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7.2 Nationalism at Center Stage Mr. Manelski CPUSH.

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1 7.2 Nationalism at Center Stage Mr. Manelski CPUSH

2 Learning Objectives Learn about the growth of nationalism in the United States Understand how it affected Supreme Court decisions and Federal Government Policy decisions

3 Quiz _____________ was the Supreme Court Chief Justice that ruled in Gibbons v. Ogden. The _____________ decision ruled that states could not interfere with contracts between private parties. The _____________ decision ruled that federal law would override state law. _____________ was secretary of state under President James Monroe. The ______________ stated that the US would not allow Europe to intervene in Western Hemisphere.

4 The Supreme Court & Nationalism Chief Justice John Marshall – Served from 1801-1835 – Appointed by John Adams McCulloch vs. Maryland Gibbons vs. Ogden Dartmouth vs. Woodward

5 McCulloch vs. Maryland, 1819 Facts of the Case: – After 2 nd BUS is chartered, Maryland passed legislation to impose taxes on the bank. James W. McCulloch refused to pay that tax. Questions: – Did congress have the authority to establish the bank? – Did MD law unconstitutionally interfere with congressional powers?

6 Verdict: McCulloch wins the case unanimously 7-0 – Congress can incorporate the BUS – MD cannot tax the bank or Federal Gov. Marshall, “The power to tax is the power to destroy.” Significance… – Established the supremacy of the Federal Gov. over state governments

7 Gibbons vs. Ogden 1824 Facts of the Case: – New York State granted a monopoly to a ferry company running between New York & New Jersey Question: – Can a state (NY) regulate interstate commerce?

8 Verdict: Gibbons 6-0 – No, only Congress has the authority to regulate interstate commerce Significance… – Affirms the constitution, power of the federal government, and limits the states’ rights re: commerce.

9 Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1816 Facts of the Case: – NH legislature attempted to change the charter of the privately funded Dartmouth College into a public university Question: – Does the government have the power to change contracts between private institutions?

10 Verdict: Dartmouth College, 6-1 – Although Charter was given by government, still amounted to a contract and the NH legislature could not interfere with it Significance… – Affirmed the contract clause of the Constitution, states are not allowed to interfere with private transactions of property rights

11 John Quincy Adams Secretary of State under James Monroe – Advocate of Nationalism Accomplished Diplomat – Rush-Bagot Treaty of 1817 – Establishes demilitarized border with Canada – Negotiated Convention of 1818 – Established US border as 49 th parallel – Adams-Onis Treaty – Jackson invades Florida & Adams convince Spanish to concede Florida


13 Monroe Doctrine President Monroe outlines in 1823, two main points – Europe may no longer colonize in the Western Hemisphere – Europe may no longer intervene in the Western Hemisphere Directed specifically European Monarchies especially Russia and Spain – Why?

14 Reflection Question How did the decisions of John Marshall in these cases define federal power and increase nationalism? *please complete in I.D. books, thoroughly and completely, in 3-5 sentences

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