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Section 2.1 and 2.2.  A-lkaline, alkaline earth, atoms, atomic number, atomic mass, actinoid, Anions  B-oron, basic, bonds, BOHR  C-ombine, chemical.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 2.1 and 2.2.  A-lkaline, alkaline earth, atoms, atomic number, atomic mass, actinoid, Anions  B-oron, basic, bonds, BOHR  C-ombine, chemical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 2.1 and 2.2

2  A-lkaline, alkaline earth, atoms, atomic number, atomic mass, actinoid, Anions  B-oron, basic, bonds, BOHR  C-ombine, chemical reaction, chemical bonds, chart, covalent bonds, compounds, Cations  D-ioxide, ‘di’atomic, Dalton  E-lectrons, electron cloud, elements  F-lorine, flora carbons, family  G-roup, gold  H-ydrogen, hydrogen bonds  I-ons, ionic bond, ISOTOPE  J- Iodine  K-Potassium  L-itium, lanthanoid  M-etals, magnesium, mercury, Mendeleev, molecule, metalloids  N-eutrons, negative, nucleus, noble gases, neutral, non-metals, neon, nitrogen  O-xygen, oxide, oxygen group, oxidation,  P-eriodic table, protrons, positive, period  Q- Quark  R-ow, radio active, Rutherford,  S-odium, silicone, ‘shell’, symbol  T-itanium, transition metals, Thompson  U-ranium  V-alence  W- Tungsten  X-enon  Y- Yttrium  Z-inc, zigzag

3  BIO.A.2.1.1 Describe the unique properties of water and how these properties support life on Earth  (e.g., freezing point, high specific heat, cohesion).

4  Atom  Proton  Neutron  Electron  Ionic Bond  Covalent Bond  Hydrogen Bond  Molecule  CHOPSN  Cohesion  Adhesion  Specific heat  Acid  Base  Solute  Solvent

5  Living things consist of atoms of different elements  Ions form when atoms gain or lose electrons  Atoms share pairs of electrons in covalent bonds

6 Type IResponse Box 1 List as many ‘points’ that pop into your head when you see this table. DO NOT LIST INDIVIDUAL ELEMENTS OR SPECIFIC NUMBERS.

7  The is the smallest basic unit of matter  Atoms are teeny tiny atom How Small Are Atoms?

8  There are three parts of a an atom Subatomic particle ChargeLocation _________PositiveNucleus _________NeutralNucleus _________NegativeSurrounding nucleus proton neutron electron

9  An is one particular type of, and it cannot be broken down into a simpler substance by ordinary chemical means  Gold  Aluminum  Helium elementatom

10  In biology, there are SIX very important elements  ________  Hydrogen  _________  Phosphorus  Sulfur  ________ CHOPSN carbon oxygen nitrogen ELEMENTS OF LIFE

11  The number of protons determines the of an element  Carbon: 6 protons  Oxygen: 8 protons  The number of determines the property of an element  Carbon: 6 electrons, 4 on OUTSIDE  Oxygen: 8 electrons, 6 on OUTSIDE identity electrons WHICH ELEMENT IS IT? HOW DOES IT ACT?

12 Label the diagram with 1)Protons 2)Neutrons 3)Electrons Then, determine the name of the element by writing the name ABOVE the diagram. In at least two sentences, describe how you determined the identity of the atom. Type I DRAW THE DIAGRAM AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS BELOW. Electrons(-) Protons(+) Neutrons Response Box 2

13  Atoms rarely are found alone in nature  They will do ANYTHING to get to electrons on the outside  Steal  Dump  Share 8



16 Think about the 4 elements that make up the MAJORITY of living things. List them and then describe how likely they are to bond with other elements. (Are they likely to give electrons away or take them from other elements?) Type I CHONCHON Response Box 3 4 valence electrons. Likely to bond in a VARIETY of ways 1 valence electrons. Likely to bond or ‘dump’ electron 6 valence electrons. Likely to bond to gain 2 electrons 5 valence electrons. Likely to bond to gain 3 electrons

17  A compound is a substance made of atoms of different bonded together  Result of sharing, stealing, or dumping electrons  Atoms bonded in a specific ratio elements

18 Organize the parts from smallest to largest Type I Neutron, Atom, Electron, Proton, Compound, Element, Electron, Proton/Neutron, Atom, Element, Compound Response Box 4

19  Carbon can form many various __________ to form  Carbohydrates  Proteins  Nucleic acids  Lipids bonds Crash Course - Carbon CARBON

20  __________________ are formed through the electrical force between oppositely charged ions  Opposites attract!  Ex: Salt aka sodium chloride (NaCl)  Positive sodium (Na + )  Negative chloride (Cl - ) Ionic bonds

21  Ions are atoms that have gained or lost one or more.  Results in a change in electrical charge  Gain e - becomes ________________  Lose e - becomes ________________ electrons negative positive

