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QUIZ TIME WEIGHT LOSS There are only 10 questions to test your knowledge about weight loss.

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Presentation on theme: "QUIZ TIME WEIGHT LOSS There are only 10 questions to test your knowledge about weight loss."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUIZ TIME WEIGHT LOSS There are only 10 questions to test your knowledge about weight loss.

2 Q1: The key areas to a balanced approach to weight loss includes – Diet and exercise Diet, good sleep and happiness Diet, exercise and motivation Exercise and good sleep

3 Correct answer is Diet, Exercise and motivation. Dieting is must but one should consume healthy food and avoid fast food. Exercise is another main factor for reducing weight and last but not the least motivation plays a vital role as without motivation and satisfaction one cannot loose weight

4 Correct answer is Diet, Exercise and motivation. Dieting is must but one should consume healthy food and avoid fast food. Exercise is another main factor for reducing weight and last but not the least motivation plays a vital role as without motivation and satisfaction one cannot loose weight

5 Q2: Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is – The type of metabolism you are born withThe type of metabolism you are born with. The minimum amount of calories required to sustain life when at rest. The length of time required to lose a certain amount of fat. The rate at which the body produces fatThe rate at which the body produces fat.

6 Correct answer is The minimum amount of calories required to sustain life when at rest. BMR is responsible for burning 70% of calories by natural process like respiration, pumping blood etc.


8 Q3: Which of the following exercises will aid faster weight loss? Leg extensions Bicep curls Calf raises Squats and sits ups

9 Correct answer is Squats and sit ups. Sit ups and squatting is one of the most beneficial exercises to loose weight and building lean muscles. In squatting more stress in laid on cardiovascular activities.


11 Q4: Do not hold your breath during strength training because – Muscles become damaged since they don't receive oxygen Blood pressure increases rapidly Blood sugar falls drastically It delays the fat loss process

12 Correct answer is Blood pressure increases rapidly. Holding your breadth during strength training increases blood pressure and infra abdominal pressure rapidly


14 Q5: Alcohol is a strict no-no if you want to lose weight? I agree Rubbish! What has alcohol got to do with weight loss? One drink once in a while is okay for my waistline

15 Correct answer is one drink once in a while is okay for my waistline. Alcohol do not contain any nutrients but it contain calories so once in a while is okay and won’t have much impact on weight loss.


17 6. Avocado is a good inclusion in the weight loss diet because this fruit is high in: Calcium Healthy Fats Iron Vitamin C

18 Correct answer is Healthy Fats. Avocado is rich in monosaturated fats. They are good fats for health and help in reducing weight so add on avocado in your diet.


20 Q7: Which of the following are psychological causes that influence weight gain or weight loss? Happiness Stress Phobia All of the above

21 Correct answer is Stress. Everybody takes stress either the cause is weight gain or loss. Don’t get overstressed as it is simple process but a bit motivation plays a vital role in the same.


23 Q8: Which of the following statements is true? Eating after 8 p.m. causes weight gain Nuts are fattening, so they must be avoided if you want to lose weightNuts are fattening, so they must be avoided if you want to lose weight Eating lean meat in small amounts can be part of a healthy weight loss plan Low-fat or fat-free means no calories

24 Correct answer is eating lean meat in small amounts can be part of a healthy weight loss plan. Weight loosing do not depend on at what time you eat it wholly depends on what you eat, in how much quantity and how much you exercise.


26 Q9: Focusing on sights, sounds and sensations of eating helps with weight loss. TRUE FALSE

27 Correct answer is True. Focusing on the sensation, sight and sound of eating helps in weight loss as once you start eating healthy food you will love it by the time.



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