and the questions (which are really the answers). Enter in the five category names on the main game board (Slide 4). Game Play Open 2 nd Slide, let the sound play. Click to 3 rd Slide, let the sound play. Click to 4 th Slide and show students the Game Board As you play the game, click on the YELLOW DOLLAR AMOUNT that the contestant calls, not the surrounding box. When the student answers, click anywhere on the screen to see the correct answer. Keep track of which questions have already been picked by printing out the game board screen (Slide 4) and checking off as you go. Click on the “House / Home Icon” box to return to the main scoreboard. Final Jeopardy – Go to Slide 3 and click “Final Jeopardy” button in the bottom right corner, click again for the Question, click again for final jeopardy sound, When that is finished playing click again for the answer slide.


4 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 Final 100 Era of Good Feelings Dealing with Other Nations Age of Jackson Indian Removal States Rights

5 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Era of Good Feelings Dealing with Other Nations Age of Jackson Indian Removal States Rights

6 Which Presidents two terms in office was known as the “Era of Good Feelings”?

7 Who is… A - James Monroe B – James Madison C – John Quincy Adams D – Andrew Jackson

8 British Manufacturers were doing this in the states in order to drive American businesses to fail

9 What is… A - Dumping Goods B – Selling Goods C – Manufacturing Goods D – Liquidating Goods

10 In McCulloch vs. Maryland, the court ruled who cannot interfere with federal institutions?

11 What are… A – The President B – People C – States D - Congress

12 In Dartmouth v. Woodward, a college’s _________ (Private Contract) came into question.

13 What is…. A - Charter B – Monopoly C – Constitution D - Declaration

14 In Gibbons v. Ogden, New York state cannot grant a ________ to ferry companies operating on the Hudson River.

15 What is…. A - Charter B – Monopoly C – Constitution D - Declaration

16 Which European country held a majority of territory in North America in the early 1800’s?

17 What is… A – England B – France C - Portugal D - Spain

18 Which state became part of the US after Andrew Jackson attacked Spanish towns and Seminole camps. The Adams- Onis treaty came of this…

19 What is… A – Florida B – Georgia C – Alabama D - Texas


21 Which country gained its independence from Spain after many revolutions lead by Father Miguel Hidalgo?

22 What is… A – Brazil B – Florida C – Mexico D – The Bahamas

23 What document states that, the US would not allow European nations to create American territories or interfere with free nation of Latin America?

24 What is… A – The Kentucky Resolution B - The Monroe Doctrine C – The Alien & Sedition Acts D – The Virginia Resolution

25 Describe the United States’ relationship with Canada before the War of 1812 and after…

26 Before = High tension, not so good After = Borders settled, gradually improved

27 This man ran against Andrew Jackson in his first attempt at office, he became President due to a corrupt bargain

28 Who is… A - John Adams B - Martin Van Buren C - John Quincy Adams D - James Monroe

29 John Quincy Adams served only one terms because of what?

30 What is… A – He lacked political skills B – He was a corrupt man C – He had support of only a few people D – He only wanted to serve one term

31 How many terms did Andrew Jackson serve as President?

32 What is… A – Two ½ Terms B – One Term C – Three Terms D – Two Terms

33 What ideas did Jackson have about who should participate in political life?

34 Who are… A – Those with political experience B – Ordinary people C – The Rich and Wealthy D – Only those who owned land

35 How did political candidates get chosen from Jackson’s Presidency on…?

36 What is… A – Through a Caucus B – Through voting process C – Through Candidate Conventions D – Through the previous president

37 Indians were removed from which geographical area of the United States?

38 What is… A – The Northwest B – The Southeast C – The Southwest D – The Northeast

39 This Act allowed the President to make treaties with Native Americans for their removal.

40 What is… A – Cherokee Nation v. Georgia B – Worcester v. Georgia C – The Indian Removal Act D – The Indian Relocation Act

41 The Cherokee walk from the South to Oklahoma is often called the what?

42 What is… A – The Trail of Tears B – The Trail of Sorrow C – The Path of Sadness D – The Path of Tears

43 In this Supreme Court Case, Native Americans had to be removed from a state because they did not hold “jurisdiction” in this land.

44 What is… A – Worcester v. Georgia B – Cherokee Nation v. Alabama C – Cherokee Nation v. Georgia D – Worcester v. Florida

45 In this Supreme Court Case, Native Americans won a case that stated they owned the land given to them by this state.

46 What is… A – Worcester v. Georgia B – Cherokee Nation v. Alabama C – Cherokee Nation v. Georgia D – Worcester v. Florida

47 Why did Americans dislike Banks during Jackson’s Presidency?

48 What is… A – They charged interest on money B – They refused to loan money C – They restricted loans and limited amount of money given D – They only served the elite of America

49 How did Jackson win reelection in 1832?

50 What is… A – He created a Bank Bill and voters agreed B – He vetoed a Bank Bill and voters agreed C – He vetoed a Congressional Bill and voters agreed D – His first term was universally accepted

51 What does the word Nullification mean?

52 Question 5-3 What is… A – A state creates legislation for the federal government B – A state vetoes a bill C – A state passes a federal law which it accepts D – A State cancels a federal law which it objects

53 Why was South Carolina going to leave or secede the United States?

54 What is… A – If the federal government didn’t give them money B – If the federal government would use force to enforce a tariff C – If they didn’t get the same representation in Congress D – If the nullification process didn’t work

55 What does the 10 th Amendment state?

56 What is… A – Powers not given to State governments are reserved for the Federal gov. B – Power to the people C – Powers not given to the Federal government are reserved for the states D – Powers not given to the Federal government are reserved for the elite.


58 Which party new political party took over after Andrew Jackson ended his Presidency?


60 What is the… WHIG PARTY

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