22  Not all atoms easily gain or lose their electrons!  Some atoms ___________ their electrons instead!  _____________ Bond: forms when atoms share a pair of electrons  Usually a very strong bond  Atoms may have several covalent bonds to share several electrons share Covalent

23  Molecule: two or more atoms held together by bonds  Ex: carbon dioxide (CO 2 )  Carbon atoms needs 4 electrons to fill outer level, oxygen needs two  Carbon shares with 2 oxygen! covalent


25 Both are Bonds Created by electrons Form Compounds Change Chemical Properties Dump/Steal Electrons Share Electrons Opposites attract Fill out shell NaCl CO 2 H 2 O Not as Strong as Covalent Stronger Bonds Word Bank for Venn Diagram

26 Both are Bonds Created by electrons Form Compounds Change Chemical Properties Dump/Steal Electrons Share Electrons Opposites attract Fill out shell NaCl CO 2 H 2 O Not as Strong as Covalent Stronger Bonds

27 1.What distinguishes one element from another? 2. Describe the formation of an ionic compound. 3. What is the difference between and ionic bond and a covalent bond? 4. How does a molecule differ from an atom?

28  Life depends on hydrogen bonds in water.  Many compounds dissolve in water.  Some compounds form acids or bases. Crash Course - Water

29 Organisms’ bodies, (their _____________), are made up of mostly ____________________ The water in cells gives the cell _______________ and ___________________ materials within organisms. All of the processes necessary for an organism’s life take place within the ______________________________ of the cell CELLS WATER STRUCTURE TRANSPORTS WATERY ENVIRONMENT

30 1.______________________ 2. ______________________ 3. ______________________ 1.HIGH SPECIFIC HEAT 2. COHESION 3. ADHESION

31 Negative Charge Positive Charge Water is a “______________” molecule Form when atoms in a molecule have ____________ pulls on the _____________ they share. Opposite charges of polar molecules can interact to form ____________________ bonds. An attraction between a slightly _______________ hydrogen atom and a slightly ______________ atom. (Usually _______________________________) Hydrogen bonds are part of the structures of _______________ and of ______________ Shared Electrons POLAR UNEQUAL ELECTRONS HYDROGEN POSITIVE NEGATIVE OXYGEN OR NITROGEN PROTEINS DNA Ted - water Polarity Makes Water Behave Strangely

32 Hydrogen bonds give water an abnormally ____________________________. Water __________________ changes in temperature because it must _____________ more ____________________ to increase in temperature. HIGH SPECIFIC HEAT RESISTS Absorb heat energy

33 Cohesion : the attraction among __________________ of the same substance. Cohesion from hydrogen bonds makes water molecules _____________________. Cohesion produces __________________, ( “skin on water” ) MOLECULES STICK TOGETHER SURFACE TENSION

34 Adhesion : the attraction among __________________ of ______________ substances. For example, water molecules stick to other things. Water in a test tube, (water is attracted to the ____________) MOLECULES DIFFERENT GLASS Capillary Action

35  How does water get to the leaves in the tops of the tallest trees against the force of gravity. Be sure to describe the type of molecules involved and name ALL of the properties of water that allow this phenomenon to occur. CAPILLARY ACTION is the process where water climbs up plants against gravity due to the cohesive and adhesive properties of water. Water is a polar molecule, meaning it has opposite charges at the molecule’s poles. In the ground, water ‘clumps’ together because the water molecules are attracted to each other because of their opposite charges. This attraction is known as COHESION. The bonds that are formed between polar molecules are called HYDROGEN BONDS. Water is also attracted to the cells of the plants because the plant cells are polar as well. The attraction between two different molecules, (water and plant), is called ADHESION. Once again, hydrogen bonds are formed between the plant cells and the water molecules. Hence, the water ‘climbs’ up the plant because of the attraction to the plant cells and water ‘flows’ up the tree because the hydrogen bonds between the water molecules ‘pull’ each other up the plant until they escape the leaves through evaporation,

36 Water is called the "universal solvent" because it dissolves more substances than any other liquid. This means that wherever water goes, either through the ground, the air, or THROUGH OUR BODIES, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals, and nutrients. WHY? __________________________________________ What needs to be dissolved in the body? Sugar Salt Food IT’S POLARITY

37  Describe the 3 unique properties of water and how they support life on Earth.

38 Materials such as ________________ and ____________ cannot be transported form one part of an organism to another unless they are dissolved in blood, plant sap, or other water based fluids. ______________: Mixture of a substance that is the same throughout. ___________: Substance that is present in the greater amount and dissolves another substance. ___________: Substance that dissolves in a solvent. SUGARS OXYGEN SOLUTION SOLVENT SOLUTE

39 Some compounds form ______________ or _____________ because they _______________ into _______________ when they dissolve in ___________. BASE : Compounds that release OH- ions from a solution ACID: Compounds that release a proton - a hydrogen ion(H+) – when it dissolves in water ACIDS BASES BREAK UP IONS WATER

40  Draw 5 molecules of water.  Show-with labels-the charges and hydrogen bonds between molecules  In your drawing, demonstrate why one side is positive and the other is negative.

