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Writing a Solid Essay *Some helpful tips to wow your history teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing a Solid Essay *Some helpful tips to wow your history teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing a Solid Essay *Some helpful tips to wow your history teacher

2 Write a Memorable Introduction Bad Intro Bad Intro: In this essay, I plan to discuss the how humanism was part of the Protestant Reformation. BORING!!!!! Who really wants to read a lame opening to any paragraph??

3 Tips for Writing a Great Intro: Catch the reader’s attention!!! Set the tone: Whether it’s humorous, formal, informative, or critical Define all your important terms Begin by setting the background for the period Begin with a general statement

4 Background Info After grabbing a reader’s attention… Use facts and other specific details Introduce the time period and define what you will be talking about Gradually lead up to your thesis (Filter!)

5 The Thesis Statement Thesis: Main idea about the topic –Starts with a limited topic Ex: Niccolo Machiavelli was one of the most influential writers of the Renaissance –Evolves into main idea Ex: Machiavelli’s ideas about government and politics have influenced the decisions of politicians and world leaders since the writing of The Prince. Answers what’s my topic, and what am I saying about my topic?

6 Writing an Effective Thesis Statement Be clear and very specific Analyze what is important about your topic Make sure your thesis is an arguable position Place thesis at the end of your intro

7 Sample Thesis: First degree murder should receive capital punishment because there are too many repeat offenders, rehabilitation programs have proved ineffective, and murder is too heinous a crime to be punished by anything less than death.

8 Bad Thesis Statement Derek Jeter is the best shortstop in Yankee history. Derek Jeter is the best shortstop in Yankee history. (Although it may be a true, it is a weak statement and does NOT tell the reader what the essay will be about)

9 Good Thesis Statement Derek Jeter is regarded as one of the best Yankees of all times due to his agility as a shortstop, high on-base percentage, and ability to come through in key situations.

10 Bad Thesis Henry VIII is one the greatest European monarchs of all time.

11 Good Thesis Henry VIII can be considered one of the most influential English monarchs because he broke away from the Catholic Church and consolidated power within the country.

12 Using the Filter Method What is it? Steps 1. Introduce your topic and define terms 2. Explain why your topic is important 3. State your thesis 4. Preview what you will discuss 5. Close with a transition

13 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Leonardo Da Vinci was an Italian painter, scientist and inventor who lived during the Renaissance period from 1425-1519. Da Vinci is one of the most famous artists of the period because his paintings and inventions have lasted throughout time and into the modern age. While there were many talented painters and scientists during the Renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci was the most important because his work significantly impacted the way modern day scholars examine art and science. The unique style and tone, and technique of Da Vinci’s paintings have set a standard for artists and art scholars in today’s world. Additionally, Da Vinci’s forward thinking inventions have shown the world that anything is possible. Without the work of Leonardo Da Vinci, art would not be as valued as it is today.

14 Do Now Identify your potential thesis to your paper. List each quote you plan on using. Explain how each quote helps to prove your thesis.

15 Writing an Introduction: A Refresher Filter Method – 5 steps Thesis Statement – What you are trying to prove!

16 The Body of Your Essay Body paragraphs MUST prove your thesis statement Use supporting details and examples Unity: Delete any info that distracts from your main idea. No unnecessary info! Coherence: Ideas follow logical sequence Use Transitions: –For example, therefore, however, ultimately, in conclusion, furthermore, etc

17 Using Transitions Transition words –Therefore, however, ultimately, next, further, in conclusion, etc Tie your paragraphs together through similar wording –In addition to closing monasteries to gain more land, Henry VIII also forced clergy members to swear an oath of allegiance to him, acknowledging him as the head of the church.

18 Using Quotations Why use them? Steps: 1.Introduce source and author 2.Incorporate relevant quotation 3.Explain what quote means 4.Analyze importance 5.Connection to thesis

19 Quote MeaningAnalysis Connection “it is just as impossible to separate faith and works as it is to separate heat and light from fire.” – Martin Luther, Introduction St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Criticizing the Catholic Church’s belief in the necessity of consciously performing good works. He believes that when an individual has faith, they will automatically do good works. Good works are part of having faith. Luther displays humanism through this idea because he is giving the individual more control in how they practice religion and relate to God.

20 Add Quotes to Body Paragraphs Ex: In “An Introduction to St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans”, Luther describes his ideas about faith and claims that “it is just as impossible to separate faith and works as it is to separate heat and light from fire.” Through this idea, Luther is criticizing the Catholic Church’s belief in the necessity of consciously performing good works. He believes that when an individual has faith, they will automatically do good works. Good works are part of having faith. Luther displays humanism through this idea because he is giving the individual more control in how they practice religion and relate to God.

21 Conclusion Summarize your thesis Tie the main points from body paragraphs together (how do they all connect End with a clincher or strong final comment

22 And One Last Thing… Q. What is Ms. E’s biggest pet peeve with student papers??? A. The use of first and second person!!! Q. What is first and second person you ask? A. First person is using ‘I’ statements and second is using ‘you’ or ‘us’ statements Q. But what’s the harm? A. You are writing the paper, I know its what you think and you cannot make assumptions for the reader

23 Follow these steps, and you will have a solid essay no matter what the subject is!!! Follow these steps, and you will have a solid essay no matter what the subject is!!!

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