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Israel and the Jewish World A New Relationship August 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Israel and the Jewish World A New Relationship August 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Israel and the Jewish World A New Relationship August 2010

2 The Rise and Fall of Strategies Relevancy Paradigm ‘relevant’ to reality Paradigm Eroded Paradigm Loses Relevancy New Paradigm Generations Strategies in the Flat World A few years Time

3 The Old Relationship Negation of Diaspora Old-Boys Network (GOI & Big Macher) Rich uncle–poor nephew Classical Zionism Israeliness vs. Jewishness Aliyah / Yerida Blood for money+politics State-building

4 World Jewry  Jewish world is flattening  Judaism from a personal place  Younger generation alienated from traditional Jewish institutions  Stronger sense of belonging to local communities  Discourse of Peoplehood  ‘Aliyah’ no longer prominent on agenda  Israel gravitating from center Jews in Israel  Israel is secure (Although still threatened)  Israel is relatively prosperous, Rise of Israeli philanthropy  Decline of GOI & rise of others  Surge in community life  Jewishness in public and private spheres  50% of Jewish babies born in Israel Trends Undermining ‘Old Relationship’ Israeli Diaspora  2 nd & 3 rd generation Israeli Diaspora  Self organizing & integrating into their communities  IL recognizes, embraces & engages

5 The Problem Old Paradigm Negation of Diaspora Old Boys Network Vibrant Diaspora is imperative Lifecycle of movement Direct relationships Diverging Reality New Zionism: Nationalism + Peoplehood Rich uncle–poor nephew Classical Z’ism: Nat’lism Old Paradigm is in Collapse State-building Partnership & Mutuality Community-building Aliyah / Yerida Prosperous Israel Blood for money

6 Six Pillars of the New Relationship People’s State: Secure, prosperous, dem. State providing a unique J. experience People’s Structure: Network of Prosperous & Resilient Communities People’s Heritage: Preserve, Develop, Communicate texts, ethics, culture, art, etc… People’s Language: Hebrew People’s Mission: Tikkun Olam Jewish Peoplehood People’s Fight: Against Anti-Semitism and Delegitimacy of Israel

7 The Jewish World is Built as a Network GOI JAFI JDC UJC / Keren HaYesod Va’ad Hakehlia

8 The Jewish World is Built as a Network  Smaller weaker Gov’t  Stronger Civil Society  Community building

9 The Jewish World is Built as a Network

10 Moving towards C2C/P2P Relationships

11 The Jewish Network UJIA Chabad P2K Hillel Examples of Hubs Hillel JCCs Chabad P2K / Municipalities JAFI / JDC Keren Hayesod World Jewish Congress UJA Federations/UJIA Synagogues JCCA

12 Impact Strategy Orgs. structured around ‘old covenant’ Orgs. forming around ‘new covenant’ One Hub at a Time Israel-centric Aliyah Israel as poor nephew Blood for money State-building People-centric Lifecycle of movement Excellence Partnership & Mutuality Community-building

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