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Created by BM|DESIGN|ER Besmark private UMTS private smartphone business UMTS business smartphones mobile service provider (operator)

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Presentation on theme: "Created by BM|DESIGN|ER Besmark private UMTS private smartphone business UMTS business smartphones mobile service provider (operator)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER Besmark private UMTS private smartphone business UMTS business smartphones mobile service provider (operator)

2 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs HR consultants agencies web APPS developers mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS B-sm@rk services Web App B-sm@rk services Social networking B- sm@rk services Special offers / service integration CUSTOMERS company gsm user mobile operator individual gsm user company smarphones user individual smartphone users KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the Besm@rk social network off line events / coaching new APPS commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences B-sm@rk concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services web ads.COM certification

3 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS B-sm@rk services CUSTOMERS individual gsm user company smarphones user individual smartphone users KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the Besm@rk social network off line events / coaching commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences B-sm@rk concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic On payment services

4 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs HR consultants agencies web APPS developers mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS B-sm@rk services Web App B-sm@rk services Social networking B- sm@rk services CUSTOMERS company smarphones user individual smartphone users KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the Besm@rk social network off line events / coaching new APPS commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences B-sm@rk concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services

5 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS B-sm@rk services CUSTOMERS company gsm user company smarphones user KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the Besm@rk social network off line events / coaching commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences B-sm@rk concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic On payment services web ads.COM certification

6 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs HR consultants agencies web APPS developers mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS B-sm@rk services Web App B-sm@rk services Social networking B- sm@rk services CUSTOMERS company gsm user company smarphones user KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the Besm@rk social network off line events / coaching new APPS commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences B-sm@rk concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services web ads.COM certification

7 Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) web advs mkting agency VALUE PROPOSITION Special offers / service integration CUSTOMERS company gsm user mobile operator KEY ACTIVITIES exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect new APPS KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences B-sm@rk concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services web ads.COM certification

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