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Danielle Jones AP Modern European History. VocabLeadersPeople Art Work Works Italian Renaissance Northern Renaissance 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Danielle Jones AP Modern European History. VocabLeadersPeople Art Work Works Italian Renaissance Northern Renaissance 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Danielle Jones AP Modern European History

2 VocabLeadersPeople Art Work Works Italian Renaissance Northern Renaissance 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

3 The revival of ancient learning and the supplanting of traditional religious beliefs by new secular and scientific values the began in Italy in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries is called the. 100

4 Renaissance Vocab

5 The study of the Latin and Greek classics and the Church Fathers both for their own sake and to promote a rebirth of ancient norms and values. 200

6 Humanism Vocab

7 Philosophy of Plato that posits pre existent Ideal Forms of which all earthy things are imperfect mode is. 300

8 Platonism Vocab

9 400 A style of art in the mid to late sixteenth century that permitted artists to express their own “manner” or feelings in contrast to the symmetry and simplicity of the art of the High Renaissance.

10 Mannerism Vocab

11 Education designed to promote humanist leadership of political and cultural life. 500

12 Civic Humanism Vocab

13 Wealthiest Florentine and a natural statesman 100

14 Cosimo de’ Medici Leaders

15 200 The Great Schism was supported by:

16 Charles V Leaders

17 300 Part of the Medici Family and used his powers as Pope to use the papal money to keep his family in power of Florence.

18 Pope Leo X BONUS Leaders

19 Between the newly acquired Burgundian lands and his own inheritance, and ended his reign with a kingdom twice the size that he had inherited

20 King Louis XI Leaders

21 Boniface VII found himself in a power struggle over the limits of monarchial authority with. 400

22 Philip the Fair Leaders

23 500 Exercised a strict and puritanical rule, was overthrown by the people and the Medici’s returned to power

24 Savonarola Leaders

25 Was known as the father of “humanism” 100

26 Francesco Petrarch People

27 He wrote The Imitation of Christ, One of the greatest of Christian devotional literature 200

28 Thomas à Kempis People

29 Along with writing the Prince, he believed the ends must justify the means 300

30 Niccolo Machiavelli People

31 Most famous northern Humanist, as known as a educational and religious reformer 400

32 Erasmus People

33 This conquistador landed in Mexico and opened communication with the Aztec Emperor 500

34 Hernan Cortes BONUS People

35 Explored the coastline of South America and made it to the Philippines

36 Ferdinand Magellan People

37 100 Name the Artist

38 Leonardo da Vinci Art Work

39 200 Name the Artist

40 Michelangelo Art Work

41 300 Name the Artist

42 Raphael Art Work

43 400 Name the Artist

44 Titian Art Work

45 500 Name the Artist

46 BONUS Art Work Sando Botticelli

47 Name the Artist

48 Masaccio Art Work

49 The Book of the Courtier (1518) 100

50 Castiglione Works

51 Divine Comedy 200

52 Dante Works

53 Praise of Folly (1512) 300

54 Erasmus Works

55 The Canterbury Tales 400

56 Chaucer Works

57 Don Quixote 500

58 Cervantes BONUS Works

59 Volpone

60 Ben Jonson Works

61 100 What city was the center of art during the Italian Renaissance?

62 Rome Italian Renaissance

63 During the Renaissance literary works started to be written in Italian which was the. 200

64 Vernacular Italian Renaissance

65 Italian Renaissance architects revived the style of the. 300

66 Ancient Romans BONUS Italian Renaissance

67 Michelangelo was called paint the ceiling of the Sistine chapel by.

68 Julius II Italian Renaissance

69 400 Florence became the center of for Italy.

70 Banking Italian Renaissance

71 Leonardo was talented in many areas including and. 500

72 Art and Science Italian Renaissance

73 The Northern Renaissance drew on and texts of the Bible and writings of the Church Fathers. 100

74 Hebrew and Greek Northern Renaissance

75 The essay form was developed by. 200

76 Michel de Montaigne Northern Renaissance

77 His secular writings portrayed his confidence in human nature and reflected Renaissance tastes 300

78 Francois Rabelais Northern Renaissance

79 Humanism was highly supported in the Northern Renaissance. 400

80 Christian Northern Renaissance

81 The printing press made many published works popular but most importantly the __________. 500

82 Bible BONUS Northern Renaissance

83 _______ is based on the ideas of Erasmus and the belief that Christianity offered humanity sound guidelines for its moral conduct and the religion and learning were inextricably bound together.

84 Erasmian Humanism Northern Renaissance

85 There were many popular artists in the Renaissance; Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, and Michelangelo name one work from each artist

86 Leonardo da Vinci- Mona Lisa, Last Supper Raphael- School of Athens Michelangelo- Sistine ceiling, Last judgment, Final Jeopardy

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