Welcome to. Sparhawk Infant and Nursery Discover Achieve Excel.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to. Sparhawk Infant and Nursery Discover Achieve Excel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to

2 Sparhawk Infant and Nursery Discover Achieve Excel

3 Discover everything begins with a discovery We begin the educational journey Strong foundations = strong structure Learning together Parent partnerships

4 Achieve A ‘Good’ school with ‘Outstanding’ features Ofsted March 2012 “Children have an excellent start to their schooling in the Nursery year where aspects of their learning are exemplary, and they make good progress throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage and Years 1 and 2, often from low starting points”. Sing Up, Arts Award, Healthy Schools, Children’s University, Charities, Eco Schools, School Council…

5 Excel We currently sit in the top 20% of schools for our pupils achievement at the end of reception We sit in the top 20% of schools for our pupils achievement at the end of KS1 in reading, writing and mathematics We encourage all children to excel in all subjects

6 How do we learn in the Early Years? Unique child Positive relationships Enabling environments Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates

7 Unique child Home visits and meetings with you and your child support us to find out about special people and things in their life When they start school they bring an ‘All about me’ book that you have made together which continues this support and helps us to continue to learn about them

8 Positive relationships Parents/Carers are welcomed into the classes in the morning to settle their child and talk to staff as well as share learning ‘Talking books’ continue this partnership once they start school ‘Tapestry’ – an online learning journey used by the school continues this partnership

9 Enabling environments All areas of learning can be taught and experienced both inside and outside Classrooms and outside areas are well resourced and the children are encouraged to care for them as part of school value –Responsibility

10 Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates Children have a short visit(with or without you) in the Summer term prior to starting school We offer a curriculum meeting in September to let you know more detail about our learning themes We send a ‘mid-term report’ in January We send a full record of achievement in June

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