41 1.How do polar molecules form hydrogen bonds? 2. What determines whether a compound will dissolve in water? 3. Compare acids and bases. 4. How do polar molecules differ from non-polar molecules? How does this difference affect their interactions? 5. Describe an example of cohesion or adhesion that you might observe during your daily life.

42 A detailed look at the process of polymerization

43  BIO.A.2.2.1 Explain how carbon is uniquely suited to form biological macromolecules. BIO.A.2.2.2 Describe how biological macromolecules form from monomers. BIO.A.2.2.3 Compare the structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in organisms  BIO.A.2.3.1 Describe the role of an enzyme as a catalyst in regulating a specific biochemical reaction.  BIO.A.2.3.2 Explain how factors such as pH, temperature, and concentration levels can affect enzyme function

44  ATP  Carbohydrates  Catalyst  Dehydration synthesis  Hydrolysis  lipid  Monomer  Nucleic acid  Polymer  Polymerization  Product  Protein  Reactant

45  ATP- ENERGY molecule needed by body cells  Carbohydrates- molecules made up carbon, hydrogen, oxygen (hydrates)  Catalyst- start chemical reactions and lowers the amount of energy needed to initiate reaction  Dehydration synthesis- putting something together by removing water  Hydrolysis- pulling something apart by adding water  Lipid- fatty molecule  Monomer- one molecule  Nucleic acid- genetic information  Polymer- many molecules, (macromolecules)  Polymerization- process of taking monomers and making polymers  Product- outcome/result of a chemical reaction  Protein- polymer made up of amino acids  Reactant- parts involved in a chemical reaction

46  Building large molecules (_________) from smaller ones (__________) Several step process polymers monomers ALL KINDS OF POLYMERS

47  Polymer or Monomer?

48 Both are _____________ glucose

49 together

50 enzyme

51  This __________ carries out a reaction between the two monomers enzyme Dehydration synthesis ___________ ___________: Joins two molecules together by REMOVING _______ AKA: condensation reaction water

52 ________ H2OH2O

53 REMEMBER, DIMER MEANS ________! two

54  The enzyme can carry out numerous dehydration synthesis reactions until a macro ___________ is created  EX: ______________ Each one of these monomers is ___________ molecule starch glucose

55 You better believe it!

56  Process called ____________. hydrolysis “ __________” means water “ __________” means to split or loosen This enzyme works by _________ water to a polymer General process name: depolymerization turning polymers back into monomers hydro lysis adding


58 What was previous a dimer is now two ______________ again monomers

59  Carbon atoms have unique bonding properties.  Four main types of carbon-based molecules are found in living things.

60 ____________________ PROTEIN LIPIDS CARBOHYDRATES ATP NUCLEIC ACID Crash Course – You are what you eat Bozeman – Molecules of life

61  Each subunit of a complete carbon- based molecule is called a ______________  A _____________ is a large molecule, or macromolecule, made of many monomers bonded together  Monomers of a polymer may be the same (ex. Starches)  Or different (proteins) monomer polymer


63 1. Amino Acids are to proteins as nucleotides are to ____________________. 2. Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen are to carbohydrates as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfer, and nitrogen are to ________________ 3. Glucose is to monosaccaride as ____________________ is to polysaccaride. 4. Amino acid is to 5. DNA is to nucleic acid as ____________________________ is to protein

64  Carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, ______________, and oxygen  Include sugars & starches  Can be broken down to provide useable energy for cells  Major part of plant cell structure  The most basic carbs are simple sugars, _______________________  Polysaccharides are ______________ of monosaccharides hydrogen monosaccharides polymers Bozeman - Carbohydrates


66  Proteins are the most varied of the carbon- based molecules in organisms  Have a role in movement, eyesight, digestion,etc  A protein is a polymer made of monomers called amino acids  _________________ are molecules that contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur  Organisms use 20 different amino acids to build proteins  The body makes 12 of the 20, the other 8 come from food Amino acids Bozeman - Proteins


68  Lipids are nonpolar molecules that include fats, oils, and cholesterol  Contain chains of carbon bonded to oxygen & hydrogen  Energy storage  Phospholipids make up _____________________  ________________ are chains of carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms.  Saturated fatty acids have single carbon-carbon bonds (solid @ room temp)  Unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon- carbon bonds (liquid @ room temp) Fatty acids cell membrane Bozeman - Lipids



