Teacher Guide This lesson is designed to teach kids to ask a critical thinking question that you can’t just put into a search box to solve. To do that,

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Guide This lesson is designed to teach kids to ask a critical thinking question that you can’t just put into a search box to solve. To do that,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Guide This lesson is designed to teach kids to ask a critical thinking question that you can’t just put into a search box to solve. To do that, we encourage them with smaller questions that search can help them answer. Make sure that you read the notes for each slide: they not only give you teaching tips but also provide answers and hints so you can help the kids if they are having trouble. Remember, you can always send feedback to the Bing in the Classroom team at BingInTheClassroom@Microsoft.com. You can learn more about the program at bing.com/classroom and follow the daily lessons on our Partners In Learning site. BingInTheClassroom@Microsoft.combing.com/classroomPartners In Learning site Want to extend today’s lesson? Consider using Skype in the Classroom to arrange for your class to chat with another class in today’s location. And if you are using Windows 8, you can also use the Bing apps to learn more about this location and topic; the Travel and News apps in particular make great teaching tools.Skype in the Classroom Nell Bang-Jensen is a teacher and theater artist living in Philadelphia, PA. Her passion for arts education has led her to a variety of roles including developing curriculum for Philadelphia Young Playwrights and teaching at numerous theaters and schools around the city. She works with playwrights from ages four to ninety on developing new work and is especially interested in alternative literacies and theater for social change. A graduate of Swarthmore College, she currently works in the Artistic Department of the Wilma Theater and, in addition to teaching, is a freelance actor and dramaturg. In 2011, Nell was named a Thomas J. Watson Fellow and spent her fellowship year traveling to seven countries studying how people get their names. This lesson is designed to teach the Common Core State Standard: Reading Informational Text CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.3CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.3 Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.7CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.7 Interpret information presented visually, orally, or quantitatively (e.g., in charts, graphs, diagrams, time lines, animations, or interactive elements on Web pages) and explain how the information contributes to an understanding of the text in which it appears. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.9CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.4.9 Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject knowledgeably.

2 The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure? © Valery Shanin/Shutterstock

3 Welcome to Turkey’s “cotton castle.” For centuries, locals and visitors bathed in the numerous travertine pools here. Legend has it Cleopatra herself once took a dip in the pools of Pamukkale. The terraces filled with hot spring water are made from carbonate minerals that bubbled up to the surface along with the water. Today, access to the pools is strictly limited in an effort to curb overdevelopment fueled by the tourist trade, which had begun to damage the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Hotels have been torn down and now just a few of the pools are accessible to the public. It remains a fantastic scene and worth a dip if you find yourself in Turkey’s southwestern region. The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

4 1 Web Search When did Cleopatra live? At what point in her life was she said to have swam in the pools of Pamukkale? 2 Web Search What is a pharaoh? What was the unusual way Cleopatra became a pharaoh? 3 Map Search In order to travel to the Pamukkale pools, what direction did Cleopatra need to travel in? Where was she most likely coming from? 4 Web Search Some people think Cleopatra’s marriages were a way of her making political alliances. Who were her husbands and where were they from? 5 Web Search Cleopatra’s death has inspired many stories throughout the ages (including a Shakespeare play). How did she die? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

5 5 Minutes The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

6 1 Web Search When did Cleopatra live? At what point in her life was she said to have swam in the pools of Pamukkale? 2 Web Search What is a pharaoh? What was the unusual way Cleopatra became a pharaoh? 3 Map Search In order to travel to the Pamukkale pools, what direction did Cleopatra need to travel in? Where was she most likely coming from? 4 Web Search Some people think Cleopatra’s marriages were a way of her making political alliances. Who were her husbands and where were they from? 5 Web Search Cleopatra’s death has inspired many stories throughout the ages (including a Shakespeare play). How did she die? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

7 1 Web Search When did Cleopatra live? At what point in her life was she said to have swam in the pools of Pamukkale? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

8 2 Web Search What is a pharaoh? What was the unusual way Cleopatra became a pharaoh? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

9 3 Map Search In order to travel to the Pamukkale pools, what direction did Cleopatra need to travel in? Where was she most likely coming from? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

10 4 Web Search Some people think Cleopatra’s marriages were a way of her making political alliances. Who were her husbands and where were they from? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?

11 5 Web Search Cleopatra’s death has inspired many stories throughout the ages (including a Shakespeare play). How did she die? The popularity of these pools has grown because of the belief that Cleopatra swam in them. Why is Cleopatra such an important and unusual historical figure?


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