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By Paige and Peyton The Zulu Kingdom 1817-79. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Where 2.Map 3.Culture 4.The Legacy of Shaka 5.Time of Troubles 6.Creating an Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "By Paige and Peyton The Zulu Kingdom 1817-79. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Where 2.Map 3.Culture 4.The Legacy of Shaka 5.Time of Troubles 6.Creating an Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 by Paige and Peyton The Zulu Kingdom 1817-79

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Where 2.Map 3.Culture 4.The Legacy of Shaka 5.Time of Troubles 6.Creating an Empire 7.Rise of Dingane 8.Dingane and Voorrtrekkers 9.Succession of Cetshwayo 10.Chetshwayo 11.Anglo-Zulu War 12.Significance

3 WHERE ● Southeastern Africa ○ south of Limpopo River ● Disease free ● Grassland and sparse forest ○ Farming, cattle ● Minor skirmishes b/w Bantu people ● 1800s - pop increase led to an increase in violence


5 CULTURE ● Many converted to Christianity while colonized by the British ● Ancestral beliefs and tradition were incorporated into Christianity ● Offerings of sacrifice were made to ancestors for protection, good health, and happiness ● Magic ● Healers - herbs ● Spoke varied dialects

6 THE LEGACY OF SHAKA ● Age 23 - called to fight for Digiswayo ○ leader of 1 of 3 strong federations in Zululand ○ Adopted ● Age 29 - chosen to be chieftain ○ Assassination plot ● As Chieftain (w/ Dingiswayo as overlord) ○ Reorganized military Stronger spears Work as a unit Cowhide shields

7 SHAKA CONT. ● 1818 - Dingiswayo attacks Ndwandwe ○ Killed ○ Shaka regroups and attacks Ndwandwe ○ Shaka wins ● Shaka now ruler of Zululand ● Consolidates rule ○ Killed opposition and relatives in power ● Organized Zululand ○ Youth serve in army ○ Young women recruited into guilds for national service ○ Girls given to “Father Shaka” as wives



10 TIME OF TROUBLES ● Three of Shaka’s commanders fled w/ regiments ● Other Zulus fleeing Shaka’s rule created Swaziland ● Others fled to Lake Malawi to the north and to Bechuana to the east ● Cattle raids led neighbors to flee = Depopulation ○ Moshoeshoe - united refugees to the southwest in Bastutoland

11 CREATING AN EMPIRE ● 1824 - British officers arrive to create a settlement ○ Shaka befriends them and wins their support for his wars of conquest ○ Shaka recognises British occupation of Natal ● Shaka orders 7,000 men to be killed on hunt ● Zulu people are tired of constant war and bloodshed

12 RISE OF DINGANE ● Dingane and Mhlangana, Shaka’s half brothers, conspired together to murder Shaka. ○ they were successful ● Then, Dingane murdered Mhlangana ○ Dingane took the throne ● He then executed all his royal kin ● Later, he executed past followers of Shaka ● Mpande, a half brother, was left alone ○ seen as too weak to be a threat


14 DINGANE AND VOORTREKKERS ● October 1837- the Voortrekker leader Piet Retief visited Dingane to negotiate a land deal for the voortrekkers ● Dingane asked Retief and his party to recover some cattle stolen ● Retief and his men did so and a treaty was signed, in which Dingane ceded all the land south of the Tugela River to the Mzimvubu River to the Voortrekkers.

15 DINGANE AND VOORTREKKERS cont. ● Retief and his men were invited to a dance and asked to leave their weapons behind. ● In the middle of the dance, Dingane executed Retief and his men ○ then attacked nearby Voortrekker men, women and children ● The remaining Voortrekkers elected a new leader, Andries Pretorius, and defeated Dingane ● Mpande and Voortrekkers went after Dingane, after he fled, and was assassinated ● Mpande became new ruler

16 SUCCESSION OF CETSHWAYO ● Mpande formed allegiance with British ○ after war between British and Boers resulted in annexation of by British of Natalia ● He began killing people within the kingdom who disagreed with the official policy ○ raided nearby areas for people who fled British made the stop ● battle broke out b/w Mpande’s two sons ○ one died in battle- Mbuyazi ● Mpande died of old age ○ Cetshwayo, his other son, claimed the throne


18 ANGLO - ZULU WAR: CAUSE ● British concern over Federation for South Africa ● Eliminate Zulus to unify British territories ● Zulus blame Boers for encroaching ○ British boundary commission agree ● Sir Bartle Frere uses this as an excuse to reduce the Zulu military threat ○ Land only returned if Zulu army was disbanded ○ ZULUS IGNORE

19 ANGLO-ZULU WAR: 1879 ● British invasion poorly conceived ● Zulu Impi invade European territory ○ British feared for safety ○ Sent more troops ● Zulus beat British at Battle of Isandlwana ● The war ended with Zulu defeat ○ Battle of Ulundi ● Even though they were defeated, the Zulu warriors earned the respect of the British

20 Anglo-Zulu War

21 RESULTS OF THE ANGLO-ZULU WAR 1. Boers reclaim independence from GB 2. GB policy of “Divide and Rule” a. Prevent resurrection of a centralized Zulu army b. Divide Zululand into districts with own chiefs 3. Civil war until 1887 4. Zululand ruled as a separate British colony until merged with Natal in 1897 a. leads to more warfare in the future (Boer War)

22 SIGNIFICANCE ● In white-dominated South Africa, the Zulu resistance to white colonization was a source of inspiration for many Black South Africans. ● Zululand’s relationship with the British foreshadows European and American imperialism throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

23 WORKS CITED "British Empire: Africa: Zululand." British Empire: Africa: Zululand. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "The Zulu Empire and Its King, Shaka, to 1828." The Zulu Empire and Its King, Shaka, to 1828. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Zulu." South African History Online. 3 Apr. 2011. Web. 01 Mar. 2016. "Zulu Kingdom." New World Encyclopedia. Web. 28 Feb. 2016. "Zulu Nation." History Files. Kessler Associates, 2001. Web. 28 Feb. 2016.

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