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Playground Rules and Expectations. General Rules  Value Self, Value Others and Value Learning  No Bullying (Hitting, Kicking, Teasing, Name Calling)

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Presentation on theme: "Playground Rules and Expectations. General Rules  Value Self, Value Others and Value Learning  No Bullying (Hitting, Kicking, Teasing, Name Calling)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Playground Rules and Expectations

2 General Rules  Value Self, Value Others and Value Learning  No Bullying (Hitting, Kicking, Teasing, Name Calling)  Stay inside the fenced area  No climbing fences or backstops  Line up quickly when the whistle blows  Have Fun!  Value Self, Value Others and Value Learning  No Bullying (Hitting, Kicking, Teasing, Name Calling)  Stay inside the fenced area  No climbing fences or backstops  Line up quickly when the whistle blows  Have Fun!

3 Equipment

4 General Rules for the Equipment  No tag on the equipment at anytime  No climbing on the outside of the red railing or tube slide  No sitting on the red railing or on top of the climbers or monkey bars  No running or pushing on the equipment

5 Swings  Sit on the Swings  No Spinning or Twisting  No Jumping Off  Take Turns

6 Slides  Slide sitting on your bottom with your feet in front of you  One person at a time  Slides are “Down Only” areas  No pushing people down the slides

7 Climbers  Climbers are “Up and Down” areas  One person at a time  Hold on with both hands  Take turns

8 Monkey Bars  Start on ladder side and end on platform side  One person at a time  No climbing on the Top  Drop straight down if you can’t make it across Start

9 Rock Wall  The Rock Wall is an “Up Only” area  Several Children can be on the Rock Wall at one Time  The Rock Wall is closed when there is Ice, Frost or Snow on it  No Pushing or Jumping off

10 Fireman Pole  The fireman pole is a “Down Only” area  One person at a time  Look before going down  Hold on all the way down  Get out of the way for the next person

11 Diggers  One person at a time  Make sure other students are out of the way  Take turns

12 Stand Up Spinner  One student 3-5 or two students K-2 at a time  Standing or sitting  Hold on  Take turns  Change people after slow count of 30

13 Tea Cup Spinners  One person at a time  Sit all the way in the spinner  Take turns  Change people after a slow count to 30

14 Funnel Ball  Many students can play this game  Make sure to use a small kickball  Take turns shooting  Agree on basic rules before playing

15 Playhouse  This is an area for pretend play  No climbing on the playhouse  No climbing through the window

16 Spring Toys  One person at a time  Sit on the spring toy, facing forward  Rock front to back  Take turns

17 Small Climber  One Person at a time  Go slowly, No running  The Small Climber is closed when it has ice, frost or snow on it

18 Blacktop Area  Used for: Basketball, Tetherball, Hopscotch,4 Square, Jump rope  No Football, Kickback or Soccer  Students stay on the blacktop in winter when not wearing boots

19 Field  Used for: Football, Soccer, Tag games, running around, Snow forts in the winter  Students can use the whole field when there are two adults outside  Students can go to the gate when there is one adult outside Gate

20 Kickball Field  Used for Kickball  No digging holes in the dirt in the kickball field  No dodge ball  No kicking the ball over the backstop

21 Tables and Benches  Students may sit at the picnic tables, benches and the small red table  No standing on the tables  No jumping off or over the tables

22 The Hill  Students are only allowed on the hill for sledding in the winter  No playing on the hill or rolling down the hill at any other time

23 Bleachers  Students are not allowed on the bleachers  Bleachers will be used only during special activities  Students will pass by bleachers and be briefly outside of the fence for the Walking Club

24 Walking Club Fence Backstop Cone Gate Flowerbed

25 Electric Company Box  Stay away from this box!  Electricity is dangerous Electric Box

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