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Blue Ridge Unified School District.  How will this help me? My Family Link  Where do I get started? Personal Profile Page  How do I manage my webpage?

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Presentation on theme: "Blue Ridge Unified School District.  How will this help me? My Family Link  Where do I get started? Personal Profile Page  How do I manage my webpage?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue Ridge Unified School District

2  How will this help me? My Family Link  Where do I get started? Personal Profile Page  How do I manage my webpage? Classroom Fusion Page

3  It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU USE Firefox as your browser when working with SchoolFusion  SchoolFusion will work with other web browsers, (Internet Explorer, Chrome), but we find the fewest issues with Firefox.


5  Parent can click to view combined calendar At a glance view of all of their kids events, assignments, and announcements  When a parent clicks on your name, they will be taken to the profile page. They can also click on individual class pages from here.






11  Personal Web  Picture  Bio/Contact Info  List of FusionPages (Your Classroom Pages)  Discussion Topics (Blogs)-Chance to extend educational opportunities outside of the classroom. A Blog is an online discussion.

12  Make sure to ‘Activate your Profile’  Next-Go to ‘My Account’ ‘My Profile’  Click RED LETTERING  ’Edit my Profile’  Key point  WHENEVER YOU SEE RED LETTERING IT INDICATES SOMETHING YOU CAN EDIT END USERS DO NOT SEE THE RED LETTERING Most of the editing interfaces are similar to Microsoft Word

13  Web Page Traffic Analytics  Message Center People who are logged in can send you messages directly from the message center  My Students  Personal Activity Analytics  List of all of your FusionPages  List of all of your Discussion Topics There are easy ways to categorize discussions by class



16  My Account (Quick access to everything you have on SchoolFusion) Personal Calendar (NOTE: This is not your classroom calendar!) Files Message Center Blogs Personal Settings Profile

17  Create Discussion Topic FusionPage Content (Announcements, Homework Assignments, Events)

18  FusionPages (Lists all of your pages in a single location)


20  What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)  Page per class period  There are options for merging pages and content (Email ‘Technology’ if interested)  You can rollover the bulk of your work from year to year  You can “frontload” and choose to only display what you what, when you want it  Remember that you can build this over time.

21  Examples Carol Godwin-Science Cheryl Cagle-Language Arts Luke Smith/Kris Slaughter-World History  KEY SECTIONS Announcement Links Homework/Calendar Files

22  Pages are broken into Left and Right Sides Left side is wider than the right side  When you mouse over tools when you are logged in, the tools will appear  Add Fusion Tool Icon  Move Section Icon  Hide Section Icon  Edit Section Icon  Delete Section Icon


24  This is perhaps the most versatile section on your page. You can type simple announcements You can easily insert pictures or images here YOU CAN EVEN EMBED VIDEO CLIPS ON YOUR WEBPAGE HERE!!!!  It’s a simple Microsoft Word like interface  Parents who opt in will receive daily emails from things you put in this section.  If you don’t put an end date, it will remain indefinitely  Parents will only be emailed the first time the announcement appears


26  By Clicking ‘More Options’ you can set dates that the announcement will no longer be visible on your page.


28  Categories are ‘Folders’ IF YOU USE CATEGORIES, YOU MUST CREATE THE CATEGORIES FIRST, THEN PLACE LINKS  Make sure you put in http://  Provide a title and description  Check ‘Open link in new window’  Select which pages you want the link to appear on  Click ‘Create Link’



31  You can use the Homework button to create assignments that will populate to your class calendar and will email to the parents if they are signed up to receive email notifications.  You can actually include resources in the Assignment description


33  There are a couple of ways of putting your homework assignments on SchoolFusion. 1) The first and simplest way is to use the Homework FusionTool.  The limitation is that you CANNOT ROLLOVER THESE ASSIGNMENTS subsequent years/semesters and will have to input them again.  The limitation is that you CANNOT ROLLOVER THESE ASSIGNMENTS to subsequent years/semesters and will have to input them again. use your classroom FusionCalendar to create you assignments you will also be able to easily move the same assignments to the same classes the following semester or year 2) If you use your classroom FusionCalendar to create you assignments, parents will still receive emails related to upcoming assignment, but you will also be able to easily move the same assignments to the same classes the following semester or year by following the steps below:

34 How to add an assignment or event to your Class Calendar class page -On the class page, Click on "Add Events" events page On the events page, Click on "Add Event"

35 When the box pops up Fill in the Event, Assignment, or Homework information you wish to convey.  (Select which classes to apply the information to, by clicking the radio button in front of each class. The class you entered the calendar through is already checked.)


37 left Click the left "Add Event" if you have no other items to add. right Click the right "Add Event" if you have other items to place on your calendar After you add your event, you will be able to see the due date circled on the calendar. If a parent or student clicks on the highlighted circle, the title of the assignment pops up. They can click on this title to find the details.


39  How to update assignments (USEFUL FOR ROLLOVER) class page On the class page, Click on "Edit Events" events page On the events page, Click on "View Prior Events“

40 Action  Under the column labeled "Action", click "Edit" for that assignment or event. When the box pops up change the previous assignment date to a current or future date.  (Everything about this assignment or event can be changed at this time if so desired.)


42  You can add files to your webpage that can be downloaded by the end user  NO MORE ‘I LOST MY HOMEWORK’, OR ‘I DIDN’T GET THAT NOTE FROM YOU’!!!!  It is so incredibly easy to do this…..  1) Go to your files tool and click ‘Add File’  NOTE: IF YOU WANT CATEGORICAL FILES, YOU MUST ADD FOLDERS FIRST!!!!

43  2) Click ‘Browse’

44  3) Browse for your file just like you do on your computer

45  4) Notice that your file is selected. Don’t forget to click on the classes you want the file available to, and to click ‘Add File’ when finished..

46  SchoolFusion Quick Reference  SchoolFusion Video Training Suite x.html x.html

47 You can always email, and we will do everything we can to assist.

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