Supporting Student Success In High School Biology Craig Gabler Regional Sci Coordinator ESD 113 Vicki Horton WSTA Region 7 Rep. Instructional Coach, OSD.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting Student Success In High School Biology Craig Gabler Regional Sci Coordinator ESD 113 Vicki Horton WSTA Region 7 Rep. Instructional Coach, OSD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting Student Success In High School Biology Craig Gabler Regional Sci Coordinator ESD 113 Vicki Horton WSTA Region 7 Rep. Instructional Coach, OSD 1

2 Biology End of Course Exam Workshop Who takes the test and when The structure of the test Which standards are addressed by EOC - Bio About the resources that are available and where to find them (including each other) Where to make connections in your curriculum materials Learning Intentions: We are learning 2

3 Introductions: Pick a road sign that represents how you are currently feeling about the biology end of course exam. Share at your table. 3

4 Initial Ideas What does a students who is successful on the biology EOC know and understand? 4

5 5

6 6

7 Stretch Break T ime for a Break……. 7

8 8

9 9 High School 2010 HSPE 2011 HSPE 2012 EOC Multiple Choice 35 Completion Piloted Short Answer 555 % Points from MC/CP 78%

10 10 Align to Standards 2009 K-12 Science Learning Standards for Systems, Inquiry, Application, and the Life Science Domain (EALR 4) Test Window May/June 2012 Jan/Feb 2013 Graduation Requirement Required for the class of 2015 and beyond (9 th graders in 2011-12) Online Testing Not currently scheduled

11 11 EALR Percent of EOC 1: Systems (crossed with Life Science and alone) At least 15 2: Inquiry (crossed with Life Science and alone) 20 – 25 3: Application (crossed with Life Science and alone) 15 4: Life science domain of EALR 4 (alone) 45 – 50

12 12 Life Science Domain of EALR 4 Percent of EALR 4 Items Percent of EOC Processes in cells (LS1)40-45 20-23 Maintenance and stability of populations (LS2) 30-35 15-18 Mechanisms of Evolution (LS3)25-30 14-16

13 13 Scenarios* Number/ EOC Items Item Types / Scenario MCCPSA Systems 1-2 6-9 each5-80-1 Inquiry 1-2 6-9 each6-90-11-2 Application 1 6-9 0-11-2 Stand Alone Items NA6-94-90-1 Total 4-540 35 5 * Scenario reading load varies from a typical minimum of 80 words for a Systems scenario to a maximum of 500 words for an Application scenario.

14 14 Test Booklet Format Biology EOC Base BookNumberPoints Scenarios4 to 5NA Items Multiple choice/completion35 Short Answer510 Base Book Item Totals4045 pts Pilot Scenario and Items Scenarios0-1NA Items Multiple choice/completion44 Short answer11 Pilot Item Totals5NA Test Booklet Totals 4 to 645 pts

15 Sorting It All Out 15

16 16 Part One: Sort cards by EALR Color

17 17 Part Two: Sort cards by Cognitive Demand Level 1 Recall and Reproduction Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking Level 4 Extended Thinking Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge levels for Science

18 It’s About Instruction… 18

19 Advocate for yourself and your students. “Hi ________________, I need _________ in order to help my students succeed on the End of Course Biology exam. Can you help by ____________________?” 19

20 20 It's Lunch Time

21 What is the population density of ESD 113? INQB#2 with LS2B#3 Crosscutting the Inquiry and Life Science EALRS: A field study. 21

22 Crosscutting the Application and Life Science EALRs: The design process. 22 Designing Solutions APPB & E with LS1B

23 Burning fossil fuels provides the primary energy source for most of modern society, but also contributes large quantities of CO 2 to the atmosphere. 1.What are 3 potential solutions to this problem? 2.Describe criteria that would be used to evaluate potential solutions. 3.Give some constraints on potential solutions. 4.Describe some trade-offs for each potential solution. 23

24 Resources 24 OSPI Science Assessment OSPI Biology EOC Moodle ESD 113 Science WSTA

25 What Happens Next? 25 Workshops? Networking?

26 Thank you 26

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