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Tyrrell Middle School Bullying. What is Bullying? Definition:  Bullying is when someone INTENTIONALLY causes physical harm and/or psychological distress.

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Presentation on theme: "Tyrrell Middle School Bullying. What is Bullying? Definition:  Bullying is when someone INTENTIONALLY causes physical harm and/or psychological distress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tyrrell Middle School Bullying

2 What is Bullying? Definition:  Bullying is when someone INTENTIONALLY causes physical harm and/or psychological distress to someone else  Imbalance of power  Repeated actions  Intentional Actions  Unequal levels of affect According to our needs assessment, 7% of 6th graders, 12% of 7th graders, and 6% of 8th graders are concerned about bullying at TMS.

3 Bullying Three major people involved in bullying are the victim, the bully, and the bystander Types :  Physical aggression  Social isolation  Verbal aggression  Intimidation  Written aggression  Sexual harassment  Racial & cultural harassment  Cyberbullying (using technology)

4 Normal ConflictBullying Equal power; friendsImbalance of power; not friends Happens occasionallyRepeated negative actions AccidentalPurposeful Not seriousSerious- threat of physical harm or emotional hurt Equal emotional reactionStrong emotional reaction on behalf of victim Not seeking power or attentionSeeking power, control Not trying to get somethingTrying to gain material things or power Remorse-takes responsibilityNo remorse-blames victim Effort to solve problemNo effort to solve problem

5 Reasons why students bully others  To gain power  To gain popularity and attention  To act out problems from home  To copy what someone else does that they admire  They perceive it as fun  They have low self-esteem (sometimes)

6 Reasons why students bully others using technology Victims cannot defend themselves as easily when being cyberbullied They think there is less of a chance that an adult will find out Since there is no direct human contact, emotion is absent It is easier to get a larger number of kids on your side with the push of a button

7 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level  Fourth level  Fifth level Boys vs. Girls Boys Characteristics :  Intimidation  Control  Humiliation  Power domination  Threats to one’s safety Tactics: Name calling Physical attacks Pushing Shoving Kicking Spitting Extortion (money, belongings) Defacing victim’s property Repeated physical attacks Inappropriate sexual behavior

8 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level  Fourth level  Fifth level Boys vs. Girls Girls Characteristics:  Social cruelty  Manipulation  Hurt feelings  Subtle rejection/ostracism  Character assassination Tactics: Name calling Isolating the victim Ethnic slurs Spreading false rumors

9 Ha Ha So Strategies Victims  H elp: Seek assistance from an adult, friend, or peer  A ssert Yourself: Make assertive statements to the bully addressing your feelings about the bullying behavior  H umor: Use humor to de-escalate a situation  A void: Walk away or avoid certain places in order to avoid a bullying situation  S elf-Talk: Use positive self-talk to maintain positive self- esteem during a bullying situation  O wn-it: “Own” the put-down or belittling comment in order to diffuse it.

10 Help! Victim Dont’s  Cry or act hurt  Lose temper  Escalate  Return the aggression  Get others to gang up on the bully  Tease back  Call the teaser names

11 Bystanders  A bystander is someone who sees bullying happening, but who does not intervene  Most ignored and underused resource in school  85% of the population  Become desensitized over time Why don’t they get involved?  Fear of retaliation  Don’t know what to do  Afraid they’ll make things worse  Worry about losing social status  Don’t believe that adults will help

12 Bystander Bystander Should  Request that the bully stop  Seek adult help if the bully does not stop  Speak up and/or offer support to the victim  Take the bully aside and ask him or her to “cool it”

13 Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level  Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level  Fifth Outline Level  Sixth Outline Level  Seventh Outline Level  Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline LevelClick to edit Master text styles Second level Third level  Fourth level  Fifth level Consequences of Bullying The Bully  Fights  Theft  Vandalism  Drunkenness  Bullies also 5 to 6 times more likely to have serious criminal records by young adulthood The Victim Experience physical and psychological damage Cut school for fear of being bullied Experience depression, poor self- esteem, and other mental health problems as adults Fear of using school property (bus, restrooms, and locker rooms) Drop out of school Change schools Attempt suicide Seek revenge

14 Consequences of Bullying The Bystander  Fear of association with victim(s) may bring bullying their way  Learn that bullying is a way to gain prestige and attention  Fear reporting bullying incidents because they may be labeled a “snitch,” “tattler,” or “informer”  Experience feelings of guilt and of helplessness for not assisting the victim

15 Take a stand  Stop rumors  Don’t pass on a hurtful note  Speak up to a bully: “We don’t do that here”  Say “hi” to a new student or someone you don’t know very well  Include someone new in one of your activities  Join up with someone who is being bothered and take them out of the situation  Let adults know when someone needs help

16 Bullying is when a person is exposed, repeatedly to negative actions; an imbalance of power. A)True B)False

17 A difference between normal conflict and bullying is: A)Bullying causes a strong emotional reaction on behalf of the victim B) Bullying is accidental C) Bullying happens occasionally D) Bullying does not seek power or attention

18 Reasons students bully include all of the following except: A) To gain power B) To gain popularity C) To be different from others D) They perceive it as fun

19 Which of the following is a characteristic of a girl bully? A)Intimidation B)Humiliation C)Social cruelty D)Power domination

20 The Ha Ha So Strategies include all of the following except: A)Help B)Assert Yourself C)Humor D)Self-defense

21 Bystanders do not get involved in bullying situations because: A)Don’t believe that adults will help B)Believe that adults will help C)Fear that the victim will be mad at them D)Believe that the victim knows what to do

22 The difference between tattling and telling is: A)Telling: The behavior is purposeful B)Telling: The purpose is to get someone in trouble C)Telling: The behavior is accidental D)Tattling: The behavior is done on purpose

23 Consequences of bullying include all of the following except: A)Bullies are more likely to have criminal records by young adulthood B)Victims cut school for fear of being bullied C)Victims experience only physical damage D)Bystanders fear association with victims may bring bullying their way

24 All of the following are examples of ways you can take a stand except: A)Stop spreading false statements B)Ask the bully to join you at lunch C) Don’t pass on a hurtful note D)Let adults know when someone needs help

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