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Warm Up Imagine that Mr. Mason leaves instructions for class on the board and then leaves. After a while, you realize he’s never around, so instead of.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Imagine that Mr. Mason leaves instructions for class on the board and then leaves. After a while, you realize he’s never around, so instead of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Imagine that Mr. Mason leaves instructions for class on the board and then leaves. After a while, you realize he’s never around, so instead of doing work you start texting people, listening to music and eating snacks. One day in class, a fight breaks out. The next day, Mr. Mason comes back to make sure another fight doesn’t happen. He notices everyone is breaking the rules, so she starts writing people up. He also needs student work samples to show the administration, so he starts demanding the class does extra work. – What British policy is Mr. Mason acting out (at first)? – How do you think students will react when he comes back? – The colonists were in the same situation. How do you think they reacted when Great Britain started enforcing rules again?

2 Let’s review… Colonies  raw goods  England England  finished products  colonies

3 Let’s review… Colonies are losing money because we have to buy everything from Great Britain. UNFAVORABLE balance of trade. Great Britain is getting rich because they are buying our raw materials for cheap and selling them back to us! FAVORABLE balance of trade.

4 We’re running things ourselves… We are making our own laws without Great Britain! Colonies are self-governing. We’ve got the Mayflower Compact, Virginia House of Burgesses, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut… and so on… Until….

5 The French and Indian War!!! 1754-1763 -- French & Indians vs. British (remember, we’re still “British”!) 1 st problem? War comes to colonies (the British are over here now!) 2 nd problem? Wars cost $$ How does Britain pay for the war?

6 The French and Indian War!!! How will they pay for the war? Who will pay them? Colonies get taxed to pay for French and Indian War.

7 What do they tax? Stamp Act 1765 – Taxed paper products (playing cards, magazines, newspapers)

8 So what if they tax us? We didn’t have a say in it! Colonists were not represented in British Gov’t. No Taxation without Representation!! (i.e. we should at least be able to vote on whether you tax us or not!)

9 What else do they do to make us angry? Boston Massacre (1770) – British soldiers kill five colonists in a riot.

10 Don’t tax our tea. Tea Act (1773) – Tax on tea. To protest…colonists dump tea in Boston Harbor. This is called the… Boston Tea Party (1773) – colonists dump British tea to protest tax


12 British Payback for the Tea Party… British punish colonists for the tea party. Intolerable Acts (1774) – Closed Boston harbor. Included the… Quartering Act – British soldiers could sleep in your house.

13 Finally….INDEPENDENCE!! We’d had enough. The Declaration of Independence (1776) Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783) We win. British lose.

14 American Revolution Begins! BVg BVg Your Homework tonight… dump King George! Write a break up letter to King George. Write like you’re really dumping a boyfriend/girlfriend. Just keep the language school-appropriate.

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