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Crysti Burnette & Jordan Cayton ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2008 Grade Level: 4 th grade Pen Pal Letters.

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Presentation on theme: "Crysti Burnette & Jordan Cayton ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2008 Grade Level: 4 th grade Pen Pal Letters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crysti Burnette & Jordan Cayton ECED 4300 C Dr. Tonja Root Spring 2008 Grade Level: 4 th grade Pen Pal Letters

2 Jordan Cayton Stage of writing: Prewriting GPS: ELA4W4. The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. PLO: Students will prewrite effectively through creating a pen pal letter.

3 Crysti Burnette Stage of writing: Drafting GPS: ELA4W4. The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student a. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. PLO: Students will draft effectively through creating a pen pal letter.

4 GPS: ELA4W4. The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student b. Revises selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text. PLO: Students will revise through adding, changing, deleting, and rearranging their pen pal letters. Stage of writing: Revising

5 GPS: ELA4W4. The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student c. Edits to correct errors in spelling, punctuation, etc. PLO: Students will edit their pen pal letters using a checklist of mechanics. Stage of writing: Editing

6 Form of Writing: Pen Pal Letters Writing letters important skill to learn and maintain necessary later in life Introducing pen pal letters allows students to practice the writing process communicate with a friend Fourth graders write with a purpose learning about different topics of interest developing their own likes and dislikes

7 Pen Pal Letter


9 Title: A Third Grader’s Cluster and Pen Pal Letter Author: Allison Tompkins, G.E. (2005). Language arts: Patterns of practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. Pen Pal Letter Citations Title: Pen Pal Program, between Minnesotan and Kambi student via e-mail Author: Francis Mwaura, R. M. (2006). Pen pal program. Retrieved April 11, 2008, from Kambi Primary School Web site:

10 Stage of Writing: Prewriting During this stage of writing, you are: getting your thoughts together thinking about areas and topics putting them on paper determining the form, purpose or function, topic, audience, and graphic organizer

11 Prewriting Practice Activity Shared Pen Activity: you will come to the front of the room to the flip chart you will help fill out the graphic organizer you will write: 2 things about you, 1 thing that is new, 1 thing about school, 1 thing about your family, 1 hobby, and 2 questions we will post this paper on the board for the next stage of writing, drafting

12 ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Prewriting Assessment Activity you will be given the graphic organizer you will fill out the graphic organizer use your prewriting organizer to make complete sentences consider the audience, form, and criteria you will need to include: 2 things about you, 1 thing that is new, 1 thing about school, 1 thing about your family, 1 hobby, and 2 questions

13 Topics: The Building Blocks for Prewriting a Pen Pal Letter School : Hobby: Question: Something about me: Something new: Form: Purpose or function: Audience: Topics: The Building Blocks for Prewriting a Pen Pal Letter Something about me: Something about my family: Hobby: Question: Something about School Something new: Cayton, J. (2008). The building blocks for prewriting. Prewriting

14 Form: Pen Pal Letter Purpose or function: To write a letter informing, and/or entertaining my pen pal. Audience: My pen pal, Sally Topics: The Building Blocks for Prewriting a Pen Pal Letter Cayton, J. (2008). The building blocks for prewriting. Topics: Something about me: Something about my family: Hobby: Question: Something about School Something new: Blonde hair Glasses Baseball Like chocolate and playing with friends Braces on teeth Good at math1 Sister Like to do? Favorite things? Prewriting In this prewriting graphic organizer, we: filled out brief information that will help us to remember what we want to talk about who we are writing to why we are writing

15 Stage of Writing: Drafting During this stage of writing, you are: using the prewriting stage’s graphic organizer as a guide writing down ideas into complete sentences using the “Building a Pen Pal Letter” graphic organizer not worrying about spelling or grammar

16 ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Draft Practice Activity Shared Pen Activity: you will come to the flip board you will help fill out the drafting graphic organizer “Building a Pen Pal Letter” use your collective prewriting graphic organizer to include all everything needed for the draft focus on writing your ideas into sentences, not on mechanics

17 ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Drafting Assessment Activity you will use the “Building a Pen Pal Letter” graphic organizer use your prewriting graphic organizer to include everything needed for the draft focus on writing your ideas into sentences, not on mechanics

18 ________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ________ _______________________ Drafting

19 Parker, C.E. (2007). 30 graphic organizers with lessons and transparencies. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Educational Publishing. Drafting In this drafting graphic organizer, we: used our prewriting organizer wrote in complete sentences did not worry about mechanics

20 Stage of Writing: Revising During this stage of writing, you are: revising your pen pal letters paying close attention to content adding, deleting, changing, or rearranging your draft

21 Revising Practice Activity Shared Pen Activity: you will help make revisions look at the content of the pen pal letter add, change, move, or delete information consider the requirements made in the prewriting organizer focus on revising the content, not changing the grammatical errors

22 Revising Assessment Activity you will make revisions to your draft look at the content of the pen pal letter add, change, move, or delete information consider the requirements made in the prewriting organizer focus on revising the content, not changing the grammatical errors

23 Parker, C. E. (2007). 30 graphic organizers with lessons and transparencies. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Educational Publishing. Revising

24 Parker, C. E. (2007). 30 graphic organizers with lessons and transparencies. Huntington Beach, CA: Shell Educational Publishing. Revising Good Job! You have more than 2 things about yourself and your hobby! Add something about your family. move question here Good, there are two questions and something about school! Add something new. Change your closing to ‘hope to hear from you soon’. We need to: Read over the draft Make comments Green = good Yellow = add or move Red = delete or change

25 Stage of Writing: Editing During this stage of writing, you are: editing your pen pal letters paying close attention to mechanics grammar, spelling, punctuation, and letter formation making use of proofreader’s marks

26 Editing Practice Activity Shared Pen Activity: you will help edit the class pen pal letter read the letter word-by-word to find spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph formation use proofreader’s marks you will come up to the letter use the symbols you will be lead through the editor’s checklist

27 Editing Assessment Activity you will edit your pen pal letter read the letter word-by-word to find spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and paragraph formation use proofreader’s marks use the editor’s checklist

28 Editing My name is Christi. I have blonde hair and glasses. I just got braces! I have one sibling. Her name is charlotte. I like to play outside with my friends and eat chocolate! What do you like to do? I am really good at math and playing baseball. What are some of your favorite thins? Hope to hear from you soon, Christi We need to: read over it looking for mistakes use the symbols below My name is Christi. I have blonde hair and glasses. I just got braces I have one sibling. Her name is charlotte. I like to play outside with my friends and eat chocolate! What do you like to do? I am really good at math and playing baseball. What are some of your favoritethings? Hope to hear from you soon, Christi

29 Editing We need to: use the editor’s checklist Editor’s Checklist:  All the words are spelled correctly.  The first line of each new paragraph is indented.  The first word in all sentences starts with a capital letter.  Proper nouns that name a specific person, place, or thing have been capitalized.  Each sentence ends with a punctuation mark.  Commas are used in any series of three or more things (apples, oranges, and pears).  Commas connect the parts of compound sentences.  I reread the document carefully for all errors. My name is Christi. I have blonde hair and glasses. I just got braces I have one sibling. Her name is charlotte. I like to play outside with my friends and eat chocolate! What do you like to do? I am really good at math and playing baseball. What are some of your favoritethings? Hope to hear from you soon, Christi

30 Helpful Links

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