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Plant Structure Growth and Development

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1 Plant Structure Growth and Development
Chapter 35

2 Evolution of Plants All Plants…
multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic, alternation of generations

3 Alternation of Generations
Sporophyte (diploid) produces haploid spores via meiosis Gametophyte (haploid) produce haploid gametes via mitosis Fertilization joins two gametes to form a zygote

4 Angiosperms Monocots vs. Dicots named for the number
of cotyledons (seed leaf) present on the embryo of the plant + monocots - orchids, corn, lilies, grasses + dicots - roses, beans, sunflowers, oaks

5 Plant Morphology Morphology (body form) shoot and root systems
+ inhabit two environments - shoot (aerial) + stems, leaves, flowers - root (subterranean) + taproot, lateral roots vascular tissues + transport materials between roots and shoots - xylem/phloem

6 Plant Anatomy Anatomy (internal structure) division of labor
+ cells differing in structure and function - parenchyma, collenchyma, sclerenchyma (below) - water- and food-conducting cells (next slide) Parenchyma St: “typical” plant cells Fu: perform most metabolic functions Collenchyma St: unevenly thickened primary walls Fu: provide support but allow growth in young parts of plants Sclerenchyma St: hardened secondary walls (LIGNIN) Fu: specialized for support; dead

7 Plant cell types Parenchyma cells Collenchyma cells Cell wall
Sclerenchyma cells

8 Plant cell types Xylem Phloem Vessel Tracheids Tracheids and vessels
WATER-CONDUCTING CELLS OF THE XYLEM Vessel Tracheids Tracheids and vessels element Pits SUGAR-CONDUCTING CELLS OF THE PHLOEM Companion cell Sieve-tube member Sieve-tube members: longitudinal view Sieve plate Nucleus Cytoplasm Companion cell

9 Water- and Food-conducting Cells
Xylem (water) dead at functional maturity tracheids- tapered with pits vessel elements- regular tubes Phloem (food) alive at functional maturity sieve-tube members- arranged end to end with sieve plates & Companion cells

10 Plant Tissues Three Tissue Systems dermal tissue + epidermis (skin)
- single layer of cells that covers entire body - waxy cuticle/root hairs vascular tissue + xylem and phloem - transport and support ground tissue + mostly parenchyma - occupies the space b/n dermal/vascular tissue - photosynthesis, storage, support

11 Plant Growth Meristems
perpetually embryonic tissues located at regions of growth + divide to generate additional cells (initials and derivatives) - apical meristems (primary growth- length) + located at tips of roots and shoots - lateral meristems (secondary growth- girth)

12 Roots A root Is an organ that anchors the vascular plant
Absorbs minerals and water Often stores organic nutrients Taproots found in dicots and gymnosperms Lateral roots (Branch roots off of the taproot) Fibrous root system in monocots (e.g. grass) Figure 35.3

13 Modified Roots Many plants have modified roots (a) Prop roots
(b) Storage roots (c) “Strangling” aerial roots (d) Buttress roots (e) Pneumatophores (a) Prop roots (b) Storage roots

14 Primary Growth of Roots
apical meristem + root cap + three overlapping zones - cell division - elongation - maturation

15 Stems A stem is an organ consisting of
Nodes (point where leaf connects) Internodes (stem between nodes)

16 Modified Stems Stolons Storage leaves Rhizomes Stem Node Root Bulbs
Tubers (c) Bulbs Stolons (a) Storage leaves Stem Root Node Rhizome

17 Buds An axillary bud Is a structure that has the potential to form a lateral shoot, or branch A terminal bud Is located near the shoot tip and causes elongation of a young shoot Gardening tip: Removing the terminal bud stimulates growth of axillary buds

18 Primary Growth in Shoots
apical meristem (1, 7) + cell division occurs + produces primary meristems - protoderm (4, 8) - procambium (3, 10) - ground meristem (5, 9) axillary bud meristems + located at base of leaf primordia leaf primordium (2, 6) + gives rise to leaves

19 The leaf Is the main photosynthetic organ of most vascular plants Leaves generally consist of Blade Stalk Petiole

20 Leaf Morphology In classifying angiosperms
Taxonomists may use leaf morphology as a criterion Petiole (a) Simple leaf (b) Compound leaf. (c) Doubly compound leaf. Axillary bud Leaflet

21 Modified Leaves Tendrils Spines Storage leaves Bracts
Reproductive leaves. The leaves of some succulents produce adventitious plantlets, which fall off the leaf and take root in the soil.

22 Leaf Anatomy Epidermal Tissue upper/lower epidermis
guard cells (stomata) Ground Tissue mesophyll +palisade/spongy parenchyma Vascular Tissue veins + xylem and phloem

23 Cutaway drawing of leaf tissues
Leaf Anatomy Key to labels Dermal Ground Vascular Guard cells Stomatal pore Epidermal cell 50 µm Surface view of a spiderwort (Tradescantia) leaf (LM) (b) Cuticle Sclerenchyma fibers Stoma Upper epidermis Palisade mesophyll Spongy Lower Vein Xylem Phloem Bundle- sheath Cutaway drawing of leaf tissues (a) Air spaces Guard cells 100 µm Transverse section of a lilac (Syringa) leaf (LM) (c)


25 The Three Tissue Systems: Dermal, Vascular, and Ground

26 Dermal Tissue Protects plant from: Physical damage Pathogens
H2O loss (Cuticle)

27 Vascular tissue Carries out long-distance transport of materials between roots and shoots Consists of two tissues, xylem and phloem Xylem Phloem

28 Ground Tissue Includes various cells specialized for functions such as storage, photosynthesis, and support Pith = ground tissue internal to the vascular tissue Cortex = ground tissue external to the vascular tissue

29 Secondary Growth Lateral Meristems vascular cambium
+ produces secondary xylem/phloem (vascular tissue) cork cambium + produces tough, thick covering (replaces epidermis) secondary growth + occurs in all gymnosperms; most dicot angiosperms

30 The Vascular Cambium and Secondary Vascular Tissue
Is a cylinder of meristematic cells one cell thick Develops from parenchyma cells

31 2° Growth As a tree or woody shrub ages
The older layers of secondary xylem, the heartwood, no longer transport water and minerals The outer layers, known as sapwood Still transport materials through the xylem

32 Cork Cambium Periderm protective coat of secondary plant body
+ cork cambium and dead cork cells - bark cork cambium produces cork cells


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