71 You Are What You Eat: Organic Molecules


73  Detailed instructions to build proteins are stored in extremely long carbon-based molecules called nucleic acids  ____________________ are polymers that are made up of monomers called nucleotides Nucleic acids HAVE ALL INFO NEEDED TO MAKE __________. “_______________” OF LIFE. BUILDING BLOCKS OF _____________. TWO TYPES: ________ AND _______. PROTEIN BLUE PRINT NUCLEOTIDES DNA RNA Bozeman – Nucleic acids


75 1.What is the relationship between a polymer and a monomer? 2. Explain how both nucleic acids and proteins are polymers. Be sure to describe the monomers that make up the polymers. 3. How are carbohydrates and lipids similar? How are they different? 4. Explain how the bonding properties of carbon atoms result in the large variety of carbon-based molecules in living things? Monomers are the basic units of organic compounds that make up Polymers, (which are macromolecules of organic compounds) Nucleic acids are made up of the monomers called nucleotides and proteins are made up of the monomers called amino acids. Therefore they are both polymers. Both carbohydrates and lipids are made up of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. They differ in the way they provide organisms energy: Carbs provide short term energy, and lipids provide long term energy. (Diagrams-carbs are arranged in ‘rings’ and lipids are long carbon ‘chains’ Because carbon has four electrons in its outer energy level, it allows carbon to be versatile with bonding properties. Carbon can bond in several arrangements: chains, branches, and rings. It can form single and double covalent bonds.

76  Describe the unique characteristics of carbon that allow it form biological macromolecules

77  Explain how you would identify each macromolecule by looking at a diagram of the macromolecule.

78 Chemical Reactions

79  Bonds break and form during chemical reactions.  Chemical reactions release or absorb energy.

80  Bonds & during chemical reactions  Plant/Animal cells break down sugars to get usable energy  Cells build protein molecules by bonding amino acids together  Chemical reactions change substances into different substances by breaking and forming chemical bonds breakform SPEED UP CHEMICAL REACTIONS WHILE GETTING A DATE FOR DANCE

81  are the substance changed during a chemical reactions  Oxygen (O 2 ) & Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 )  are the substances made by a chemical reaction  Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) & Water (H 2 O) 6O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 6 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O Reactants Products

82  Energy is __________ to break bonds in molecules  Energy is ___________ when bonds are formed needed released

83  Generous chemical RXNs that release more energy than they absorb  = reaction  Excess energy is the difference in bond energy between the reactants and products  Excess energy is often released as heat or light Cellular respiration releases usable energy for your cells & heat! Exothermic

84  Greedy chemical RXNs that absorb more energy than they release  = reaction In photosynthesis, plants absorb energy from sunlight and use that to make sugars and carbohydrates Endothermic

85  Some energy must first be absorbed by the reactants in ANY chemical reaction  The amount of energy needed will vary  is the amount of energy that needs to be absorbed for a chemical reaction to start  Push a rock up a hill Activation energy

86 1.Hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) breaks down into water (H 2 O) and oxygen (O 2 ). Explain why this is a chemical reaction. What are the reactants and the products in the reaction? 2. How does energy related to the formation and breaking of bonds? 3. How do endothermic and exothermic reactions differ?

87 Enzymes Enzyme Animation Bozeman - Enzymes

88  A catalyst lowers activation energy.  Enzymes allow chemical reactions to occur under tightly controlled conditions.

89  To start a chemical RXN, activation energy is necessary  The reaction may happen very slowly  Reactants may not interact enough, may not be high enough concentration  Activation energy & rate of a chemical reaction can be changed by a chemical catalyst  A catalyst is a substance that _______________ the activation energy needed to start a reaction  Also increases the ________ of the reaction decreases rate


91  _____________ are catalysts for reactions in living things  Lower the activation energy  Increase the rate of the reaction  Do not effect chemical equilibrium Does not change the direction of the reaction  Almost all enzymes are  Depend on their structure to function correctly  Conditions such as temperature and pH can affect the function Enzymes proteins

92  An enzyme’s structure is vital because their shape allows only certain reactants to bind to the enzyme  The specific reactants that an enzyme acts on are called substrates  Substrates bind to enzymes at specific places called  Substrates exactly fit the active sites of enzymes, like a key exactly fits a lock  This is why if an enzyme’s structure changes, it may not work active sites

93 Quia Quiz Enzyme Song

94 1.How does a catalyst affect the activation energy of a chemical reaction? 2. Describe how the interaction between an enzyme and its substrates changes a chemical reaction. 3. Some organisms live in very hot or very cold acidic environments. Would their enzymes function in a person’s cells? Why or why not? 4. Suppose that the amino acids that make up an enzyme’s active site are changed. How might this change affect the enzyme?

95  Explain how changes in environment impacts an enzyme Be sure to include the terms: denature, active site, substrate, pH, and temperature.

96 Monomer

97 Polymer

98 Function

99 Elements

100 Put them all together!

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