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Presentation on theme: "HUMAN GEOGRAPHY SE ASIA, OCEANIA, AND ANTARCTICA."— Presentation transcript:


2 SOUTHEAST ASIA HISTORY Chinese and Indian influences Mandalas: states organized around as rings of power around a central court 5 powerful states emerged to replace mandalas Trade National identities European control Trade led to colonialism Routines and regulations Only produce commodities Europe needed Sparked nationalism Independence Japan took over in WWII and put SE Asians in leadership roles Some gained independence peacefully, some had to fight

3 SOUTHEAST ASIA ECONOMICS Traditional Based on agriculture Causes: climate, Vietnam War destroyed infrastructure, refugees reduced work force, political turmoil blocks growth Industry and finance ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations; alliance that promotes economic growth and peace in the region Late industrialization, but fast manufacturing growth Main industry = processing of agricultural products Textiles, clothing, electronic devices, and service industries

4 SOUTHEAST ASIA CULTURE Religious diversity Buddhism, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, local beliefs Art Religious architecture Performing arts (dance) Literature (poetry)

5 SOUTHEAST ASIA MODERN LIFE Villages Majority Wood houses on stilts Buddhist countries- temple serves as center of social life Indonesia- group of leaders govern by stressing cooperation Traditional clothing Modern conveniences slowly changing village life Cities Skyscrapers, business districts, apartments Shortage of housing Natural disasters threaten makeshift housing

6 OCEANIA HISTORY SE Asians travel by rafts, canoes, and land bridges Isolation 3 subregions Micronesia Melanesia Polynesia Contact with the West European explorers Trade and religious motives Diseases Traditional life replaced with Western ways Recent history WWII- battleground Nuclear test sites Some have gained independence

7 OCEANIA ECONOMICS Subsistence activities Agriculture Main economic activity Only on high islands b/c of soil Bananas, sugar, cocoa, coffee, copra (dried meat of coconuts) Fishing Tourism Mining Limited industry

8 OCEANIA CULTURE > 1,100 languages Christianity majority religion Traditional religions Arts and crafts Blend of traditional, European, and American cultures

9 OCEANIA MODERN LIFE Traditional Polynesia: villages, village chief, fishing, farming, warlike Micronesia: extended family groups, fishing, farming, peaceful Melanesia: coastal villages, fishing, shifting cultivation (moving fields often to allow land to regain fertility), hunter-gatherers Modernization Few cities, but growing Shantytowns Inadequate sanitation Modern communication

10 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ANTARCTICA HISTORY Early Australia: Aboriginal people- hunters and gatherers New Zealand: Maori- fishing, hunting, and farming European explorers- Australia and NZ in 1700s, Antarctica in 1800s European settlement Australia: Britain (mostly prisoners); conflict with Aboriginal people New Zealand: European hunters and whalers; eventually British control and conflict Antarctica: too cold Modern Nations Australia and New Zealand part of British Commonwealth Concerns and conflicts about rights and land claims Antarctica: unsettled, scientific research stations, disputes over claimed territory

11 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ANTARCTICA ECONOMICS Agriculture Meat (ranching) Wool Butter Mining High costs b/c located far from cities Manufacturing and service Processing farm products, wood, and paper Government, communication, and tourism service industries

12 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ANTARCTICA CULTURE Australia Majority British descent High immigration from Greece, Italy, and SE Asia Native influences New Zealand Majority European descent Maori

13 AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, ANTARCTICA MODERN LIFE City and country Urbanization Australia: pollution, traffic jams NZ: small population and lack of industry Ranching NZ: good transportation systems and infrastructure Australia: ranchers own private planes to travel Recreation Outdoor activities- rugby, cricket, soccer, etc. NZ: skiing and mountain climbing


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