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Multiple deprivation deprived Managerial and professional Semi-skilled unskilled manufacturing temporary Possessing some skills but not enough to so specialised.

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Presentation on theme: "Multiple deprivation deprived Managerial and professional Semi-skilled unskilled manufacturing temporary Possessing some skills but not enough to so specialised."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiple deprivation deprived Managerial and professional Semi-skilled unskilled manufacturing temporary Possessing some skills but not enough to so specialised work. Highly skilled and usually well paid jobs. Suffering a severe and damaging lack of material and cultural benefits. Something that serves for a limited amount of time. Seven indicators of deprivation are combined to give this measure. The seven basic indicators are; income, employment, health and disability, education, skills and training, barriers to social housing and services, living environment including air quality and traffic accidents. Lacking skill or technical training. Usually a low paid job Consists of companies that convert raw materials into finished goods or make and assemble components. Part of the Secondary sector.

2 When Ken Livingstone was Mayor of London he supported Newham for the Olympics location because...

3 Figure 5 – The age-sex structure of Newham’s population compared to the UK, 2001

4 Demographic Transition Model 1- High fluctuating 2 – Early expanding 3 – Late expanding 4 – Low fluctuating 5 - Decline

5 Demographic Transition Model: 4) Low Fluctuating A period of low and birth rates. Natural change hovers between increase and decrease. This stage has a “greying” population: It gets older. Death rate is kept low by improving healthcare. Birth rate is kept low by more effective birth control, and women waiting longer to have a family.

6 Figure 5 – The age-sex structure of Newham’s population compared to the UK, 2001 Add labels the population pyramid above which give details about the ‘demographics’ in the Newham area. Which has the biggest % Which has the smallest % How does it compare to the UK?

7 Add labels about how it compares to Newport...

8 Question about population... 1. What problems might this population structure present?

9 Figure 6 – The ethnic structure of Newham compared to England in 2006

10 Question about ethnicity... 1.Compare the ethnic structures of Newham and England as a whole.

11 What about Newport? How does it compare to where you live?

12 Figure 7 – Deprivation in Newham compared to the least and most deprived areas of England and Wales, 2008 How deprived is Newham? (there are 20 bars along the graph).

13 Figure 8 – How incomes in Newham (shown by the arrow) compare with the rest of England and Wales, 2008 Figure 9a – Employment status in Newham, 2001 Figure 9b – Employment type in Newham, 2001 Why might incomes be so low in Newham? (think about the old manufacturing industry and a move from secondary to tertiary industry?

14 Figure 8 – How incomes in Newham (shown by the arrow) compare with the rest of England and Wales, 2008 Figure 9a – Employment status in Newham, 2001 Figure 9b – Employment type in Newham, 2001

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