Story: Drafting Lesson 115. Introduction Which beginning was your favorite? Why? Which ending was your favorite? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Story: Drafting Lesson 115. Introduction Which beginning was your favorite? Why? Which ending was your favorite? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Story: Drafting Lesson 115

2 Introduction Which beginning was your favorite? Why? Which ending was your favorite? Why?

3 Story: Revising Lesson 116

4 Introduction Do you think most writers send their stories to be published without looking over them first?

5 Introduction What do we call making changes to improve a piece of writing?

6 Revising Checklist 1.Does the story have a beginning, middle, and end? 2.Does the beginning of the story make you want to keep reading?

7 Revising Checklist 3.Does the story have a satisfying ending? 4.Could the story use more colorful words?

8 Story: Proofreading Lesson 117

9 Introduction Does my title follow the rules given in the song? Are the first and last words in my title capitalized?

10 Introduction Did I capitalize any little words that should not be capitalized?

11 Proofreading Checklist 1.I put a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence. 2.I put a punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.

12 Proofreading Checklist 3.I used capital letters correctly within the sentences. 4.I looked for misspelled words. 5.I indented the beginning of each paragraph.

13 Proofreading Marks Λ Add Delete Capital letter Move

14 Story: Publishing Lesson 118

15 Introduction An anthology is a collection of writings, usually by many different writers.

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