TXF 4998 PROJEK ILMIAH Title: An efficient framework of distribution and collaboration in Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Name: Norlaele bt.

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Presentation on theme: "TXF 4998 PROJEK ILMIAH Title: An efficient framework of distribution and collaboration in Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Name: Norlaele bt."— Presentation transcript:

1 TXF 4998 PROJEK ILMIAH Title: An efficient framework of distribution and collaboration in Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) Name: Norlaele bt Hassan Matric No: 021469 Supervisor: En.Suhailan bin Dato’Hj.Safei

2 1.0INTRODUCTION  What the EDMS? - EDMS is an electronic document management system. - Process all of the document electronically such as creation, storing, archiving, destruction and manipulation.  Common issues in EDMS which are: - location - filing - retrieval - security - distribution

3 Cont …  The benefits in existing EDMS of distribution and collaboration: - saving an amount time - reduced paper storage - increase sharing and distribution an information - greater collaboration with other people  The weaknesses of EDMS can be specified such as: - storage issues - accessibility issues - inaccurate transfer of document

4 1.1Problem statement 1) Distribution - Privacy issues when recepient can’t choose the distribution method for themselves. 2) Status of collaboration - Realtime progress monitoring of the documents is it, in progress or no action. 3) Automated synchronization of change request (spelling focused) using criterias.

5 1.2Objectives 1) Create an efficient framework of distribution and collaboration in EDMS. 2) Introduce a synchronization model to track spelling correction in distributed enviroment. 3) Develop a prototype to visualize the framework of distribution and collaboration.

6 1.3Scope study  The research scope is to study problems/issues in EDMS focusing on the distribution and collaboration module.  Based on the study, an efficient framework for distribution and collaboration in EDMS will be produced to solve the issues.  Develop a prototype to implement and test the efficiency of the proposed framework.

7 2.0COMPARISON/ANALYSIS 2.1 EDMS background  The earliest EDMS were either developed to manage proprietary file types, or a limited number of file formats.  Many of these systems were later referred to as document imaging systems, because the main capabilities were capture, storage, indexing and retrieval of image file formats.  These systems enabled an organization to capture faxes and forms, save copies of the documents as images, and store the image files in the repository for security and quick retrieval.  EDMS evolved to where the system was able to manage any type of file format that could be stored on the network.  The applications grew to encompass electronic documents, collaboration tools, security, and auditing capabilities.

8 Cont…  EDMS have basic components which are: - Capture documents into system - Methods for storing and archiving documents. - Indexing and retrieval to locate documents - Distribution for exporting documents from the system - Security to protect documents from unauthorized access - Workflow - Collaboration

9 2.2Common distribution and collaboration features in EDMS ENAGE Korean http://en.enage.com eB DM San Diego,USA http://www.enterpriseinformatics.com Distribution - Document's distribution to other user through Internal Email - Document profile management; who/when/how a document was changed. Collaboration - use check in/out to prevent the corresponding document from being redundantly modified. Distribution - Notes and email notifications notes of the document through email or SMS. - Offers complete control over document distribution and circulation. - Notifies holders of copies about changes, and notifies when the document return dates have been exceeded. Collaboration - use change request to allow user to comment, then the document owner will grant the comment.

10 2.3SWOT Analysis Strengths - Document’s distribution to the user through e-mail, SMS and routing. - Use check in/out to prevent the corresponding document from being redundantly modified. - Use change request to allow user to comment, then the document owner will grant the comment. Weaknesses - Limitation of distribution issues; inbox storage and server storage. - Privacy issues; client can’t control his own distribution method. - Not automatically synchronize the comments. Opportunity - Allow client choose his own distribution method. - Automated synchronization of change request. - Realtime/concurent the status of collaboration. Threats - None

11 3.0RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  Analysis method:- - SWOT analysis - Observation  Prototyping:- - Spiral Model  Evaluation method:- - Pilot testing

12 4.0MODELLING 1) Evalutionary D&C Model 2) Distributed Spelling Correction (DSC) Algorithm 3) Prototype for Distribution framework model

13 1)Evolutionary D&C Model

14 2)DSC Algorithm

15 5.0 CONTRIBUTION/RESULT  Enable and more efficient to use for organizational process in distribution and collaboration of all the documents.  The feedback/response of the documents in EDMS so fast, easy collaboration synchronization and reliable distribution.  A prototype that can test the efficiency of framework model.

16 5.0CONCLUSION  The use of EDMS with an efficient of distribution and collaboration, better security measures for distribution of the document, decreases average time of case processing and collaboration. A good EDMS is one of the best way to streamline organization process and increase productivity.

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