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Presentation on theme: "GROWING UP FROM GIRL TO WOMEN BY SARAY PEREZ BENTLEY RN, BSN Draft-Not approved for class use."— Presentation transcript:


2 PUBERTY IS THE PROCESS OF GROWTH Puberty is the process of physical changes that occur in girls ages 9-16. Puberty can start earlier or later. Through puberty our body grows and starts to look different. Every adult goes through this process. Everyone is different so the timing of these changes are different too. Girls usually start puberty 2-3 years ahead of boys.

3 WHAT CHANGES OCCUR IN PUBERTY? Breast start to grow. They can be tender. They don’t always grow at the same pace and may be different sizes. Body hair will grown in arm pits, legs and groin area Increase in height. (You will often be taller than boys because you are going through puberty sooner then they are) Hips will widen Menstruation occurs this is also called a period Vagina will release discharge

4 CHANGES IN PUBERTY Skin and hair can become oily due to increase activity of oil glands This can cause pimples. Sweat typically does not smell but when combined with bacteria on the skin it produces odor. This is called body odor or BO Washing your hair and body can help with new body odor and pimples. Good hygiene is important and we will talk more about that later on.

5 HOW DO THESE CHANGES OCCUR? THE PITUITARY GLAND The Pituitary gland releases chemicals called hormones. Girls and boys have different hormones that are responsible for changes in puberty. During puberty girls have a rise in estrogen & boys have a rise in testosterone.

6 EMOTIONS & THE GROWING BRAIN Growing from the inside out. Rise and fall of hormones can affect how we feel. They can cause mood swings What can I do about my emotions? Who can I talk to? Who is in charge? Me vs Emotions We decide who’s in charge. Part of growing up is experiencing a wide range of emotions, learning to identify what they are and knowing how to respond to them.

7 INCREASED ESTROGEN CHANGES THE WAY OUR BODY LOOKS AND FUNCTIONS This is the process of maturation: from girl to women

8 LETS LEARN ABOUT OUR BODIES It is normal to feel embarrassed, curious or uncomfortable when talking about these things. We can use correct names for our private parts. Anatomy teaches us its proper name and function. Our body has private parts which are the breast, vagina, buttocks and reproductive organs.


10 THE WAY THE FEMALE BODY WORKS EXPLAINS WHY GIRLS HAVE PERIODS Increase in female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, cause changes in the lining of the uterus ( endometrium). Hormones also from the pituitary gland cause the egg or ovum that are stored in the ovaries to mature and release. A cycle of these events make up the menstruation cycle a “period”

11 THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE: A menstrual cycle is usually 28 days. Bleeding usually occurs for 3-5 days. Girls usually start their periods between 10-16 years old. Can be sooner or later. Every body is different.


13 MENSTRUAL SYMPTOMS You can experience abdominal cramps or upset stomach. Back pain Warm packs or a warm bath can help. Talk to an adult before taking any medication if needed.

14 FEMININE PRODUCTS there are products you can use during your period Pads Tampons Pantiliners Keep back up Feminine products In your backpack In case you need it While in school.

15 PADS Pads come in different sizes And some have wings for overnight use and to prevent leaks Pads go on the inside of your underwear and have a sticky side to keep it in place while you move or sleep. Change pads when wet

16 TAMPONS A small plug of material with different absorbencies that fits inside the vagina to absorb blood. Tampons can be dangerous if not used properly. Toxic Shock syndrome Should be changed every 4-6 hours Can be used by older girls/teenagers who have experience with their periods and know how often to change a tampon Can be used while swimming.

17 PANTILINERS They are thinner than pads and are used for Light or beginning periods. They also have a sticky side to keep them in place in your underwear. Pads and pantilinies can be used with no risk unlike tampons.


19 TAKING CARE OF YOUR GROWING BODY If a plant needs sun, water and soil to grow what do we need to grow?

20 TAKE CARE OF YOUR GROWING BODY: IT GROWS AT NIGHT Fact: Your body grows while you sleep. It repairs itself and stores the things you’ve learned throughout the day. Help it to grow & get plenty of sleep. The National Center for Chronic Disease and Prevention and Health Promotion recommends school age children get at least 10 hours of sleep a night.National Center for Chronic Disease and Prevention and Health Promotion

21 EAT RIGHT Eating right helps your bones, muscles and skin. It affects the way you feel. Gives your body the nutrients needed to grow. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Limit or eliminate soda which contains zero nutrition and has lots of sugar. Limit junk food that is full of sugar & fat: cookies, chips, soda etc.

22 BE ACTIVE The center for disease control and prevention suggests that children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity each day.

23 WASH YOUR HANDS Keeping hands clean is one of the most important steps we can take to avoid getting sick and spreading germs to others. Many diseases and conditions are spread by not washing hands with soap and clean, running water - CDC

24 GOOD HYGIENE INCLUDES Bathe/shower daily washing hair and body. Brush and floss your teeth morning & night Be aware of new body odor. Use deodorant if needed. Change underwear daily Wear clean clothes Wear clean socks

25 BE SAFE AND ASK FOR HELP If someone you know or don’t know tries to touch your private parts this is called sexual abuse. Sexual abuse most often occurs with someone you know. It includes them touching you inappropriately, having you touch them or showing you inappropriate images. You can say no, yell, tell an adult you trust

26 SAY NO TO DRUGS If someone asks you to try alcohol, smoke or try drugs say no and tell an adult. Drugs are being seen in schools and effect the way your body functions. Drugs are dangerous to your health and alter your ability to make good choices.


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