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WOMEN’S MINISTRIES DEPARTMENT. Objectives of the Women’s Ministries Department  To foster spiritual growth and renewal among women  Affirm that women.

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2 Objectives of the Women’s Ministries Department  To foster spiritual growth and renewal among women  Affirm that women are of inestimable worth by virtue of their creation and redemption, and to equip them for service in the church.  Minister to the broad spectrum of women’s needs across their lifespan.  Liaise and co-operate with other specialized departments of the church to facilitate the ministry to women and of women.

3  Build goodwill among women in the World Church that encourages bonds of friendship, mutual support, and the creative exchange of ideas and information.  Mentor and encourage Seventh-day Adventist women, creating paths for their involvement in the church as they reach for their potential in Christ.  Find ways and means to challenge each Seventh-day Adventist woman to use her spiritual gifts to complement the talents of others as they work side by side to further the global mission of the church. END OF OBJECTIVES.

4 Current Status  The department is growing steadily and being established, although the rate could be faster.  Out of the 24 Districts in the Lusaka Conference some churches have elected leaders under this department. We, therefore, would like to encourage that the remaining Districts put leadership in place.

5 Growth Status  Following the separation of the two Conferences, the quarterly report at the end of March will indicate the growth status in the Lusaka Conference. We expect to capture the activities which are taking place in the Conference as they are reported.

6 Growth Activities  The International Women’s Day of Prayer material for this day which falls on the first Sabbath of March will be distributed annually in the Lusaka Conference. So far three Districts namely Kabulonga, Libala and Shorthorn, allow women speakers to preach during the main service. We also encourage church members to join civic march pasts.  The WM Emphasis Day, which is set aside to emphasise the activities of the Department is also celebrated on the second Sabbath of June, also using material from the General Conference. Women preachers are again allowed to preach in the three Districts on this day.

7  Congresses, Prayer Breakfasts and Retreats are activities we encourage women to organize and hold at an increased level because these are the training ground for all women generally, as they each take place once a year. The more frequent training programmes are for training of Leaders (Trainers), who in turn will hold Seminars at their churches to share he information gained. So far 100 women in the conference are paid up to attend the SID Congress which is taking place in Zimbabwe in April  Support Groups and Projects i. Widows and young women have been organized in Districts and are supporting abused orphans and their babies. ii. Projects that answer the Six Critical Issues namely Poverty Alleviation, Abuse, Lack of training for women, illiteracy, Woman’s workload and Threats to health, are also being encouraged. Uniforms and books are being bought for 2 orphans and a ward has been adopted at the Cancer Hospital.

8 Leadership/Empowerment  We will hold Leadership Certification Seminars from Level 1 to 3 in this year.  Departmental Promotional Seminars will be held in all Districts.  An SID WM Congress will be held in Harare in April this year.  A Retreat will be held in July this year.

9 Goals/Way Forward  An ernest appeal to the District Pastors is that they assist in arresting the competition among women in the church by:

10  Not allowing programmes to collide i.e. running or allowing one of the groups to go out of vicinity while the other has a programme, but teach members to support each other.  Districts without WM Leaders should continue to talk to women positively about the Department and woe them to take up the challenge.

11  Pastors should ensure the election of Leaders for the Departments of Women, Children and Health Ministries. In the absense of these leaders the Pastor will be required to outline what activities women and children are performing in their Districts.  Arrange for a Departmental Promotion day in all churches in the first quarter for Women and Children. You may call the Conference Director to assist if need be.  When training lay preachers please encourage women to enroll.

12  Please encourage bonds of friendship amongst women Leaders at all levels.  When problems arise amongst women kindly arbitrate.  Create pathways by calling deliberate meetings for all women where you can highlight the need for love and unity.

13  Attend women’s Ministries meetings and give guidelines.  District Pastors are to ensure that the Leaders of the Departments of Women, Children and Health prepare their quarterly reports without fail and on time, for onward submission to the Conference. Pastors should initiate training for the women in the church as they identify a need.

14 Vision  The spiritual vision of Women’s Ministries is to know Jesus passionately and to serve and disciple other women.  The strategies we are applying to also realize the Theme of Ministry for Every Woman; Lift Up Christ, Touch a Heart and Tell the World, which is the focus of how the gospel of Jesus Christ will be shared by the Adventist women in the Lusaka Conference will be to ensure:

15  That women will grow spiritually through participation in daily Bible Study and Spirit of Prophecy reading and other programmes.  That women will be enabled to be nurturers of new members and visitors in the church and community.  That Revival and Reformation will be embraced.

16  That training and certifying all Women’s and Children’s Ministries Leaders by using the GCWM /GCCHM Leadership Certification Programmes Levels 1-4 annually will be pursued.  That training of women in the local churches in aspects of evangelism will take place, using “The Outreach is for Everyone”, Women’s Ministries Evangelism Manual.

17  That young women will be ministered to through mentoring programmes.  That an effort to have women trained in aspects of HIV/AIDS will be made.

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