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Our Example of Service.   Romans 15:8-9, a servant to Jews and Gentiles alike  Jesus said He came to serve – Matt. 20:28, Lk 22:27  Jesus served –

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1 Our Example of Service

2   Romans 15:8-9, a servant to Jews and Gentiles alike  Jesus said He came to serve – Matt. 20:28, Lk 22:27  Jesus served – healing, feeding, encouraging, defending, teaching – even the poor – Luke 7:19-22, Acts 10:38 Jesus served others

3   Isaiah 42:1-4, a prophecy of Jesus, described as God’s servant ( Matthew 12:17-21 )  John 13:1-7, He served His apostles washing their feet Cf. Luke 22:24-27 Jesus served others

4   Isaiah 52:13-53:12, “the suffering Servant” - Jesus came as a bondservant to provide the sacrifice we needed Philippians 2:5-8 2 Corinthians 8:9  John 15:13 Jesus served others

5   Hebrews 4:14-5:1, 2:17- 18, He continues to serve us as our High Priest! Jesus served others

6   Matthew 20:25-28, greatness is found in serving  Matthew 23:11-12, humility emphasized in serving  Luke 16:13, we serve God. Loyalty is needed Jesus taught service

7   John 12:26, service means following Him. The Father honors those who serve Him Jesus taught service

8   Luke 12:35-40, Parable of the Expectant Steward – preparation, faithful service even when the Master is away  Luke 12:41-48, Parable of the Faithful Steward – faithfulness rewarded with more trust and honor. The corrupt and lazy servant will be punished Jesus taught service

9   Matthew 25:14-30, Parable of the talents – you are expected to serve to your potential  Luke 16:1-13, Parable of the Unjust Steward – was shrewd and self serving. Such will rewarded in kind at the judgment. Faithfulness is in one’s character! Jesus taught service

10   Luke 17:7-10, a working servant, serves until he is finished with all tasks – after we are done, we are unprofitable. We have done what was our duty Jesus taught service

11   Luke 22:24-30, while apostles were arguing, Jesus taught them to serve.  John 13:12-17, Jesus taught His apostles after washing their feet. We must follow His example in serving others! Jesus taught service

12  We have hope because Jesus came to serve! Let us learn from Him to serve others!

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