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Choices and Consequences Teenage Sex and other Moral Decisions.

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Presentation on theme: "Choices and Consequences Teenage Sex and other Moral Decisions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choices and Consequences Teenage Sex and other Moral Decisions

2 Consequences Spiritual: distancing relationship with God and God’s plan of happiness for your life. Emotional: harms relationship with self or others; depression, guilt, etc. Physical: physical harm in some cases can result. (Example: smoking)

3 Initiation Groups: Brainstorm identify the consequences of the scenarios given on your handout.

4 Consequences Associated with Teenage Sex AIDS, STDs Pregnancy – No contraceptive method is 100 % effective. If semen comes in contact with the natural lubricants in or around the vagina, pregnancy is possible.

5 Consequences Associated with Teenage Sex Loss of Reputation Ruined relationship, break-up – Sexual intimacy can degenerate into exploitation Conflict with parents – Damage of trust, resorting to lies, deception, evasiveness, disobedience

6 Consequences Associated with Teenage Sex Guilt, Shame – Violating your personal moral values Emotional upheaval – “Pregnancy Panic,” excitement, fear, hurt, suspicion, rejection, guilt, relief, anger, regret Loss of Adolescence – If you are forced to make decisions you are not adequately prepared to deal with

7 Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) 1.All STDs can be cured with appropriate treatment. True or false? There are treatments to address the symptoms of many STDs, but there is still no cure for many. 2.Condoms protect against all STDs. Condoms can protect against many but not all STDs. Condom use protects men and women against HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, and syphilis. 3.If you believe you have an STD, you should stop having sex and seek treatment from a doctor. Yes! To avoid further spread, see a doctor immediately.

8 4. You can only get an STD through sexual intercourse. False. You can give and receive STDs through intercourse, oral sex, or even skin to skin contact. 5. Which of the following is a possible symptom of an STD? a. Bumps, sores, or warts near the mouth, anus, or vagina b. Skin rash c. Painful urination d. Painful sex e. No visible signs at all f. All of the above

9 6. Only promiscuous girls and cheating guys get STDs. STDs do not discriminate. 7. The Pill prevents STDs. Birth control does not prevent sexually- transmitted infections. 8. Using 2 condoms is better than 1 because there is double protection. Two condoms can rub against each other during sex and increase the chance of one or both breaking or slipping off.


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