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Senior Course Rep Training 2015-16. Objectives Refresh knowledge of the role of a Course Rep Consider the role of a Senior Course Rep School Reps Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Course Rep Training 2015-16. Objectives Refresh knowledge of the role of a Course Rep Consider the role of a Senior Course Rep School Reps Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Course Rep Training 2015-16

2 Objectives Refresh knowledge of the role of a Course Rep Consider the role of a Senior Course Rep School Reps Student Co-chairs Think about something you wish to achieve as a Senior Rep How can we help you get the most out of your role? Register for the QM Skills Award Delivering Effective Course Rep Training

3 Welcome to 2015-16!

4 The Role of a Course Rep Responsibilities: 1.To attend the introductory training provided by QMSU. 2.Attend SSLCs and contribute to the agenda and discussion. 3.Seek out opinions/issues from fellow students in advance of SSLC meetings. 4.Ask for specific items to be included on the SSLC agenda in advance of the meeting (in order to enable informed discussion and staff responses). 5.Provide feedback to course mates following SSLC meetings. 6.To raise course related group issues with relevant teaching or support staff as they arise throughout the year. 7.Promote participation in key surveys to fellow students throughout the year.

5 The Role of Senior Course Rep Senior Course Representative Course Reps who have been representatives for more than one year automatically become Senior Reps (and are also be eligible to be selected as a School Rep). In addition to carrying out the responsibilities of a Course Rep as detailed above (points 2 to 7), Senior Reps also: Feed into the Taught Programmes Action Plans (TPAPs) for their course. Attend other meetings such as E-Learning User Groups (other meetings that need student representation for quality assurance purposes can be added here). Will have the chance to be selected to Co-chair their SSLC (if the relevant SSLC adopts the University’s recommendation to introduce Student Co-chairs and if they have taken the Chair Training provided by the Students’ Union).

6 Student Co-chairs 5.3 Chair of the SSLC It is for each SSLC to determine who should chair the committee. Consideration should be given to electing a student member as co- Chair. The Students’ Union can give student representatives training to enable them to fulfil this role. Training Sessions Monday 15 February 10.00- 12.00 - Matt Spencer Boardroom Tuesday 16 February -14.00 - 16.00 Matt Spencer Boardroom

7 School Reps School Representative School Representatives are the link between representation at course level and at faculty level. They are elected at SSLCs from the pool of Senior Reps. They form the link between the SSLCs within a School and the Faculty Reps (who are elected part-time officers of the Students’ Union). In addition to carrying out the responsibilities of a Course Rep as detailed above (points 2 to 7), School Reps also: Participate in delivery of the ‘How to be an Effective Course Representative’ training provided for first time Reps. Attend Faculty Forums (held once each semester). Liaise with Faculty Reps throughout the year to keep them informed of issues raised at course level and thereby identify areas of common interest and faculty-wide relevance.

8 Electing School Reps Each School shall elect a Senior Rep to be a ‘School Representative’ to serve on a Faculty Forum to be chaired by the Faculty Representative (a part-time position elected annually during the QMSU elections). The position of School Rep shall be elected annually by and from eligible Course Reps within the School during semester 2 of the preceding academic year. (Eligible Course Reps being those continuing their term the following year i.e. not final year, nor those leaving office for other reasons).

9 Faculty Reps 2015-16 HSS Petros Petrikkos Aidan Higgins S&E Paulo Arroyo Ali Talib

10 Faculty Forums A Faculty Forum shall be held once each semester. Membership of the Faculty Forum shall be as follows: Faculty Representatives (one of whom will take the Chair) All School Reps from within the Faculty PGT and PGR Reps from each SSLC Chairs and Secretaries of each SSLC within the Faculty (whether staff, or student Co- chair) The QMSU VP Education The QMSU Education Representation and Policy Coordinator (Secretary) The Deans of Faculty will be invited to their Faculty’s Faculty Forums. Any Course Rep may attend their Faculty’s Faculty Forums. Faculty Forums 2015-16 HSS Faculty Forum Semester 1 Monday 16 November 2015 17.30 – 18.30 S&E Faculty Forum Semester 1 Tuesday 17 November 2015 17.30 – 18.30 S&E Faculty Forum Semester 2 Monday 1 February 2016 17.30 – 18.30 HSS Faculty Forum Semester 2 Tuesday 2 February 2016 17.30 – 18.30

11 What do you want to achieve? Think about Last Year – EOY Survey Think about what you want to achieve this year

12 How can we help you? Greater Visibility for Course Reps Lanyards Photo Wall (Hub and School Offices) Course Rep Guide More Resources Course Rep Library Senior Reps Newsletter More Training PDP Lunch and Learn Your Suggestions?

13 Further training planned for 2015-16 includes: Let us know if you would like us to provide anything else. How to be an effective Course Representative Further Training Lunch and Learn Communication Monday 15 February 13.00-14.00 Interpersonal Skills Tuesday 16 February 13.00-14.00 Problem Solving Thursday 18 February 13.00-14.00 Personal Effectiveness and PDP Friday 19 February 13.00-14.00 All sessions take place in the Matt Spencer Boardroom

14 QMSU Priority Campaigns 2015-16 QReview Feedback – will be the subject of the 2015-6 Student Experience Survey and the Student Experience Seminar

15 QM Skills Award How can YOU take part? Complete and log 30 hours of activity in the Union Attend 3 training sessions Complete reflective exercises QM Skills Award helps YOU: Recognise the skills you have developed through your dedication to QMSU Strengthen and gain further employability skills Articulate your skills to employers Identify further development opportunities As a Course Rep YOU are eligible for this Award! How do YOU register? Complete a short survey here:

16 Delivering Effective Course Rep Training Monday 26 October 10.30-12.30 14.00-16.00 Thursday 29 October 10.30-12.30 15.00-17.00 Friday 30 October 10.00-12.00 Monday 2 November 15.00-17.00 Tuesday 3 November 10.00-12.00 15.00-17.00 Wednesday 4 November 10.00-12.00 Thursday 5 November 13.30 - 16.30 17.30- 19.30 Friday 6 November 10.00-12.00 Monday 16 November 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 Tuesday 17 November 10.00-12.00 15.00-17.00 Thursday 19 November 10.30-12.30 15.00 - 17.00

17 Objectives Refresh knowledge of the role of a Course Rep Consider the role of a Senior Course Rep School Reps Student Co-chairs Think about something you wish to achieve as a Senior Rep How can we help you get the most out of your role? Register for the QM Skills Award Delivering Effective Course Rep Training

18 Questions?

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